
Android Loading listview items from service results in hang

Hello, In my Android application, I have a ListActivity. This ListActivity uses a SimpleAdapter that I fill with items from my service. So, in my code, I do: MySuperCoolService.Binder serviceBinder = null; private ServiceConnection serviceConnection = new ServiceConnection() { public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName classN...

Android! SORRY! APP Stop Unexpectaly.. Trying to load image from website keep getting this error

public class test extends Activity { ImageView imView; ImageView imViewLine; String imageUrl=""; String FileType = ".png"; int imageNum = 0; Random r; int count = 0; /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ...

What are Android application update issues and best practices ?

I've published an Android applications on the Android market and now have an update to do. I want to know if any of you have already done that, and what experience can you share about it : How to manage version conflicts ? What to do with databases ? Can you make appear a message with "what's new" if it's an update, but nothing it's a...

Why updating an android app can make it appear twice ?

I made a lot of changes to my app : databases scheme, graphics, code, etc. The biggest is the package name that I renamed to a total different one. The applicatgio got the same name and Id in the manifeste.xml file and the apk got the same name, with the same digital signature. Nevertheless, when using ./adb install -r myapp.apk, myapp ...

how do you get the phone's MCC and MNC in Android?

The only way I've found of retrieving MCC and MNC is by overriding an activity's onConfigurationChanged method, as such: public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration config) { super.onConfigurationChanged(config); DeviceData.MCC = "" + config.mcc; DeviceData.MNC = "" +config.mnc; } However, I need this data as soon as the app...

Is it possible to programmatically uninstall a package in Android

Can a package uninstall itself? Can a package uninstall another package if they share the same userId and signature? ...

Android - dismissDialog does not dismiss the dialog!

Hi I am using the showDialog and dismissDialog methods to show progress dialogs in my app. Moved from creating the dialog and calling show() on it to using this in order to save state when changing orientation. But when I change the orientation from portrait->landscape->portrait, the dismissDialog no longer dismisses the dialog. The di...

Custom list clicking with checkboxes in Android

I've populated a ListActivity from a cursor using SimpleCursorAdapter that starts another activity when one of the list items have been clicked. I'm also using ViewBinder to do some custom transformation of the data. I want to add a checkbox to each row in the list so I've changed the view and added a CheckBox with gravity right. Addi...

Android - find whether audio is currently playing and stop it

Hi I am using a MediaPlayer instance in order to stream audio files from an Internet location. The audio player is in a separate activity. The user can select from a list of audio files and come to this activity to play the audio. Now the user might go back to the previous activity (with the list) and select another audio file. In this...

What are your experiences selling on the Android Market?

I've been hearing some good things about Google's Android Market recently, and I might look into developing for android (currently develop for iPhone OS) at some point. Are any of you Android Developers, or simultaneously developing for iPhone AND Android? What have your experiences been for developing and selling your apps on the Androi...

URLEncoder encode / URLDecoder decode in java (Android)

Hi, I want to use the URLEncoder/URLDecoder class ( in an application and the methods : encode(String s, String enc)/decode(String s, String enc), but I don't know what can be the value of the String argument enc? I want to encode/decode in the "x-www-form-urlencoded" MIME content type. Thank you for your h...

GPS on emulator doesn't get the geo fix - Android

Hi I'm developing an application for the android OS, I'm just starting, but I can't get the GPS on the emulator to work. I've read on the internet that you need to send a geo fix to the emulator in order to enable the gps locationProvider. I'm both using the DDMS and telnet to try to send it, but logcat never tells me the it recived a ne...

Changing font color runtime Android

Hi, I am using EditText for getting userInput but the problem i am facing is that i want to change the font color at runtime but in the same Edittext as i am able to change the font type but as i change the font color it changes for the whole editext but i need to change the color for specfic text only . And one more issue i...

Android 1.5: Reading SMS messages.

I'm creating a backup utility for Android and I need to read content of inbox, outbox and dratfs. How can I accomplish that on SDK v1.5? ...

Problem in creating a database in SQLite in Android

Hi I am new to android and I have a problem in creating a database. public class database extends ListActivity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ private final String MY_DATABASE_NAME = "myCoolUserDB.db"; private final String MY_DATABASE_TABLE = "t_Users"; Context c; @Override public void onCrea...

Android - using runOnUiThread to do UI changes from a thread

Hi I am using a custom title view and would like to show/hide a progressbar in the title view when a thread is working. This is my title view's XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="horizontal" android:layout_width="fill_parent" ...

What might be wrong with my Android installation in Ubuntu 9.04

I'm following the installation tutorial according ( to the explanations and everything seems to be fine and not getting any errors. But, when I run the 'Hello, world' application, I get an empty screen on my phone showing me only 'Android' with a blinking cursor. Does anyone know what I might be missing or ...

What are the differences between T-Mobile G1 (branded HTC Dream) and Google's ADP1 (device for developers)?

I was searching the internet but could not find a site comparing the two. I'm interested in developing for the android platform. G1 seems to be just the same as ADP1, but is there any small changes that will be noticeable in development? How about 3rd party software? What T-Mobile software exists in G1 which is not part of the ADP1 bund...

How to tell if the sdcard is mounted in Android?

I'm working on an Android application that needs to look at what images a user has stored. The problem is that if the user has the sdcard mounted via the USB cable, I can't read the list of images on the disk. Does anyone know of a way to tell if the usb is mounted so that I could just pop up a message informing the user that it won't ...

Cursor : get the field value (Android)

Hi, I have problems with Cursor in my Android application. I have a SQLiteDatabase that return me Cursor when I try to fetch the values with : public Cursor fetchOption(long rowId) throws SQLException { Cursor mCursor = mDb.query(true, DATABASE_TABLE, new String[] {KEY_ROWID, KEY_TITLE...