
use a value returned from javascript in xsl to set the href of anchor element.

i want to set the href for an anchor. Anchor element is present in a frame. This url is of the form a.xml#section_a. Clicking on this <a> will take me to section_a of a.xml rendered using xsl. name of file is determined dynamically from a parameter available in the browser url. I can get this parameter using a javascript function. I w...

html control with image to get the click event using jquery

Hi All, In our application we are using set of images as slides. If we click one image we want to get the id of the in the same page. i have tried by using the following code. code: HTML: <a id="100" href="#"> <img scr="..."/> </a> ... JQUERY code: $("div.alb a").click(function() { }); Problem: Without href="#" the c...

keeping screen static when click link

Hi I was wondering if anyone know how to keep the screen in a static position with jquery when a link which has a "#" href is clicked? Regards, Phil ...

How do I force the browser to only handle the top link if 2 elements are clickable?

Say I have the following code: <div onclick='location.href=""'&gt; <a href='#' onclick='alert("blah")'>click</a> </div> Is there a way to only have the anchor evaluated when I click the 'click' text and not have the div's onclick evaluated? ...

Anchors with overlapping divs

I am using a grid based layout, with two main sections. Graph and Timeline. Graph, contains graded vertical bars, HTML similar to: <div id="graph" class="container_160"> <div id="Jan-97" class="grid_1 major"><a href="#">&nbsp;</a></div> <div id="Feb-97" class="grid_1 minor"><a href="#">&nbsp;</a></div> <div id="Mar-97" cla...

What is wrong with this jquery function?

I am using jquery to scroll to an anchor.... It works fine with a html button calling the function... But when i call it from server side i get the id but it doesn't seem to work for me... LinkButton lb1 = (LinkButton)sender; ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(lb1, typeof(LinkButton), "scroll","goToByScroll('myAnchor')", true); ...

Wiki problem with anchor

I'm developing a project based on a wiki. One of its functionality is assigning anchors to heading (h1. h2.,etc) and I want to link a word to one of this anchors so when it's clicked the page automatically scrolls down to the correct heading. As it says on the help page the anchor should be used as following: Redmine assigns an anch...

JQUERY CYCLE - Can I add page links to anchors assigned to Cycle's pager?

Hello everyone. Seems I've outdone myself. All the while I was creating this pretty little 'latest news' widget that fades on mouseover of each anchor. Then my colleague says, "Hey, Chris, these links don't work" ...oops. I would like to find out if I can have these anchors take the user to the relvent page on click. Currently Cycle i...

Following an anchor to content on another page that isn't created until after the DOM is ready.

Hi all. To boil it down, I have two pages. Simplified, they could be represented this way. Page 1 <html> <a href="page-2.html#section-A">Link to section A</a> </html> Page 2 <html> <script> // Assume jQuery $(document).ready(function(){ $('#wrapper').append($('<a name="section-A">Here is S...

fancybox: finding anchor from which fancybox was called

Inside fancybox window I would like to retrieve html element (anchor probably) from which fancybox was called. How can this be done? ...

Strip anchors down to their contents, only if the anchor's URL contains...

Does anyone know a regex function in PHP to strip an anchor of its contents, only if the anchor's href attribute contains specific text? For example, I have an HTML page and there are links throughout. But I want to strip only the anchors that contain "yahoo" in the URL. So <a href=""&gt;Example page</a> woul...

Retain anchor when redirecting subdomain (IE)

Firefox: -> Internet Explorer 6-8: -> Why is the anchor dropped in IE and what can I do about it? (Query string is not dropped, only the #xyz part) Is a PHP header or javascript redirect my only option? ...

XHTML validating block level element as a link

I need a way to make an entire DL element clickable with only one anchor tag, that validates as XHTML. As in: <a> <dl> <dt>Data term</dt> <dd>Data definition</dd> </dl> </a> This currently doesn't validate as XHTML as the anchor tag cannot contain the DL. The only way I can get it to validate is if I make two a...

anchorOffset doesn't function on text with HTML tags

Hi all, I have a problem with a little function which should give me the Cursor position : function getCursorPos() { var selObj = window.getSelection(); alert (selObj.anchorOffset); } It works only when I use it on a text whitout HTML tags. For example : "The cat is black" If I use...

Browser history back with scrollable div

When I Jump to section 1 & 2 everything works fine, and the browsers I tested (IE8, FF3.6, Chrome 5.0.342.3) scrolls down to the respective anchor in the div. But when I press the browser history back button the div won't scroll back up. Is there some way to make this work without using javascript ? <div id="scrolldiv" style="overflow:...

How to get rid of box around linked image

Hello, I know I've solved this problem before, but I can't remember or find the solution, so here I am... In Firefox 3.5 this code causes an undesirable blue border around the image. How do I get rid of this blue border? <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="index.html"> <img src="

How to let Html Link (anchor) do a postback to be like LinkButton?

Hello, I would like to ask how can i make an html anchor (a element) or even any object to do a postback or to execute an server side method? I want to create a custom button (a wrapped with some divs to do some custom them) and i want to implement OnClick to be look like the ASP.NET LinkButton? Like <a href="#" onclick="RunServerSideM...

Positioning controls in Delphi 5 so they fill the form client area when the form is resized in the same sort of proportions as they did initially.

I have a DBGrid above a group box with some buttons and edit fields and another group box below that again with some buttons. I cannot fins a setting for the align and/or anchors for the DBGrid and the group boxes so they fill the form without overlapping or leaving blank bits of form. I am using Delphi 5 on XP Pro with all updates ins...

Why does ASP.Net rewrite relative paths for runat=server anchor controls?

I have my UserControls in a ~/Controls folder in my solution: /Controls/TheControl.ascx If specify the following: <a id="theId" runat="server" href="./?pg=1">link text</a> ASP.Net seems to want to rewrite the path to point to the absolute location. For example, If the control is on the link href wil...

IE6 iframe anchor links moves iframe up

Hi, Having a real head scratching moment... I have a site where there is a footer div that always sits at the bottom of the screen (26px high), and above that I have an iFrame which sizes to 100% of the remaining height. This works well. Even clicking on anchor links inside the iframe works as it should in all browsers (apart from IE6)....