
How do I make isolated dalvik

I am tracing the Dalvik machine source code. According that, I want to make Dalvik runnable. I have seem the dvk project. But there has many problem result in fault. Are there have any way to make dalvik only without all android. Because make android will take too much time (about many hour) thx for helping dvk project:

How to use my local computer camera in android emulator?

How to use my local computer camera in android emulator? ...

How to remount /sdcard directory to read/write on emulator?

Hi, Can you please tell me how to remount /sdcard directory to read/write on emulator? I read this: But i don't know how to apply that to remount /sdcard directory in read-write mode? Thank you. ...

How to run android emulator with sd card

HI, I download and build android 1.5r3 source. I did 'lunch 1' and then 'make'. And when it is done, I run my emulator like out/host/darwin-x86/bin/emulator -sdcard sd256m.img But when I click 'Gallery', it said 'No Media Found'. I am sure the sd card i created (sd256m.img) has images in there. Can you please tell me why I don't see...

FileNotFoundException AndroidManifest.xml

I am working through my first Android app and have gotten it to work in the emulator but am unable to get it running on a real device (myTouch running cupcake). I have put the app out on my web site accessible through a link with type attribute set to "application/" and I have also added that mime type to apa...

xml problem in android 1.5

In my application am using a tabactivity,In tab content area am using multiple views.some of the views are created by by java code and some of them are created using XMl.this works fine in android 1.1. but when i move to android1.5 the layouts which are created using xml creates the ddms/logcat am getting stack overflow error....

Get all item from cursor in android

I use this code to get the item from cursor, but it just return one item on my list. So, how can I get all items to my list, this is my code? class MyAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter { private Context context; public MyAdapter(Context context, int layout, Cursor c, String[] from, int[] to) { super(context, layout, c, from, t...

How to Capture image from Camera Application in Android Programming?

Hi, I am trying to implement Camera application in android,and i got some code from net to create a Live Camera through WebCam.Upto this no problem.Now i have to capture the images when click the button, and i displayed the captured images in the Dialog window.Without any exception the program is running but the captured image is not di...

Launching activities within a tab in Android

Here's the deal. I have an application with three tabs. Through various interactions with the items in the tabs I end up launching other activities. The client has reviewed this and would like the activities launched "within" the tabs, so the tabs remain visible and if the user clicks the tab it goes back to the original activity defined...

How to fetch Android Market data when there is no API ?

As far as I can tell, there is no API (official or unofficial) to access information about Apps on the Android Market (info such as Title, Icon, Description, Downloads, Comments, etc..) However, there are a few websites that have managed to compile this information anyway. My question is: How is this being done? A couple of guesses. ...

How to change colors of a Drawable in Android?

I'm working on an android application, and I have a drawable that I'm loading up from a source image. On this image, I'd like to convert all of the white pixels to a different color, say blue, and then cache the resultant Drawable object so I can use it later. So for example say I have a 20x20 PNG file that has a white circle in the mi...

Android Tile Bitmap

I'm trying to load a bitmap in Android which I want to tile. I'm currently using the following in my view to display a bitmap: canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, srcRect, destRect, null) I essentially want to use this bitmap as a background image in my app and would like to repeat the bitmap in both the X and Y directions. I've seen the TileM...

Optimizing paging between ImageViews in Android?

Hello, everyone, For the application I'm currently working on, I created something like ImageSwitcher for multiple images (imagine iPhone's UIScrollView with paging enabled). At first, I hardcoded some ImageViews and loaded their drawable resources on creation/inflation, but after some tweaks (and what I thought were improvements), I r...

How can I improve (perceived) speed on a complex ListView creation with Android ?

I have an app using a ListView as a main screen. Each row displays some text, a checkbox and images according to the data, and since you can't do that with a standard ListAdapter, I crafted my own. Every time a change occur (adding / removing a row, checking a tip, navigating, etc) to the list data, I refresh the list display, using thi...

Android. TranslateAnimation takes no effect

Hi, I am trying to create animation that moves an image. Lets have a look at following (like image locations on screen): 01 02 03 04 If I move from 01 to 02, 03 to 04, 01 to 03, 02 to 04, TranslateAnimation works fine. But when I do 01 to 04 I will have no visual animation, and image takes immediate vertical position. Could you p...

Android: Removing items from a ListView/ArrayAdapter Activity

I have a list (of messages) and I want to give the user the ability to remove these items from the list. I have extended an ArrayAdapter and give it an ArrayList of my messages and would like to simply remove an item from that list and then refresh the listview instead of reloading the entire list of sent messages. The problem is, if the...

How can I look at locally-hosted projects with the Android SDK emulator?

I develop all my sites on a OS 10.5.8 server with PHP and MySQL, and I've configured my /etc/hosts and httpd.conf files to display my site at in any browser on that machine. I recently installed Android's software development kit which I'd like to use to develop and test stylesheets targeted to mobile Webkit-- but I can't ac...

Is it possible to set a background png on a view and anchor it to the top and not scale in Android?

I have an image, say 16px from our designer. I want to Set it as the background image on a view, but the view is larger than the image. So I want to anchor the image at the top of the view, and then have the view fill in the bottom with a solid color. Is this possible in the current version of android, 1.5_r3? Here is what I have so ...

How to load the Listview "smoothly" in android

I load data from Cursor to listview, but my Listview not really display "smooth". The data change when I drag up and down on the scollbar in my ListView. And some items look like duplicate display in my list. I hava a "complex ListView" (two textview, one imageview) So I used newView(), bindView() to display data. Can someone help me? ...

Referencing android.R resources - am I on the safe side?

The question boils down to whether phone manufacturers are required to keep resources that are available in SDK intact. Say, will android.R.drawable.ic_menu_preferences be the same file on any phone? ...