
Android with E-Ink display

I'm interested in using Android for a E-Ink based platform. I know it has been demonstrated once by MOTO, but I'm interested in using it for a commercial grade product and not 'just' a technology demo. I have got a question on the ability to change the platform to cope with specific display effect caused by E-Ink. I'm asking this quest...

How to create a file in android?

Dear Friends,can anyone tell me how to create a file to write data in that file at run time in android and how to retrieve the data from that file .if possible provide some code snippet. regards, s.kumaran ...

Persistent field in Android service

I need to retain a complex object in my service, so I can reliably come back to it (it holds updates). Initially I coded it just as a class filed in my Service implementation but I'm observing that the updates object is periodically reset to null which tells me that server class itself is recreated. Can someone recommend lightweight reli...

draw inflated layout xml on an bitmap

Hi, I created a layout xml file that contains an extended textview. What I want is to draw the textview in a bitmap. What do I have to do after inflating the view so that I can use the draw method on the my canvas? Thanks ...

scroll view issue Android

hi, I am adding layouts programmatically ,I am adding scrollview as a parent layout and and combination of horizontal and vertical linearlayouts when i add a list view in scrollview i am getting an issue that my ui is not taking full screen the listview height is set to fill parent .There is blank space added at the bottom and the h...

Does Android support near real time push notification

I recently learned about the ability of iPhone apps to receive nearly instantaneous notifications to apps. This is provided in the form of push notifications, a bespoke protocol which keeps an always on data connection to the iPhone and messages binary packets to the app, which pops up alerts incredibly quickly, between 0.5 - 5 seconds...

How to examine SharedPreferences from adb shell?

Now that we can Examining sqlite3 Databases from a Remote Shell, is it possible to examine SharedPreferences from adb shell? Since it would be much more convenient to examine and manipulate SharedPreferences from command line when debugging. Or put in another way, in what files SharedPreferences are saved, and how to view and modify the...

OpenGL for Android and iPhone

In discussion with some colleagues we were wondering whether OpenGL work developed for Android or iPhone are effectively interchangeable given that both support the spec. Or is the reality of sharing OpenGL between the two platforms more a case of quirks, tweaks and not as easy as one might have hoped. ...

How to store object in sqlite database?

Is it possible to store user defined objects in a SQLite database from Android? For example: I am creating one class and I want to store that class object in the database. Is it possible? If it is, how to proceed? On the Blackberry platform, I am able to store objects directly in persistent objects. Is it possible to do this with SQLit...

SQLite query in android application

Hi, I use this query in my android database, but It return no data. Am I missing something? SQLiteDatabase db = mDbHelper.getReadableDatabase(); String select = "Select _id, title, title_raw from search Where(title_raw like " + "'%Smith%'" + ")"; Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_NAME, FROM, select, null, null, null, n...

Is drawing through the Canvas class hardware accelerated on Android?

Are calls to Canvas.drawPath()/drawArc()/etc hardware accelerated, passed to a device native implementation or implemented in Java? Or is OpenGL the only way to achieve hardware accelerated drawing? I am trying to determine if it is feasible to use the Canvas API for realtime animation. ...

Android: Difference between SurfaceView and View?

When is it necessary, or better to use a SurfaceView instead of a View? ...

How to delete completely the initial table in android

I created a table with the name SONGS in the assets/folder. And after that I create a new project, my project run to create a database name "data" with table name "BOOKS". But I found that the table "SONGS" also created in my new database? And now my database have two table "BOOKS" and "SONGS". I don't know why? How can I delete complete...

iPhone app port to Palm Pre or Android?

I have a very popular Apple iPhone app and wish to port to another mobile platform. What is best the Palm Pre or Google Android? The Android has more popularity with manufacturers but I worry about installation issues and incompatibilities. The Pre has one carrier and one mfr but I worry its sales will be too low. My app uses an SQLite...

Add Context Menu Icon in android

I have a Listview with a ContextMenu, but when I setIcon for ContextMenu look like it doesn't work public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu , View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo){ super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo); menu.add(0, DELETE_ID, 0, R.string.context_menu_favorite) .setIcon(android.R.drawable.b...

Android list with 'grayed out' items.

In Android, I want to present the user with a list. When an item on the list is selected some action is performed, and this list item is no longer selectable. It is also 'grayed out' or the like to indicate that it cannot be selected the next time the list is displayed. I have seen the isSelectable() override in Adapter, but I believe...

android onclickuplistener for an imageview button?

Hey all. I'm trying to use an imageview as a button, and I want to be able to change the image whenever the button's pressed. I have an OnClickListener set, but what do I have to do about when the user's finger is no longer down, over the button? How do I revert to the original image? ...

problem sending an email with an attachment programmatically

hello.. i`m trying to send an email using native email client on android phone. I have tried following ways to add an attachment to the mail... method--1 Intent sendIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); sendIntent.setType("image/jpeg"); sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.parse("file://sdcard/ abc.jpg")); method 2 Sendin...

Android : Upgrading (reinstall app) causing android:manageSpaceActivity to run?

We have a bit of an issue where we are trying to figure out what is causing the problem. Can anyone clear up when android:manageSpaceActivity is run? We know if you click on the ManageSpace button under the Application information under manage applications it runs the code. We have some users saying they did an upgrade of our applicati...

How to delete a file from SD card?

I am creating a file to send as an attachment to an email. Now I want to delete the image after sending the email. Is there a way to delete the file? I have tried: myFile.delete(); but it didn't delete the file. ...