
How to create our own Listener interface in android?

Hai,anyone can help me to create user defined listener interface with some code snippets ...

Https Connection Android

I am doing a https post and I'm getting an exception of ssl exception Not trusted server certificate. If i do normal http it is working perfectly fine. Do I have to accept the server certificate somehow? ...

How to start an ACTION_PICK activity with only those contacts which have a mobile phone

I want the user to select a contact to which my application would send a SMS. How do I ensure that when I start an activity with ACTION_PICK intent only those contacts with mobile phone numbers are displayed? Currently, I'm starting the activity like this: Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, Phones.CONTENT_URI); ...

Android Trial Applications

Hello, I have a application which I want to hit the market as a Paid app. I would like to have other version which would be a "trial" version with a time limit of say, 5 days? How can I go about doing this? Thanks. ...

How to install IM app on android emulator

Hi, Can anyone please tell me how can I install IM app on android emulator? I have posted this question many time, I can't get it resolved. I am getting this error in (adb logcat)" I/ActivityManager( 579): Starting activity: Intent { action=android.intent.action.MAIN categories={android.intent.category.LAUNCHER} flags=0x10200000 com...

Android ExpandableListActivity issue

hi, i want to customize my ExpandableList my issue is i need a button and expandable list on single activity can i achieve that as i have seen all the examples they all extends ExpandableListActivity not the Activity in which i can put all the widgets in one activity Thnx in advance Any help would be appreciated.... ...

Android remote code loading

I am developing a library for Android that requires frequent updates from a central server. I was thinking how nice it would be if my library could update itself -- or if I could just release a bootstrap library that downloads the target library when the app is installed. I see this class in 1.5 called "DexClassLoader" but there seems t...

Android WebView handling orientation changes

Just started working with the webview. The issue is performance following rotation. The WebView has to reload the page, which can be a bit tedious. What's the best of of handling an orientation change without reloading the page from source each time? ...

how can I write applications in C or C++ for Android?

I'm trying to develop/port a game to Android, but it's in C, and Android supports Java, but I'm sure there must be a way to get a C app on there, anyone knows of a good tutorial on the subject? Thanks! ...

Android: Best practice for responsive user interfaces

Hi, I am quite new to Android and Java. Before I was working with C++ where the events where dispatched with messages. Now I would like to create the same user experience for Android platform and I would appreciate any of your suggestions or comments on what is the best way to bind events to user controls. Here is an example from C++: ...

How can I get an URL from a cursor object

Hi, I have a Cursor points to a Contact. How can I get an url built from that Cursor? I need to know that because from here I need to have an url so that I can build a phone uri, like this: phoneUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(uri, People.Phones.CONTENT_DIRECTORY);...

android web scraping behind a secure login.

I've been racking my brain about this for a while, I've managed to send a post request to a https based login form using the android sdk, specifically the org.apache.http library. All seems well in that the response i get back from the server is 200 OK. However, I can't figure out how to then scrape the page behind the login. The apach...

Android: How to Create a Custom button widget

Hi, I would like to create a button with circular or rectangular background, text and an image below or above the text. Here is the CustomButton Layout where I added the objects (background and text - ImageView is missing): <FrameLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_height="wrap_content" ...


I am trying to use the following intent action, but i get an ActivityNotFoundException in the fisrt case. And nothing at all in the second case. "" I try to use it with the following code: Intent i = new Intent (""); startActivity(i); Also wi...

Streaming Youtube Videos

I am writing an application to play youtube videos using streaming. First method: I am getting the RTSP URL to the video using GData APIs. Here is the code to play the RTSP url. VideoView mVideoView = new VideoView(this); setContentView(mVideoView); mVideoView.setVideoURI(Uri.parse("rtsp://

Multiple Android GridView won't wrap_content

Hi, I've got an activity that displays 5 GridViews. Each of these GridViews is divided by a text view with a background that spans the width of the screen. The GridViews represent a volume of books, and each item in the grid is a button representing a book in a volume. All the GridViews and TextViews sit inside a RelativeLayout. Some Vol...

Android Eclipse Plugin: Instrumentation Test Runner not specified.

I'm getting this error when trying to run unit tests from Eclipse with an Android Project. The list of Instrumentation Test Runners is empty in the Android preferences. [2009-06-17 23:57:51 - MyApp] ERROR: Application does not specify a android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner instrumentation or does not declare uses-library an...

Reacting to new contacts in Android Contacts application

I would like to perform a certain operation every time a user adds a new contact in the Android Contacts application. It would include using the new contact's information. Is there an easy way to do this? Is there some event that can be listened for or do I have to extend the Contacts application itself? Or should I just think of some o...

How to create a DataGrid display in android?

Hai any one please tell me is there any possibility to create a DataGrid in android ,if yes mean please help me with some code snippets,or give some related web urls. ...

Android: How to use existing graphic elements

Hi, I would like to create a user interface which would contain network indication icons (3G, WiFi...) and I would like to use existing graphic elements which are displayed in notification bar. Does anyone know how to get these existing elements and use it in custom layout? I guess these icons are all ImageView elements and I am wonde...