
asp.net TabPanel call c# function in code behind

Hello! I'm wondering if someone can help me with this. I have three TabPanels depending on which tab is clicked I would like to call a different c# function to display different content. I know I could just run all the functions when the page loads but this seems messy. I'm sure there is a way to do this but I'm not having much look. It...

jQuery Autocomplete or Ajax AutoCompleteExtender

What's benefit using jQuery Autocomplete over Ajax AutoCompleteExtender? Can some one explains the benefits one over another? ...

Redirect to Denied page after Ajax Login

Hi, folks, In my asp.net website i use Ajax login(that the part of standart Ajax Extension for asp.net). When i don't login and try to access to the denied page, i got redirected to page http://mywebsite.com/AccessDenied.aspx?ReturnUrl=/Admin/default.aspx, after i've logged in and have permission to access denied page, i still stayed ...

Unknown web method when using ajaxtoolkit:AutoCompleteExtender

Hi, Ik i use an ajaxtoolkit:AutoCompleteExtender on my page (ProductIndex.aspx) and use a scriptmethod in my codebehind i get an 500 Internal Server Error. The response in firebug is: POST http://slappebodem/Slappebodem/ProductIndex.aspx/GetCompletionList Response: Unknown web method GetCompletionList.Parameter name: m...

Selecting from an accordion control (ajaxtoolkit)

I would like to have an accordion control that I can select from. The best way I can describe this is with a picture- http://lh5.ggpht.com/_4AHxBGhAhe0/TDQEC_1RXtI/AAAAAAAABMk/AE84nPTeyrg/s800/Untitled.gif (cant post img) I have this built, but it does not work... It is within a wizard(step). Upon moving on from this step I want to sto...

Ajax TabContainer Question

Question: I added an ajax tabcontainer control to my aspx page, the first tab appears, but not the second or third tabs appear when I click on it? Can anyone help? ...

Ajax TabContainer Question: Accessing web controls on the client side

What is the best way to reference controls from the clientside from within a TabPanel? I've tried using jQuery and javascript both has failed me. I've tired using the find method, but still no luck... SchoolSectionID refers to a div element within one of my TabPanel controls. for (var a = 1; a < 4; a++) { var SelectControlID = "...

AjaxToolkit for 3.5 not working

I am trying to use ajaxtool kit downloaded from here for colorpicker. When i tries to use this on any of my page, it shows me an error This page is missing a HtmlHead control which is required for the CSS stylesheetlink that is being added. Please add <head runat="server" />. What can be the reason. I am using ToolScriptMa...

Ajax Control Toolkit Modal Popup Extender Target Control Causes Postback

When I click the button to open the modal popup it shows the popup but then continues and forces a postback causing the page to reload and the modal popup to be hidden again. Here is the markup for the control: <asp:Button id="LoginOpenButton" runat="server" Text="Login"/> <asp:Panel ID="ContentPanel" runat="server" CssClass="moda...

Difference Between MS Ajax with JS and Ajax

Hey my Question is What is The Difference Between MS Ajax n Simple Ajax library. is Ms Ajax contain the JavaScript in it and what are the feature enhance with the addition of JS in it. Share link about the Differences. ...

modal popup in asp.net

hi, i am using modal popup for adding filter criteria.in that i have two dropdownlists and one Add button. i have used two Updatepanels for two dropdownlists when i click on Add button,the popup gets disappered.i think the page is getting refreshed. I want to display successful message in that popup only. for this i have put button ins...

How to change ConfirmText of a ConfirmButtonExtender inside a GridView?

How can I have a different text in ConfirmText of a ConfirmButtonExtender that is inside a GridView. I want to have a different text depending on the Item that I select. Is this doable? ...

ajax tool kit integration problem

how can i register my ajax tool kit, i downloaded a 3.5.40412.0 version(for 2008 and 2.0 dot net ) and integrated it as per the direction but after putting script manager to aspx page it says it doesn't recognize the tag do i need to register it if so then where and how can i register this to my project is it any thing to do with web.co...

is it manadatory to install Ajax extensions in deployment server ?

Hi, I have installed Ajax in my local machine for development (VS 2005). its working fine in local machie. when i deploy the code in server its throwing an error stating ` "Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The syst...

<ajaxToolkit:ReorderList> is not draggable in IE8 and chrome.

ajaxtoolkit ReorderList is not working in IE 8.Can not drag it in IE 8.But It is working in IE 7 and Fire fox.Please help me.I want to make it to work in IE 8.That is my client requirement.I have done lot of developments on this an it is not possible to turn to another one. ...

opening an attachment in <ASP: UpdatePanel throw this error....

*Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled. Details: Error parsing near '�PNG '.* if...

'window.debug.isDebug' is null or not an object

Dear all, I have a Page that conatains a panel and an animation extender attached to it, when a button is clicked the panel appears but it gives me the above error in the title.. I know there's something wrong with the animation extender but really i don't have any idea from where to start thanks in advance. ...

ModalPopupExtender with DOCTYPE HTML 4.1

The ModalPopupExtender works fine when I have DOCTYPE of XHTML 1.0 But when i use DOCTYPE of HTML 4.1, The popup is displayed on top left and is disabled. I found a solution to this problem at http://blog.rameshbhaskar.com/2008/03/03/fixing-modalpopupextender-doctype-problems/ but unfortunately this works with a very old version ...

Ajax Calendarexternder with previous days disabled

Hello, I am working with Ajax's CalendarExtender and this is what I would like to accomplish. I want to have a text and when a user clicks on the text box, I would like to pop up calendar with previous disabled (crossed out). Would someone know or link to this sample code? Thank you. ...

Collapsible panel inside GridView

I'm developing an ASP.NET 3.5 web application using C# with AjaxToolkKit. I have a following question. How can I put a collapsible panel inside GridView to make a master and detail list that expands to display the detail panel when view link in a row is clicked? This is something similar to the download list in MSDN page. Thanks ...