
Android. How to send mail without User participation?

Hi, is there any possibility to send mail from phone to phone's email account without any User participation? I have found Intent for this, but User has to press button to complete operation. Possibly there are some approaches to solve this. Thanks. ...

HttpURLConnection in android doesn't send correct User-Agent header

Hello, I have found an issue. I have a server that uses User Agent header to identify the device that is connecting to it. But when i connect to the server using HttpURLConnection i get no User Agent header, but when i connect with the browser it sends the correct User Agent. For testing i am using an echo server that replies with the ...

How to draw lots of bitmaps on screen in an Android game without slow performance

Hi, I want to make a tile based game for android. At the moment I am drawing each tile as a separate bitmap. I have a big for loop that reads from a string and draws different tiles depending on what character it finds to draw the level. I have allowed the user to scroll the screen using scrolling gestures. However the game is too s...

How do I get a device's maximal width and height in android

Hi I have a problem creating a custom view for an Android application. My custom view wants to use if permitted the maximum screen width. I couldn't find any way to retrieve this value. Can anybody point me to the right method? ...

Problem in creating Temporary File in android?

Hi, In my MediaPlayer application for streaming Video i am using the following code File temp = File.createTempFile("mediaplayertmp", "dat"); while running it throws exceptions like Parent directory of file in not writable:/sdcard/ mediaplayertmp43912.dat I dont how to handle this problem,and i want to know that when we execute t...

How to query MMS sender and text from MMS database

Hi, In android, How can I query the name of the MMS sender and text of the MMS from MMS database? For SMS, there are these 2 columns for that: Sms.PERSON_ID and Sms.Body. But what is the equivalent columns in MMS Table? Thank you. ...

WebView.capturePicture failing with url parameters

[Android Newbie alert] I need to capture the contents of a WebView in a BitMap and I've run into a strange problem. My approach is to register a WebViewClient with the WebView, and in onPageFinished I call capturePicture. With a simple URL (e.g., it works fine. In other cases, capturePicture returns a Picture with ...

BusyBox Help, ip Command

I'm using a Google phone running Android, and I need to figure out how to use the terminal's 'ip' command. I found out that Android uses BusyBox in its terminal, but I can't find any help or tutorials or any information regarding it other than the basic information given in the terminal help. Can anyone point me to a site that would g...

Getting Android SDK WebView and TabWidget to play nice

I’m taking the HelloTabWidget Android example and trying two things: Moving the tabs to the bottom vs. the top (if that’s even desirable from an Android UI POV) Making each tab show a particular WebView in the space above I’ve got this for a layout (high level): <TabHost> <LinearLayout> <FrameLayout> <WebView/> <W...

Is HTTP 1.1 pipelining discouraged in native mobile apps ?

For several years, I've been facing problems with HTTP 1.1 pipelining & continued to ask the server to send the HTTP Header: Connection: close I want to revisit this decision. Does your native mobile apps use HTTP pipelining ? Some problems with HTTP pipelining I've faced: Server not releasing TCP connections My client is receiving ...

wav to speex conversion taking alot of Time

HI, I am using Jspeex Api to convert a .wav file into .spx file, everything goes perfect when tested on desktop it took only 2 seconds, Android developer used the same code but they took around 3 minutes to encode the same file on their simulator & Phone. Is there any way to reduce this time for encoding? Code used to convert is as foll...

Casting spinners in android

Hi, I'm currently trying out the google's various android examples at BUT I can't seem to get this part to work even though the code is exactly the same as the one provided in the website. Spinner s = (Spinner) findViewById(; Eclipse keeps saying "Cann...

How do I import a java Point class in android?

Hi, I am writing an android game. I need a Point class that stores x and y coordinates. I have found a class called java.awt.Point. Which looks like what I need. I have created an interface for java.awt.Point and put import java.awt.Point in my code. But when I do Point pos = new Point. I get an error: cannot instantiate Point. A...

Solid black screens when calling Dialogs in onCreate().

I've had this problem in a few different apps now and I can't seem to find a solution. If, in the onCreate() of an Activity, I start an activity that uses the dialog theme it doesn't draw anything to screen... the whole screen stays black. All the views are there (e.g., I can tap where an EditText should be and it'll give me the keyboar...

Improve Android Audio Recording quality?

Hi, is there any possibility to make audio recording with higher quality? And how can I read information that User is saying something? In Audio Recording application you can see such indicator (I don't know the right name for it). Thanks. ...

How to open .png or .doc file in android

How to open .png or .doc file in android in new Activity. ...

HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() returns -1 on second invocation

I seem to be running into a peculiar problem on Android 1.5 when a library I'm using (signpost 1.1-SNAPSHOT), makes two consecutive connections to a remote server. The second connection always fails with a HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() of -1 Here's a testcase that exposes the problem: // BROKEN public void testDefaultOAuthConsum...

Passing data of a non-primitive type between activities in android

Suppose you want to start a new activity and pass it some data from the current activity. If the data is of a primitive type you could simply use an intent and add extras, but how would you do this for more complex data structures like arraylists or objects? ...

iphone webapp, server side view template selection

I'm going to develop a mobile version of my webapp. Most documentation I've read suggests one of the following approaches: create a separate domain ( using conditional css style sheets, but serve the same html I'd like to take a completely different approach. I'm using MVC, and would decide which template to render on t...

Android: How to check if the server is available?

Hi, I am developing an application which connects to the server. By now the login and data transmission works fine if theserver is available. The problem arises when the server is unavailable. In this case the method sends a login request and waits for the response. Does anyone know how to check if the server is available (visible)? T...