
Is there a way to develop C#/.NET on Android devices?

Hi, I want to run C# programs on my HTC Magic, I can find the mono app on the Android market but I have no clue on how to run C# using. The code is just for fun, I don't want official support and such. After coding Visual Basic on windows mobile, I really want to code C# on Android, whether directly using some sort of editor if exists,...

Is there a way to develop C#/.NET on Android devices?

Hi, I want to run C# programs on my HTC Magic, I can find the mono app on the Android market but I have no clue on how to run C# using. The code is just for fun, I don't want official support and such. After coding Visual Basic on windows mobile, I really want to code C# on Android, whether directly using some sort of editor if exists,...

Android ListView setSelection() does not seem to work.

I have a ListActivity that implements onListItemClick() and calls a doSomething() function of the class. The latter contains l.setSelection(position) where l is the ListView object. Now there is a onClickListener() listening for a button click that perfoms some actions and that too calls doSomething(). In the first case, the selected i...

How to port android to device on ARM9 processor ?

Hi Friends, I want to port Android on the device with ARM9 200Mhz and no-fpu support, Is this possible, Has google revealed all code of android or it is just available to partners? if ANDROID_PORT_POSSIBLE { Is there any tutorial available for porting? } Thanks and Regards, Sunny. ...

Android ant script workaround?

It appears that, in the transition between the Android 1.1 sdk and 1.5, Google radically changed how ant scripts using AAPT can build Android projects. Previously they support args allowing developers to specify source, res, asset, and a manifest for a particular build. Now, they seem to allow developers to specify only a single folder ...

How do I implement an application similar to google maps on android ???

Hi, I have a couple of images on available to my program. They are parts of jigsaw puzzle (with rectangular pieces though). I wanted the look and feel similar to that of google maps in android. One way I could implement was to create a set of ImageViews and keep recycling them, as the user pans the image in any direction. However, to ...

Is there any api which generates a Thumbnail image from an inputstream which is a video file

Hi, Is there any api on android which generates a Thumbnail image from an inputstream which is a video file? Thank you. ...

How to enable sensor simulator in android??

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Hardware.Preferences.CONTENT_URI); startActivity(intent); when i give the above code to enable sensors....they are showing errors....@ Hardware.Preferences.CONTENT_URI);...saying create a class Hardware...plz help...i'm a beginner in android... ...

Low latency audio api for Android?

What are my options for playing simultaneous audio on an Android device with the least amount of latency? Am I going to get anything half decent out of the canned SDK, or is that asking too much? The documentation claims that the SoundPool class is capable of playing multiple sounds simultaneously with relatively good performance, but ...

Android - restore last viewed Activity

I have 3 different Activities that user navigates between in no particular order. My goal it twofold: When user switches to something else when app is resumed I want to start where user left even if app was terminated When last activity is resumed I want to restore it to the last viewed state (this one I think I have a pretty good idea...

How to add entry (pointing to Activity) to "Home Screen -> Menu -> Add-> Shortcuts"?

Hi, I'm writing program for Android (SDK 1.5). I would like to know how to add/register one of my program activities in "Home Screen -> Menu -> Add-> Shortcuts" (or on Hero "Home Screen -> Menu -> Add to Home-> Shortcut") so that user will be able to add it to his home screen. Is there an Intent Filter or any other way to achieve that? ...

Android custom widget styles: how to put them into a namespace?

In the ApiDemos, there is a view example called Gallery1 which declares a custom style in attrs.xml, as such: <declare-styleable name="Gallery1"> <attr name="android:galleryItemBackground" /> </declare-styleable> now, I want to do the same thing for my widgets, but using a different namespace. However, as soon as I replace the and...

Reference javax.script.ScriptEngine in android or evaluate a javascript expression

Is it possible to reference the javax.script.ScriptEngine library when developing an android application? If not is there anyway possible to evaluate a javascript expression in android? ...

Using tesseract on android

Hello.. I am working on a android project that uses tesseract OCR engines..I have been searching on internet from past few days about any support for tesseract for android platform..But I didnt get any help...Please help me about how I do use tesseract for android platform...or how do I install it on android.. any kind of help is highl...

Android. Gradient Image is displayed incorrectly

Hi, I have got another mysterious issue. So, I am setting a background image for LinearLayout. This image contains gradient. Don't know why, but after I launch application the image appears to consist of several parts that actually form "smooth transition" of gradient, and that's why it seems that background image is not a gradient. Co...

Step/Debug Android built-in applications

I have downloaded the Android source code and can see the java source files for the built-in applications (e.g. I am trying to discover how these applications re-use one another via Intents etc. I would also like to see how the UI layouts are assembled for these applications as a design for m...

Is there any point in using an index buffer with a texture in OpenGL ES (Android)?

I'm using OpenGL ES to display some objects exported from Blender. Blender provides a list of vertices, a list of the face indices and a list of the 2d texture co-ordinates. Within Blender, and I believe generally in OpenGL, the texture co-ordinates map to each vertex described in the index array. I suppose I have two questions: I...

How do I access android:label for an Activity

Given Android.xml: <activity android:name='.IconListActivity' android:label='@string/icon_list_activity_name' /> Strings.xml: <string name='icon_list_activity_name>Icon List</string> How do I access to the string 'Icon List' given IconListActivity.class? ...

Why isn't view.invalidate immediately redrawing the screen in my android game

Hi, I am trying to make an android game. I have a game class that extends activity and handles all the user input. Then I have a missionView class that extends view and it draws the level on the screen. When the user clicks on a door I want to add some animation. What happens is: The game calls Changes the state so the ...

Question about API Demo Remote Service example in android

I am studying RemoteService example in Android's APISample. In the manifest file, it declares the service like this: My question is how can I specify the service to be 'auto-start', i.e. it gets start whenever the phone start? <service android:name=".app.RemoteService" android:process=":remote" > <intent-filter> <!...