
setting the key listener to a custom View

Hi, I created a custom View Round button which consists of an image and some text. I tried to bind a method to it but it doesn't work and don't know what could be the reason. In the main.xml (layout file) i set the parameter clickable to true and in the onCreate method in the main activity i added the following lines: rbActionButton =...

Why don't I get the year right using SimpleDateFormat in java ?

I trying to parse a data in a MySql Format, I ran accross SimpleDateFormat. I can get the proper day and month, but I got a strange result for the year : date = 2009-06-22; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date d = sdf.parse(date); System.println(date); System.println(d.getDate()); System.println(d.getMonth())...

Why does Android page alignment cause issues with linking? (Android running native code)

Hi all, I was wondering if someone could provide me with a bit of theory. I read that; Page alignment causes changes in linking. Of very high impact on the success of compiling software for Android is the fact that Google forces compatible binaries to not be page aligned for the text and data section. This requires chang...

Android: How to save a preview frame as jpeg image?

Hi, I would like to save a preview frame as a jpeg image. I have tried to write the following code: public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] _data, Camera _camera) { if(settings.isRecording()) { Camera.Parameters params = _camera.getParameters(); params.setPictureFormat(PixelFormat.JPEG); _camera.setParameters(params); ...

Android: Does anyone know how to capture video?

Hi, I would like to create a video recorder and so far haven't figured out how to set parameters in order to successfully go through MediaRecorder.prepare() method. Executing the following method public void start() throws IOException{ String state = android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageState(); if(!state.equals(Environment.MEDI...

Are there any decent physics engines for Android?

I've looked around for a physics engine that will play nicely with Android, but I've only been disappointed. In terms of performance, I had heard that jbox2d was the best bet, but (from my understanding) ever since Android SDK V1.0, the Dalvik VM's verifier has become very strict and rejects some of the key classes and refuses to run. T...

How do I find the database file on an Android virtual device?

My plan is to prepopulate a database on a virtual device and then include database in the distribution of my app. However, I can't find the database file. Is it on my hard disk some where? How do I get it? I tried connecting using adb, I did an "ls" and then got really scared by this obscure list of directories: sqlite_stmt_journals ...

How to get a Camera Preview in android?

Hai to All Anybody know about the camera Api in android.when i used this Api it displayed a black and white grids and a squre moving above it.Anyone know how to get a real time camera preview please help me with some code. ...

Installing a prebuilt binary on Android: "not found"

I'm trying to install a prebuilt binary in a custom Android image. For that I have copied it to a new directory in prebuilt/android-arm/ with an file similar to this one: LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_SRC_FILES := binary_name LOCAL_MODULE := binary_name LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := EXECUTABLES include $(B...

Why do I get access denied to data folder when using adb?

I connected to my live device using the adb and the following commands: C:>adb -s HT829GZ52000 shell $ ls ls sqlite_stmt_journals cache sdcard etc system sys sbin proc logo.rle init.trout.rc init.rc init.goldfish.rc init default.prop data root dev $ cd data cd data $ ls ls opendir failed, Permission denied $ I was surprised to see that...

Understanding a DDMS Log...

Can someone please explain how to understand a logcat from an android force close. This crash occurs when I called finish() in the onPause(). Here is the DDMS screenshot Thanks. ...

How to start activity with a bitmap attached?

Hi, I have this code: Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_SEND); startActivity(intent); which successfully launches an Messaging App on android. But how can i attach a Bitmap object when launching the intent? I have read, the closet thing...

How to launch SMS Activity with a specified recepient and at attached image

Hi I am able to launch an SEND activity with picked image like this: protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) { // mimeType , _uri are pointing to an image Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_SEND); intent.setType(mimeType); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, _uri); sta...

How can i create custom controls in android?

Hello, I would like to create a custom Control in my Android App. It will be a circular control with some smaller moveable circles that will indicate a specific value. Is there a way to realize this? Are there at least some nice Tutorials where i can read how to create a custom control? Thanks, Gushi ...

Passing in a Bitmap as the EXTRA_STREAM parameter when launching an Intent

From the JavaDoc, the EXTRA_STREAM parameter when launching an intent needs to be an URI. How can I pass a Bitmap object which I get from launching a "android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE" intent? /** * A content: URI holding a stream of data associated with the Intent, * used with {@link #ACTION_SEND} to supply t...

How to run a query with regexp in Android

I want to run a query in SQLite with a regexp using Android. How do I do that? ...

short list acording to button click

hi to all i want to know what to do if i want to fetch record from contact db according to button press similar to phonebook search.i use any REGEXP? ...

Regarding connecting to a webserver from android

Hi to All, I have to connect to a webserver from android and i have to access a webservice and a webpage from the webserver.Anybody can help me.Please give step by step process with some code snippets because i am new to android and i dont know anything in connecting to a webserver. Regards Rajapandian ...

How to call a .NET web service from android?

Hai to All, I need to call a webservice("") from android.please anyone help me with full source code. Regards, Rajapandian ...

Android: Camera.setPreviewDisplay() problem

Hi, I am trying to set a camera preview in a custom SurfaceView but I get an exception each time I execute the initialization method. Below is the code for camera preview initialization: private void init(Context context) { setFocusable(true); mRecording = false; fileRW = new FileReaderWriter(); frameCount = 0; if(mCamera == null...