
How to execute an URL using Android?

I'm making a App to send SMS trough VOIP providers from betamax... To send I just need to execute the url​&password=x&from=y&to=z&text=some%20text My app already creates the URL, but i cant understand how to execute...i think i have to make an http request....bu...

How to pick up input in Android?

How do I read input from the touchscreen in Android? ...

How can i call a web service without using KSOAP2 in Android?

Hi, I can call a webservice with KSOAP2 from android,now i want to know is it possible to call it without using KSOAP.If anyone knows the answer please help me. ...

How to get Android application id?

In Android, how do I get the application's id programatically (or by some other method), and how can I communicate with other applications using that id? ...

How can I create 2 rows of buttons in android layout.xml file

Hi, I try to create 2 rows of buttons in android layout.xml file. The first row is left-aligned, the second row is center-aligned. Here is what I did, but I end up getting 1 row of buttons. Can you please tell me what am I doing wrong? enter code here <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <FrameLayout xmlns:android="

How to generate stub in android?

Hi,Can anyone tell me which tool is used to generate Stub in Android and is it possible to use JAX-RPC concept to call the web service in android.If is it possible please provide me some code with example. regards, s.kumaran ...

Control the back "button" in android

Hi, I want to get the Text data value from Sub-Activity back. And everything is ok. But when the Sub-activity was opened, then I just click back "button" on the phone, it throw an exception error. I found on the android NotePad life-cycle control toturial but It's hard to understand. Can someone help me? This is my code: public class SB...

Android - Unknown Error when trying to use networking

Hey, I've just started developing Android applications. I'm having a little problem with networking. If I run the following code I get an "unknown error" exception message: import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException;; import...

SSH Java-library for Android?

I'm trying to create an app for Android that simply sends a command to an SSH server. No response needed, I just need to be able to send a command. I was wondering if there's any java library out there that I could use? No advanced stuff needed, just a pure connection to send the command. ...

How to parse this Web service response in Android?

Hi, I am using KSOAP2 to call a .NET webservice from android application,and the response from the web service is in the following format anyType{ UserName=anyType{}; Password=anyType{}; ApplicationCode=JOB; ActionType=Query; MessageParameters=anyType{Parameters=anyType{}; }; TableData=anyType{TableNo=167; TableName=...

Can I use Basic HTTP Authentication with Android MediaPlayer?

Hi I cant find a way to use an url that requires basic auth when im useing mp.setDataSource(url); MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); mp.setDataSource(url); mp.prepareAsync(); Anyone that got any ideas? ...

Problem with DWR and Android-Browser

Hello everyone, I am experiencing a problem with accessing an application from the Android-browser. The application uses DWR to persist connections to the clients that are connected with it. Everything works fine for me, except that if the application does not send any data to the client on the Android-phone for 2 minutes, the connecti...

how to unzip a encrypted zip file

in winzip we can able to encrypt a file using some keys.In my android application i using the encrypted zip file.i know the way for unzip a file(without encryption).but how can i unzip the encrypted zip file in android? ...

How to set ringtone in Android from my activity ?

Hi Im trying to find a way to set a new default ringtone by code from my Android activity. I have already downloaded the ringtone into a bytearray. Anybody got a hint? ...

Android - GridView : Specify Column Span

How can you specify a column span in an android's gridview? I have a gridview that displays 3 images for each row. Sometimes, there are images that have to span 2 rows. Is it possible to do that in Android? or should I be using a different view? ...

IOException while reading from InputStream

I'm running into a strange problem while reading from an InputStream on the Android platform. I'm not sure if this is an Android specific issue, or something I'm doing wrong in general. The only thing that is Android specific is this call: InputStream is = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.myfile); This returns an InputStream for...

Android - how to get android.R.anim.slide_in_right

Hey, I'm playing about with animations with android. The animations android.R.anim.slide_in_left and android.R.anim.slide_out_right are provided. I'm looking for a way to get the opposite animations i.e: android.R.anim.slide_in_right and android.R.anim.slide_out_left or how I can specify these myself. Cheers, Pete ...

How to use a solid circle as my background for my view

Hi, i specify the following xml as my background for my view. It shows the oval, but the filled color is always white. I have played around with the android:color field, but the color never changes, it is always white. I tried "#FF0000", "#ff0000", "#00ff0000" Any idea? Thank you. ...

Help in using shape drawable as my background xml

I really appreciate if someone can help me with using how to use shape drawable as my background xml for my view. This is what I tried: But I never get the color. Android always gives me black text on white background, regardless what color attribute I put. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.and...

How to use web camera in android emulator to capture a live image?

As far as i know, Android emulator doesn't have a camera. To capture a live image we have to use the web camera. I have seen code in this web site to use the web camera in the android emulator to capture an image, but I don't know how to use this code. ...