
is it possible to put an image from a URL in a imagebutton in android?

hello all What I want to do is a database listview With a small image button and text on the right side The I want the small image to change with a URL given by A text file but I am stuck and the 2 hour rule is up For(file lenght) So URL is ...

XML Schema Validation in Android

Hi, I have created an XML and i want to validate with schema i.e, xsd file but there are no direct classes provided by android for the same if i am not wrong ......... and there is an external jar named jaxp1.3 which doesnt allow me to compile the code is it because the bytecode of desktop and android are different? which has the cl...

Is there a way to access the calendar's entries without using gdata-java-client?

Is it possible to get the calendar's entries from the phone offline? It seem the only way is to use gdata-java-client. ...

Where to save pictures on Android?

My application uses quite a lot of pictures that are downloaded from the internet and cached locally on the Android phone. I am wondering, what is the correct way to save those pictures. There are several ways I see, that are not fully satisfying. Save them on SD Card in a public folder Uses up space that wont be freed on uninstall Us...

How can I read SMS messages from the inbox programmatically in Android?

I want to retrieve the SMS messages from the inbox and display them? ...

Android device update for G1

Hi, I am using android G1 phone and now i have upgraded my sdk to 1.5 and i want to run my application on device but when i connect my phone to PC i am able to install my app only when i am selecting 1.1 sdk but not when selected 1.5 .So is there any updates required for the device so i can proceed with 1.5 sdk also .if possible ca...

How does one change the size (width + height) of the XML layout preview panels in the ADT plugin for Eclipse?

I'd also like a way to change the default, if possible. ...

Easy way to build Android UI?

Is there a tool or a website that could help me create a UI for an Android application using drag-and-drop? I found this site but want to know if there is a more stable tool or website for this? ...

Why can't Android find

I am trying to compile some OpenGL samples available on the net in SDK 1.5. But the import statement for gives me an error saying the class cannot be found. Can someone please tell me where I can find this class. And if it is no longer supported by the android SDK then how do I port the samples to 1.5. ...

T-Mobile G1 (MSM7200) GPU Memory

Hello. I'm trying to find some information regarding the available GPU (for OpenGL) memory on the T-Mobile G1. This phone has a MSM7200 Qualcomm chip inside with ATI Imageon GPU. Unfortunately I am not able to dig any info regarding the specifics of GPU memory usage. How much memory is available in total for the textures? Is the memo...

Compile Android image

I want to start playing around with Android. Downloaded the sources and followed the instructions from the download page Made a plain generic build: ============================================ TARGET_PRODUCT=generic TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=eng TARGET_SIMULATOR= TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release TARGET_ARCH=arm HOST_ARCH=x86 HOST_OS=linux HOST_B...

Respond to local http request in Android

I have an application the requests a media stream from a server, however the request needs to include a cookie or else the server returns a 500 error. MediaPlayer does not have the functionality to send a cookie along with a URI request. My way around this is to have Android proxy the requests. I'll have the MediaPlayer make a request t...

How to call Android contacts list?

Hi, I'm making an Android app, and need to call the phone's contact list. I need to call the contacts list function, pick a contact, then return to my app with the contact's name. Here's the code I got on the internet, but it doesnt work. Please help: import; import android.content.Intent; import android.databa...

How to make an Android Spinner with initial text "Select One"

In Android, I want to use a Spinner that initially (when the user has not made a selection yet) displays the text "Select One". When the user clicks the spinner, the list of items is displayed and the user selects one of the options. After the user has made a selection, the selected item is displayed in the Spinner instead of "Select One...

Bluetooth sound output on Android

Hello, I just noticed, using the HTC Dream that using a bluetooth headset was really easy for phone calls, but nothing seemed to be available for videos / music sound output. V1.0 limitations are not at fault since when you play a music and start a call, you can hear the music in the headset for a second. So it's technically possible, j...

Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method

Hi all, I'm doing a Get and Post method for an android project and I need to "translate" HttpClient 3.x to HttpClient 4.x (using by android). My problem is that I'm not sure of what I have done and I don't find the "translation" of some methods... This is the HttpClient 3.x I have done and (-->) the HttpClient 4.x "translation" if I hav...

What are the pros and cons to use iPhone/Android phones to write scripts?

What are the pros and cons to use iPhone/Android phones to write scripts? I'd like to buy a new mobile phone which I can utilize my time to do some scripting even when I'm not at my desktop computer. I heard that you can't save files to your iPhone unless you jail break it. This maybe a big problem if I want to create some new scriptin...

android canvas scroll

I am writing a solitaire app. I use a canvas to draw everything on the screen. Sometimes a pile of cards will get big and extend below the bottom of the screen. I would like to make the canvas scrollable so the user can access those cards. main activity package com.maulinpathare.solitaire; import; import android....

Android : Disable 1.5 cupcake animation transitions.

Long story short, how can I disable the screen transitions between activities? We implemented our own tab handler if you will, and now it is doing a transition between tabs, which looks pretty tacky. Thanks! Chris. ...

R cannot be resolved - android error

Hi, I just downloaded and installed the new android sdk. I wanted to create a simple application to test drive it. the widzard creates this code: package eu.mauriziopz.gps; import; import android.os.Bundle; public class ggps extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override ...