
how do perform Http GET in android ?

Hi, Given a Url for an image, I wanted to downoload it and paste it onto my canvas in android. How do I retrieve the image to my app ?? Please help. Thanks, de costo. ...

Best way to accomplish inter-activity communication in an Android TabHost application

Here's the deal: I have an Android application that needs to call a web service every X seconds (currently 60 seconds). This application has multiple tabs and these tabs all need to interact with the data themselves. One is a MapView, one is a ListView and then the third is irrelevant but will need to also get some global data eventually...

How to change icon on the SlidingDrawer handle when clicked

Hi Im trying to change the icon on the handle when i try to open the slidingdrawer. When I extract the handle from the view and sets the onclicklistener or ontouchlistener it seems to never get trigget. public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); Slid...

How to connect a webserver

how to connect and retrive data from one webserver through coding in android application? How to achieve this ? Give me sample code for this ...

What is good way to register users from phone app

We have a web application and we've built phone applications (iPhone, Android, BlackBerry) to be companions to the site. The usual workflow is that an existing user of the site gets a phone app and then plugs their existing credentials into the phone app and they are off and running, but more often now we are seeing folks who are downloa...

generate altitude charts like mytracks

Hi, i have been trying to generate altitude charts just like in MyTracks .. but failing quite often... i am able to generate but the size is extending the screen... In MyTracks , developers have added the zoom and slidding feature .. i believe they have used gallery or some thing similar and that looks is very much good ... if u can ...

Sound Processing - Beat Matching Music Player on Android

Hey, So I want to make a new music player for Android, it's going to be open source and if you think this idea is any good feel free to let me know and maybe we can work on it. I know it's possible to speed up and slow down a song and normalize the sound so that the voices and instruments still hit the same pitch. I'd like to make a m...

Hacking to work

I have been looking at the android source and developing some apps. However for my next app, I need information about the cell phone. Similar to what you see when you go into "Field Test" mode. However I have not been successful to get to work. Is there a way to hack so that I can use it in my app OR is ther...

iPhone/Android Dev for Pocket Change?

Hi folks, First the disclaimer - I've read a bunch of posts already on making money with mobile app development, and I'm not sure I feel encouraged or discouraged at this point :) I understand the very real "Gold Rush" mentality of the iPhone and Android apps... Here's my situation: I've coded professionally solo and on teams for abo...

Best way to search sqlite database

In my application ,am work with a large database.Nearly 75000 records present in a table(totally 6 tables are there).i want to get a data from three different table at a time.i completed that.but the search process was can i optimise the searching process? ...

Android: How to make all elements inside LinearLayout same size?

Hi, I would like to create a dialog to display a video title and tags. Below text I would like to add buttons View, Edit and Delete and make these elements same size. Does anyone know how to modify .xml layout file in order to make elements inside LinearView same size? The current layout file looks like this: <LinearLayout xmlns:and...

How can I create an animated e-mail / SMS notification on an Android phone?

Is there any way to create a notification when a new e-mail arrives in my Android inbox? I would like to show an animation when I receive a new e-mail or SMS - would this be possible without writing my own e-mail client? I'd also like to be able to customize the notifications based on who the sender is, the subject line, etc - basically...

Android - Is it possible to programatically disable certain functionality?

Are the following actions possible using the latest version of the Android API?: Temporarily disable sending text messages Temporarily disable receiving text messages *Ideally, I would intercept them and queue them up for later delivery. Temporarily disable incoming calls except from certain phone numbers Temporarily disable outgoing...

Name of the spinner event's view

what is the name of this text ...

Android textview in view

Hi, I have a view that I would like a text view to popup over when events happen. I have done this before (a long time ago) but can't remember how I did it... My code is for the view element, upon adding the textview I would like it to show over the top. Thanks public class test extends View{ public test(Context context) { super(con...

Fetching a SQLite SUM in Java on Android

I'm new to SQLite and Java, and I'm trying to learn things on the fly. I have a column that has some numeric values in it, and I would like to get the sum of it and display it in a textview. My current code is this: public Cursor getTotal() { return sqliteDatabase2.rawQuery( "SELECT SUM(COL_VALUES) as sum FROM myTable", nul...

ViewConfiguration - Setting the zoomControlsTimeout

I'm trying to determine how to set the ViewConfiguration.zoomControlsTimeout setting in the Android 1.5 framework, when working with a MapView. There is information on how to get this data, but how can I set it? My end goal is to ensure zoom controls are always displayed on the screen, instead of the default hide/show behavior. ...

How to find the path of Database file in Android Emulator?

Dear Friends, I am executing some sqlite query in the Android emulator. I want to know which path that database files are storing. Pls give me some idea how to find it. If u can provide me some code snippet. urs, s.kumaran. ...

How do i access the data files belongs to a application in Android ?

Hi, I don't how to do this task.using the getpath() method i can get the path of the database.In the Terminal Emulator using commends i can see the database file which contains the queries what i have executed,that file is saved in the emulator memory.How can i access that file from an anroid application.Is this is possible.please help m...

What are the commands executed in Android emulator?

Dear Friends, can any one tell me what are the linux commands i can execute in android terminal emulator.I m in root user but certain commands i can't execute.pls if anyone knows about this give me a list which are the commands executed in Android terminal emulator. regards, s.kumaran. ...