
Importing gmail contacts on android emulator

I want to import contacts from my gmail account on android emulator in the same way you can do it on T-Mobile G1 phone. Is it possible? [I have this question too: pentium10] I am wondering if there is a way to do all this? ...

Missing OpenGL drivers on Android emulator

I am trying to set up an Android emulator to do some playing around with OpenGL ES on it, but I am stymied by the fact that, every time I run my program on it, it unceremoniously grenades itself. The problem (at least the first nasty red error line in the log) is a missing package called This is the OpenGL driver file required...

Android Screen Timeout

Hello all. I know its possible to use a wakelock to hold the screen, cpu, ect on but how can I programmatically change the "Screen Timeout" setting on an Android phone. ...

Good book for beginning android development

Hi guys Can somebody suggest the best book or online resource for beginning android apps development? Thanks ...

Android Emulator vs Real Device

What are the differences developers should be aware of? ...

Adding My App to The Gallery App menu

Hi i am trying to set my application what will be a tool to edit pictures, to the menu in the gallery app of the android phone. I know it should go with the intentfilter but i can not get it to work. <activity android:name=".Compass" android:label="@string/main_compass_tool_button"> <intent-filter android:label= "@string/main_co...

How to use a tab widget in Android?

Can anyone show me how to make a tab widget in Android? ...

How to change the focusable color..

I m new to Android, I m creating simple application in Android and i want to change the focus color.That my application consist of two text box .when moving focus to the textbox,i can get the focus of textbox with the orange it possible to change the color..if is it possible pls tell me how to do it.. regards, s.kumaran. ...

HttpURLConnection fail on Android

(Solved - see comment below) I have a class that implements a multipart file upload. The code works on every java client I've tried it on except for Android, and it's the only HTTP request code in my Android app that doesn't play nice with my back end service. The connection responseCode is "-1" so something pretty nasty is going on h...

How do I show the number keyboard on an EditText in android.

I just basically want to switch to the number pad mode as soon a certain EditText has the focus. ...

Android database: IllegalStateException problem

Hi, I created the SQLite database the following way: private static final String DATABASE_CREATE = "create table " + DATABASE_TABLE_SETTINGS + " (" + KEY_ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + KEY_NAME + " INTEGER UNIQUE not null, " + VALUE + " TEXT not null);" + "create table " + DATABASE_TABLE_RECORDINGS + " (" + KEY_ID + " ...

How to make ImageView fill vertically within RelativeLayout

I put an ImageView and a TextView within a RelativeLayout that is used as list items, and want the ImageView to grow vertically with the line number of TextView. The drawable of the ImageView is a png picture of vertical bar. With the following layout, thought it looks fine in the Layout view in Eclipse, the ImageView does not fill the ...

Platform for developing all things google?

I am interested in developing things for google apps and android using python and java. I am new to both and was wondering if a environment set in windows or linux would be more productive for these tasks? ...

Android custom ListView unable to click on items

So I have a custom ListView object. The list items have two textviews stacked on top of each other, plus a horizontal progress bar that I want to remain hidden until I actually do something. To the far right is a checkbox that I only want to display when the user needs to download updates to their database(s). When I disable the checkbox...

oauth_callback on Android

I created a Twitter app I need user of my Android application to authorize its use. I'm at the point where I can call Twitter app page in the browser and successfully authorize. However, the callback seem not to be working, I end up with the confirmation message and PIN in the browser but my Android activity is never called (onResume is ...

Can the Android handset LED be maniuplated without using a Notification object?

Good day all, I would like to be able to control the LED on an Android handset with finer grained control than is offered by the Notification class. Notifications allow one to change the rate of flashing; e.g. 300 milliseconds on, 1000 milliseconds off, but that's it. Essentially, I would like to turn the LED on and off at will at arb...

Querying and working with Cursors in SQLlite on Android

Hi Not sure if I'm the only one who feels this... I find working with the sqlite api in android a complete pain in the butt and pretty soul destroying. Has anyone got any tips/helpers to make my life easier? Here's an example of what I'm talking about. //create code db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + CUSTOMER_TABLE_NAME + " (" ...

Detect when Android software keyboard is hidden

I need to detect when the android software keyboard is hidden. My activity currently responds to when the hardware keyboard is hidden but the software keyboard looks like it can only be implied through a size changed event. Does anyone know of a way that a view or activity can receive a notification when the software keyboard is hidden ...

Why is there no cancel button in Android's progress dialogs ?

I'm facing the same head-scratching moment similar to what this person (from Jan 2008) experienced when I realize that there is no cancel button in Android's progress dialog or spinners. It is now July 2009 and I've just installed the cupcake version of Android. Has this thing changed ? If not, are you adding a cancel button into the dia...

How to pass the values from one activity to previous activity

Dear friends.. Can any one tell me how to pass the value from one screen to its previous screen. Consider the case.i m having two screen first screen with one Textview and button and the second activity have one edittext and button. If i click the first button then it has to move to second activity and here user has to type something ...