
PHP getimagesize with ampersand in string creates errors

I'm using the getimagesize function in PHP, and the path string contains an ampersand, which otherwise is fine. The page gives me errors where getimagesize() is called. Looking at the source code, though, I see the ampersand is being passed through as & rather than just & I presume this is causing errors because PHP doesn't need to conv...

Possible to have ampersands ("&") in URL BEFORE the query string?

My client is determined to have a page at /nfm&t so I made a directory named nfm&t with an index.html (to test) and that URL is still throwing a 404. So apparently it's not that easy. Any ideas? Or is there a way to just redirect nfm&t to nfmt, so that the URL at least resolves? This is a Windows server, by the way, which throws a wren...

mysql full text search ampersand (&) Problem

How can I serach word with "&" using mysql full text search ? There are words string, like "Marks & Spencer", "at&t" in my tables , serach "at&t", but can't find it on the database using mysql full text search Any ways to serach word with "&"? ...

script validation error

Hi, there is a script in my html tag <script type="text/javascript"> function setTaxDisplay(display) { window.location.href += (window.location.href.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?') + 'taxInclude=' + display; } </script> When passed to validation It returns that the ampersand there isn't valid, but it's absolutely vital to the func...

weird usage of "&" for a novice c++ programmer

I have some code here, and don't really understand the ">>" and the "&". can someone clarify? buttons[0] = indata[byteindex]&1; buttons[1] = (indata[byteindex]>>1)&1; rawaxes[7] = (indata[byteindex]>>4)&0xf; ...

ampersand problem with wordpress categories

I have an array of categories, some with an & i.e. events & entertainment. My script imports these categories and gets the ID of each using its name. i.e.: $cat_id = array(get_cat_id($linearray[0]),get_cat_id($linearray[1]),get_cat_id($linearray[2]),get_cat_id($linearray[3])); My script then adds a post to wp using these category ID's. M...

Literal ampersands in System.Uri query string

I'm working on a client app that uses a restful service to look up companies by name. It's important that I'm able to include literal ampersands in my queries since this character is quite common in company names. However whenever I pass %26 (the URI escaped ampersand character) to System.Uri, it converts it back to a regular ampersand ...

Ampersand in sqlite query

How to construct sqlite query containing ampersand in filter: SELECT id FROM mediainfo WHERE album="Betty & Kate"; I use sqlite C interface (sqlite3_bind_text() and ? marks while query building) but neither C query nor SQLite Administrator return any data ...

Is the following valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional?

The w3c validator service complains that the following html is invalid. It does not like the ampersand(&) in my javascript. But ampersands are allowed in javascript strings, aren't they? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3...

PHP Ampersand in String

Hello. I'm having a bit of a problem. I am trying to create an IRC bot, which has an ampersand in its password. However, I'm having trouble putting the ampersand in a string. For example... <?php $var = "g&abc123"; echo $var; ?> I believe this should print g&abc123. However it's printing g. I have tried this as well: <?php $arr =...

Can't pass in "%26" to a WebGet UriTemplate variable in a WCF service?

I have a WCF service with this declared operation: [WebGet(UriTemplate = "Test/{*testString}")] public String Test(String testString) { return testString; } However when attempting to invoke the URL Test/You%26Me, IIS returns an error: A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (&). My goal is to al...

XSLT: Define a param with & ampersand

Hi, I need to define a xsl:param with a string that contains & character for further processing. For example: <xsl:param name="greeting" as="xs:string">Hi & Bye</xsl:param> Important Notice: I am using a xslt converter component in a webservice tool. What I do, is that I just initialize the param and as the webservice is called the...

confusion in scanf() with & operator

why do we need to put a & operator in scanf() for storing values in an integer array and not while storing a string in a char array? i.e int a[5]; for(i=0;i<5;i++) scanf("%d",&a[i]); but char s[5]; scanf("%s",s); ? we need to pass in the address of the place we store the value,since array is a pointer to first element so in the case wi...

Jquery, ajax and the ampersand conundrum....

I know that I should encodeURI any url passed to anything else, because I read this: I want to share the current time of the current track I am listening to. So I installed the excellent yoururls shortener. And I have a bit of code that puts all the bits together, and makes the following:...

How can I stop action_cache from unescaping my ampersands?

I'm generating html and js to send to my page via AJAX. That part works great - everything renders fine, and my ampersands are escaped. When I user action_cache, the data in the cache file has un-escaped ampersands in the textual portions of my html (links remain escaped). So, it breaks when it tries to update the page. Why does the c...

SQL query search ampersand &

Need to write a SQL query to search special character in a column. Text needed to search is 'R&D' but issue is that SQL server 2005 is taking it as a logical operator. Any help? ...

How to return a class variable as a reference (&/ampersand) in PHP?

This is sample of my code. class SomeClass extends SomeOtherClass { function __construct($input) { parent::__construct($input); $this->conn = new mysqli('a','b','c','d'); } function getConnection() { return &$this->conn; } } My main object is that i want to return the MySQLi connection by referencing it instead of creating another ...

C# ASP.NET HttpWebRequest automatically decodes ampersand (&) values from query string?

Assume the following Url: "http://server/application1/TestFile.aspx?Library=Testing&amp;Filename=Documents & Functions + Properties.docx&Save=true" I use HttpUtility.UrlEncode() to encode the value of the Filename parameter and I create the following Url: "http://server/application1/TestFile.aspx?Library=Testing&amp;Filename=Document...

Ampersand as hashmap key not working in Java?

I'm using a 'Properties' class in Java which inherits from HashMap. I'm building a basic compiler in hashmap. I know it can be simplified using something besides a hashmap. Here is the my code... Properties inputSource = new Properties(); inputSource.put("ERROR", "ERROR"); inputSource.put("GET", "GET"); inputSource.put("PRINT", "PRINT"...