
How is the getView() method used and where is it getting called?

Hi Everyone, I am new to Android development and have been following the tutorials available on the Android website. I am currently on the section of tutorials for Views, specifically the one for Grid Views: Hello, Grid View Tutorial. I am having trouble understanding how views are made through an adapter. I understand that you must ov...

How can I assign a separate class for each view in a ViewFlipper?

I have a ViewFlipper that presents 3 different views. Is it possible to have 3 classes manage* the 3 different views? If so, how do I go about doing this? For example, if View 1 shows a List of News and View 2 Shows a List of Prices, I want to have a News class that handles the interaction of the listview in News, and a Prices class t...

Android: Passing AppWidgetId to a Service

Hi there I got a Widget on my HomeScreen on which i add an click to a Button. I pass the widget id from the Widget to a Service, but when im reading the WidgetId at the Service it's always 3. Widget: @Override public void onUpdate(Context context, AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager, int[] appWidgetIds) { for (int appWidgetId : ap...

what does ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredPostal.TYPE stand.

hi, what does ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredPostal.TYPE mean. I want to know what does "TYPE" mean in "ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredPostal.TYPE ". I will be waiting for any kind reply? ...

How to display log message when an activity is started in Android

Hi, I am in one activity say Activity A. I am calling another activity B. In activity A I write the following Statement: startActivity(new Intent(this,ActivityB.class)); Now, I want to log a debug message only when Activity A is able to successfully launch ActivityB. How can I achieve this feature in Android. Any kind of Help is appr...

Android TextView text not updating during runtime

Hello, I've got to missing something completely stupid on this one since updating a TextView should be an easy task. I have an Activity class that is an observer of another that receives messages. In my Activity's onCreate I do the following and it works fine. theStatus = (TextView) findViewById(; theStatus.setText("w...

How to make Spinner Editable in Android?

I changed the ArrayAdapter method of spinner and i got my custom Spinner. just change the parameter of this method like Spinner spinner = (Spinner) findViewById(; ArrayAdapter<CharSequence> adapter=ArrayAdapter.createFromResource(This,R.array.statename,R.layout.mylayout); spinner.setAdapter(adp); In Which the mylay...

How can I create a widget against a background image that is touchable and dragable?

I am trying to create an application that has a background image with widget like objects that can be touched and dragged. Think of a chess set app where you can touch and drag a chess piece to the target square. I've poured over the samples but I just can't seem to get it. I thought widgets might be the answer, but they are more for ...

How to get addresses if we give latitude and longitude using location API in Android.

Hi, I have an application where I try to get address of a location based on the latitude,longitude coordinates.When I try to print all the address of particular coordinates , I am getting only single address. IS there any way to get the list of all addresses for the coordinates supplied . My code snippet is as below: Where locationLatit...

How to get addresses if we give latitude and longitude using location API in Android.

I have an application where I try to get address of a location based on the latitude,longitude coordinates.When I try to print all the address of particular coordinates , I am getting only single address. IS there any way to get the list of all addresses for the coordinates supplied . My code snippet is as below: Where locationLatitude,...

How to Enable Logging in Android programatically.

Hi, I am working on an Android Application where I need to display log information when I execute the .apk file in release mode based on some condition. It can be like below: if(debug) display log inf. else normal execution I will set this variable to true to enable debug mode to display log information. Can anyone help me in ach...

setOnTouchListener not called on ViewFlipper

I want to listen to touch events for a viewFlipper. I've been able to listen to touch events in my activity and then modify the viewFlipper but these events are fired wherever the user is within the activity and I need to capture touch events specifically on the viewFlipper. I have tried adding setOnTouchListener but it is not called. I'...

How to OverRide some of the methods of VideoView of android.

Is there any Listener to override methods of Videoview like boolean canPause() boolean canSeekBackward() boolean canSeekForward() int getBufferPercentage() int getCurrentPosition() int getDuration() boolean isPlaying() How to pause a video. For audio we use mediaController.setMediaPlayer. How we can use for v...

android:LIve wallpaper

hi, i am making live wallpaper same as anifish aquarium, i just need a start like how to set the background on egl surface. i have implement wallpaper service. Stuck with background.. kindly help me out with your valuable answers. Thanks ...

Exceptions that are thrown when we are writing Email application in Android

I am writing an android application for sending email which launches the default mail application of android and asks to allow sending mail or not. I want to know the type of Exceptions that are expected to throw in this case. I have gone through Developer guide and some other Android PDFs ,I am finding only base class Exception. I wan...

Screen Comments with globes like the Iphone

whats the best way to create a screen with comments surrounded by globe image, i have to create this ...

How to tile a drawable file in ImageView?

Like the title. I have a small drawable file, but the ImageView is much larger than it. How I can fill it without left any extra space? Thanks in advance. ...

How to change android tab text on the fly?

This seems like it should be simple, but I can't figure out a way to do it. I'm needing a tab to have beginning text, but then have that text change after the user selects an item from a list. I know how to change tab backgrounds and colors via mTabHost.getChildAt(index).setBackgroundColor(); but there isn't an option to change the ta...

Launch widget from code

Hi, Is there any way we can launch the widget from our application immediately without user have to choose the widget. So it like automatically add widget to our home screen using code. Thanks. ...

Android Widget, not clickable

Hi All, I am new to Android Dev, and this is my first widget. What is supposed to happen is when the user clicks the widget, it turns off or on the Master Sync option. However the widget does not do anything when clicked, and appears to not be clickable. This is the body of the .java code, if it helps to post any of the other code ple...