
Getting document position in a WebView?

To put it simple: I want to bookmark the current position (probably several positions) in a html file displayed in a WebView to later restore it. Any little hint would help. :) ...

How to communicate between Android tabs

Hi Im trying to setup some tabs for my android application, but i got stuck. I cant find a way to communicate between the tabs.. I got 2 tabs. |Search|Result| The search tab is simply showing a TextEdit and a "Search" button. Hitting the search button should make my app change to the result tab and display the result. i have adde...

How to convert TM-2 degree coordinate to lat lon on Android?

I am writing a program that convert TM-2 degree to lat/lon on Android, but I can't find formula for that. I do find some example on internet, but most of them are convert with open source library, that I can't use on Android platform. I also find a java class that do convert from UTM to lat lon, but it seems no suitable for TM 2 degreen ...

Alternatives to window.scrollMaxY?

I' trying to use window.pageYOffset & window.scrollMaxY to calculate the current page progress. This approach works under FF3.5 but under webkit window.scrollMaxY is undefined. ...

How much of the Java 6 API is implemented by Android?

I want to port an small open source AES encryption class to Android, and it would cut my work down a lot if the API of Android is as close as possible to the Java 6 API. How much is implemented (or referenceable), as I have tried searching about this on google, and i have not yet come up with anything useful? ...

what mobile platform should I start learning?

What mobile platform should I start learning? What matters is: ease popularity of platform low cost of SDK and actual handheld other criteria... ...

how add limit clause to manageQuery on android

Android's API provides a clean mechanism via SQLite to make queries into the contact list. However, I am not sure how to limit the results: Cursor cur = ((Activity)mCtx).managedQuery( People.CONTENT_URI, columns, "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?", new String[] { Integer.toString(limit), ...

Android Eclipse Classpath - want to add classpath container path but eclipse won't let me.

I'm using Eclipse to learn to develop Android applications in Java. I haven't used Eclipse before. The project I'm trying to use (supplied by OReilly as part of 'Android Application Development') is MJAndroid. When attempting to run the project, the Run fails, and the Problems tab mentions can't be found, and Eclipse ask...

How to do Socket communication in android?

I am having a task,considering one emulator as server and i have to access a web service from the client emulator.I think this is not possible in android,if anyone knows about it please send some code snippets to do this. ...

Android SurfaceView scrolling

I'm writing an android application that builds an offscreen bitmap that is (say) 640*480 pixels and displays that in a SurfaceView. Note that the size of the image is larger than the actual display on the handset. The way that the application works is that it initially displays the upper left corner (0,0) of the image and then I would ...

Learning java as a C++ programmer

Long story short: I'm looking for either a book or documentation/reference explaining basic java syntax and functionality from a C++ perspective. I don't need to know about design patterns, encapsulation, keywords such as 'static', etc. What I do want is to know what packages are, know about the import/extends keywords, mostly syntax r...

Extending Android media player

I want to extend the built in media player, however when i grab the sources, there are a lot of external dependencies that are hard to track down. Is there any way to get the source and the dependencies so that i can have it as a standalone and then extend it, is this even possible? ...

Web Service use in Android.

How can we use Web services in Android Applications? ...

How to show a map in an Android mapactivity

I have attached a mapview to my layout and have a it showing a compass and my current location, the problem I have is that there is no street map shown in the view, so basically I just see the compass and my current location over a blank grid. ...

Latency on mobile networks (Android)

I am planning to give mobile phone development a shot and was thinking about making some simple multiplayer games. I know latency over local wifi is probably fine but what are the issues with latency over GPRS/3G? I've searched and the best I've seen is someone saying it was 'high', without presenting any concrete numbers. I suppose l...

Repo command with no results

Hello, I have installed repo and git on my PC. I am trying to get the latest Android source by using the following commands: repo init -u git:// The command succeeds but I am not able to see .repo directory created. repo sync This command also succeeds and the program shows the details of obj...

Main loop in Android

I'm pretty new to java in general, but I have a bit of experience in C and C++. Normally in a C or C++ program there's a main loop/function, usually int main (). Is there a similar function that I can use in android java development? ...

android LinearLayout

I want to lay two TextView to the left, and one button to the right inside a linear layout, is this possible? The following is my code where I had to hardcode the leftMargin of the button, this is inflexible. Is it possible to layout children that flows in different directions? <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/widget43" android:layout_...

Determine if running on a rooted device

My app has a certain piece of functionality that will only work on a device where root is available. Rather than having this feature fail when it is used (and then show an appropriate error message to the user), I'd prefer an ability to silently check if root is available first, and if not,hide the respective options in the first place. ...

Easy way to authenticate POST requests from a Google Android client to Google App Engine?

I'd like to be able to send a POST request from an Android app to App Engine and have it linked to the user's Google account. I read that you need to obtain an authentication token and send it with the POST request. Does Android provide a way to request this token? And how would GAE process it? I feel like this should be easy and I...