
How to navigate from one screen to another screen

Dear friends, I m new to android developement can you pls tell me how to navigate from one Activity screen to another Activity screen .In the first screen i m having one button if i click the button it has to move to another Activity screen. regards, s.kumaran. ...

Catching file download?

I want my app to catch downloads of a particular kind of file. Here's the corresponding part of AndroidManifest.xml: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> <activity android:name=".activity.ExeReceiver"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <category andro...

How can i change an application icon programmatically in Android?

Is it possible to change an application icon directly from the program? I mean, change icon.png in the res\drawable folder. I would like to let users to change application's icon from the program so next time they will see the previously selected icon in the launcher. ...

SQLite: prevent duplicates

Hi, I would like to create a table to store device settings. The table has three rows: id, parameter_name and parameter_value. The table was created by executing the following query statement: DATABASE_CREATE = "create table DATABASE_TABLE (KEY_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, KEY_NAME INTEGER not null, VALUE TEXT not null); an...

android application source code

where can I get the android Camera application source code, I'm referring to the camera application that is already installed on my G1, not the camera API source code. ...

Android: Where are database files stored?

Hi, I created a SQLite database on Android device. The program can read/write to database so the database file has obviously been created. The SQLiteDatabase.mPath is set to db.mPath = "/data/data/" but when I browse the directories on the device I can't locate the file clientDB.db. I looked in...

android OCR?

I'm looking for a Java OCR that runs on Android, however Asprise doesn't seem to be a platform independent OCR. is there any opensource/free Java OCR I can use for android application development? ...

HTTPS authentication over WiFi using HttpClient 4

I have Android pet-project DroidIn which utilizes HttpClient 4 (built into Android) to do some form based authentication. I started noticing that people who are using WiFi are reporting connection problems. It also doesn't help that site I'm accessing has self-assigned certificate. Well - the question is (I'm quite vague on WiFi details)...

Android: NullPointerException at$PackageInfo$ServiceDispatcher.doConnected(

Hello, I am getting a NullPointerException at$PackageInfo$ServiceDispatcher.doConnected( My application is not even in the stack trace, so I have no idea what is going on. I am trying to connect to a service when it happens. How can I fix this problem? Thanks, Isaac Waller ...

Android: Retrieving data from the database issue

Hi, I created the following method for retrieving stored settings from the database: public String getEntry(long rowIndex){ String value = ""; Cursor c = db.query(DATABASE_TABLE, new String[] {KEY_NAME, VALUE}, KEY_NAME + "=" + rowIndex, null, null, null, null); int columnIndex = c.getColumnIndex(VALUE); int rowsCount = c.getCo...

Android emulator Output

I am running on helloword application as getting started with android application developement. but i cant able to see output in android emulator. it will show only android in the emulator screen. and i am just print "Hello from Brijesh". but it will not display in the emulator of the android. actually i follow the instruction in the fol...

How to close/hide the Android Soft Keyboard?

I'm having an EditText and a Button in my layout. After writing inside the edit field and clicking on the Button, I want to hide the virtual keyboard. I guess there should be a simple, one- or two-liner to make this happen. Where can I find an example of it? ...

Android: how to display folder content in a dialog

Hi, I would like to create a dialog with the list of files from selected folder. Does anyone know about any good example available on the web or just briefly describe how to solve this task? Thanks! ...

Selecting text in a WebView?

The browser does this by calling public void emulateShiftHeld() method on the WebView which is hidden in the SDK. Any other options? TIA. ...

How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active?

My program does some network activity in a background thread. Before starting, it pops up a progress dialog. The dialog is dismissed on the handler. This all works fine, except when screen orientation changes while the dialog is up (and the background thread is going). At this point the app either crashes, or deadlocks, or gets into a we...

Animating View.scrollTo(...)

How to implement scrolling animation? I'm ok with setting a simple AlphaAnimation that triggers at scrollTo(...) but what kind of animation is required for one screen to replace another in a sophisticated manner? ...

Android Accelerometer For Gaming

I'm designing a game for Android and I would like to use the accelerometer for some aspects of control. Has anyone come across a tutorial or example for something like this? thanks! ...


Hi when i am trying to run android application which used Google API. it gets error that [2009-07-11 11:46:43 - FirstMapView] Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY [2009-07-11 11:46:43 - FirstMapView] Please check logcat output for more details. [2009-07-11 11:46:44 - FirstMapView] Launch canceled! so can anyone giv...

Does anyone know whether the Android addProximityAlert on the LocationManager is battery intensive.

I just basically want to add about 20 and sometimes 80 Proximity Alerts with no time expiration with a radius of around 500 meters. Just wondering whether by doing this will suck up the battery real quick? also would it make any difference by reducing the radius? ...

Google Map View

Hi I am trying to show map in the android emulator. but it cant display google map in the map view. and also not connect from browser on android emulator. so is there any settings regarding to run internet on emulator. can anyone help me out from this problem. ...