
Algorithm to get a list of all words that are anagrams of all substrings (scrabble)?

Eg if input string is helloworld I want the output to be like: do he we low hell hold roll well word hello lower world ... all the way up to the longest word that is an anagram of a substring of helloworld. Like in Scrabble for example. The input string can be any length, but rarely more than 16 chars. I've done a search and come up ...

Anagrams finder in javascript

I am supposed to write a program in JavaScript to find all the anagrams within a series of words provided. e.g.: "monk, konm, nkom, bbc, cbb, dell, ledl, llde" The output should be categorised into rows: 1. monk konm, nkom; 2. bbc cbb; 3. dell ledl, llde; I already sorted them into alphabetical order i.e.: "kmno kmno bbc bbc dell dell" ...

How do I create subset words for an anagram application (php) ?

I created an anagram creating application, by creating an anagram field in my database, with a lower cased alphabetically stored string. For example, suction becomes cinostu, ear becomes aer, and so on. What I want to do now is create sub words from the original anagram searched for. Example: How would you go about pulling the subset ...

Algorithm to find longest anagram

Let's say that we have a dictionary of about 250.000 words. Algorithm should take in 12 letters as an array or a string and find the permutation (or is it variation or combination?) that matches longest word from a dictionary. So, it is not a real permutation, as not all of the letters are used. Of course, one can always brute-force it,...

Finding words from random input letters in python. What algorithm to use/code already there?

I am trying to code a word descrambler like this one here and was wondering what algorithms I should use to implement this. Also, if anyone can find existing code for this that would be great as well. Basically the functionality is going to be like a boggle solver but without being a matrix, just searching for all word possibilities from...

Scrabble Anagram Generator

Hi, I am trying to write a scrabble anagram generator. So far my code sort of works, but it's horribly slow, and has bugs. One being it will use letters more than once. For example: Letters inputted: "ABCDEFG". And it will generate AB, but also AA, which isn't right. Please help. public class Scrabble1 { private String[] dictiona...

Multiplayer Networked Anagram game

Hello! I need some help about this little project. I'm begginer in java and it seems to me too hard to make it by myself. So please Help me. I will apperciate any help... A waiter delivers a sequence of letters to various players who are connected. Each player proposes a server anagrams he discovered from the sequence of letters: the...

Slow Anagram Algorithm

Hi, I have been working on an algorithm to rearranging the letters of a word, but it takes much time to find the correct word. var Form1: TForm1; DictionaryArray : array[0..2000] of string; const Numbrs : string = '123456789'; implementation {$R *.dfm} function GenerateSequence(CPoint : String; L : Integer): String; var Incre...

Code golf: find all anagrams

A word is an anagram if the letters in that word can be re-arranged to form a different word. Task: The shortest source code by character count to find all sets of anagrams given a word list. Spaces and new lines should be counted as characters Use the code ruler ---------10--------20--------30--------40--------50--------60--------7...

Finding anagaram(s) of dictionary words

How can I take an input word (or sequence of letters) and output a word from a dictionary that contains exactly those letters? Does java has an English dictionary class (list of words) that I can use, or are there open source implementations of this? How can I optimize my code if this needs to be done repeatedly? ...

Java Anagram Solver

I can work out how to create anagrams of a string but I don't know how I can compare them to a dictionary of real words to check if the anagram is a real word. Is there a class in the Java API that contains the entire English dictionary? ...

Check my anagram code from a job interview in the past.

Had the following as an interview question a while ago and choked so bad on basic syntax that I failed to advance (once the adrenalin kicks in, coding goes out the window.) Given a list of string, return a list of sets of strings that are anagrams of the input set. i.e. "dog","god", "foo" should return {"dog","god"}. Afterward, I crea...

How would you approach a PHP + MySQL anagram solver?

Does anyone have any ideas, links or algorithms for solving an anagram with PHP and MySQL. If anyone has a good English Dictionary that would be appreciated also. I am looking to achieve something similar to this: The guy explains how he did it here ...

Group together all the anagrams

Problem statement: You are given a set of k strings, each length n. You have to output the group of anagrams together. Anagrams are like e.g atm - mat , like-kile. ...

Regex match that must contain all characters in a string

I'm sure this has already been asked and answered, but I honestly couldn't find my answer after searching for quite a bit and reading Regex Tutorial. What I'm looking to do is match a string that has the same characters and length as another string. For example, a string "abcde" would match "edcba" but would not match "abcdf" or "aabbc...