
RTSP Stack implementation

Hi, I am working on making RTSP url to work on Android. I have used MediaPlayer and VideoView to play the RTSP url but both of them fail to play in G1 Device and emulator. Error is PVMFFailureiin PLAYER_INIT. So I thought of implementing a RTSP client from scratch. I have developed a small application, it exchanges all the messages (DE...

How to test content providers on Android

I am trying to test my DB using ProviderTestCase2<T>. I can see the test DB being created. As such I suppose, the tested content provider should use the test DB. But as soon as I try any calls against the MockContentResolver (or the one created with newResolverWithContentProviderFromSql), I get an UnsupportedOperationException. This is d...

Self Signed SSL acceptance Android

Ive looked everywhere on the internet and while some people claim to have found the solution, it either does not work or there is no Sample code to back it up. Does anyone know how to accept a self signed cert in java on the android? A code sample would be perfect. Thanks, Faisal ...

How can I debug this NullPointer Exception?

I'm trying to write an application for Android and when I launch my new activity, I've set break points and found that it runs through my onCreate without any errors, but after that function returns, the debugger says there is a NullPointer Exception. The problem is, its not in my code, it says its in ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity...

How do I parameterize android speech recognition? android.speech.action.RECOGNIZE_SPEECH does not do anything

How to I properly parameterize the speech recognizer so that it can more easily recognize the words that the user will probably say? As far as I can tell there is no way. I believe this site is wrong: According to the site, this code: ArrayList< String > potential...

Android selector & text color

I want a simple TextView to behave the way simple_list_item_1 in a ListView does. Here's the XML: <TextView xmlns:android="" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:gravity="center" android:focusable="true" android:minHeight="?android:attr/list...

Android: Subactivity problem

Hi, I created an application which consists of several activities. If I start a subactivity named DlgTitleTags from main activity everything goes well. Another case is when I start a subactivity DlgLibrary and then from DlgLibrary DlgTitleTags the execution fails on line: setContentView(R.layout.title_tags_dialog); In the first exam...

Require a password to uninstall/remove application

I would like to require that a user type a password before being allowed to uninstall/remove my application. How can I implement this functionality? ...

Alternative to JUnit in Android

hi , As there is JUnit test tool for Desktop java is there some thing similiar in android so one can apply on android also . Thnx in advance. ...

How to delete files created by the application on uninstall?

Hi, I created an application which creates and stores files to sdcard. Is there a way to bind the folder with application in order to delete all files when the user runs uninstall on android device? ...

Android – multiple custom versions of the same app

Whats the best way to deploy several customized versions of a Android application? Currently I have a script to exchange the resource folder for getting a customized version of my app. It works great, but all custom versions still have the same package name in the AndroidManifest.xml. Therefore it is not possible to install two customi...

How to time-bomb an Android application?

Hello does anyone have a code example of how I can time bomb an Android application so It will not work after a given date? I would like to release a "beta" application for testing but would like to make sure it will only work while I have the application officially in beta. Thanks. ...

About Google Android and Google API??

I need to know about the Android and the API. I need Information as to what are the latest applications that are developed on Android and/or using API. Is there any doc that will explain the use of android or the SDK is self-sufficient? if you can give ideas regarding an application that can be developed as a FYP. suggest me t...

Encrypting a DB File in Android

In my Android application I want to encrypt a db file. How can I do that? ...

Best Mobile Application Analytics Package?

I'm developing on Android at the moment and want to know the best mobile app analytics for android and iPhone. I only need usage stats at the moment. ...

Is there a size limit for OTA Android Market downloads?

On the iPhone, if an application is over 10MB, the iPhone will not allow you to download it over the celluar data network, requiring you to either download over wifi, or via iTunes on your computer. Does a similar rule apply to Google's Android Market? If so, what is the size limit for OTA downloads? ...

Android development resources for a Java newbie

I've got one of those newfangled Android phones and want to do some app development for it and am looking for guides. I haven't really found anything that looks promising for both an Android newbie and a Java newbie though. I know PHP and code in it professionally as well as a basic smattering of some other languages so any 'for dummies...

How to compute the zoom level against returned markers?

Hi, I'd like to know if there is already a way to know from a given set of markers, the zoom I should apply to the map or do I have to do it my self? (this depends on the resolution so i expected to find it in MapView because it knows its boundaries...) Regards, Zied Hamdi ...

Video/Audio frame as input to OpenCore

I am not able to use MediaPlayer/VideoView to make rtsp to work in Android. So I have created a client to interact with RTSP server, I have succeeded in doing this. I am able to get the video/audio frame from RTSP server (MySpace) in Android. Now I want to play the frames. I have searched OpenCore APIs to play the frames, but didn't get ...

Exclude activity from recents menu by code

I need to exclude an activity from appearing in recent launched menu, but i am not able of adding android:excludeFromRecents="true" in AndroidManifest.xml, I have to do it in runtime. Does anyone knows if there is possible to set FLAG_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS to the activity? ...