
How to change the Backgroung Image Dynamically according my spineer selection in Android ?

Hi , we are designing the page and we need to change background image dynamically. Is there any way to load(or change) android application background image dynamically? help me from come out this problem? ...

Is there any form designer available for Google Android.

Hi, I am a new comer in Android development, I have downloaded and installed the Android SDK, but not find any GUI or Form designer, can any one know about some Form designer in for Android, Thanks in advance. ...

Android empty list layout

Android empty list layout Whatever I do, I can't get the empty tag to display. Inside my tabs, I've got: <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/thisParticularTab" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"> <TextView android:id="@+id/LastUpdated" android:layout_width="fill_parent" a...

Android Writing Logs to text File

I'm Trying to Write Logs to Custom Log.txt File on Android File using this code of Mine but then this method creates file but contains nothing. Basically I want to read previous contents of the file and then append my data with the existing content. The Code is as follows : public static void write(String str) { InputStream fileI...

How to strengthen Java ME eco-system

These days everyone who worked in mobile software talks about Android and iPhone. I just wonder what is missing part from Java ME compared to these mobile software platforms. Open application store? Rich APIs? Compatibility? Big company support? ... Do you have any idea on it? How Sun (or Oracle) can strengthen Java ME? ...

Long Lived Persistent TCP Connection on the Android

I've read some articles on the web and some questions on StackOverFlow, but no one seems to have a definite answer over a) If google uses Long Lived TCP connections for Gmail, Mail etc, and b) If using it in a custom app will drain battery life , and if so roughly how much? ...

[Android] Any painless way to trigger the soft keyboard for EditText in dialogs?

I am rendering an EditText as one element of a list-style AlertDialog (which is backed by the default ListView implementation). I sort of expected that this circumstance would not change the behavior of EditText, but it does: a click on the EditText does not spawn the soft keyboard anymore. After an hour of messing around with focus set...

What are the latest tools for mobile development - iPhone/Android/etc...

Looking for write once deploy across multiple platforms, is there such a thing? Also looking for an tools that would help speed up mobile development, OSX/Linux based preferred. ...

How to specify text view when I use include in my layout xml file

Hi, I have a layout xml file which includes another smaller xml file. <include layout="@layout/text" android:id="@+id/test1"/> <include layout="@layout/text" android:id="@+id/test2"/> where my text.xml is <merge xmlns:android=""&gt; <TextView android:id="@android:id/text1" ...

How to specify id when uses include in layout xml file

Hi, In my layout xml file, I have included other layout xml file (each with a different android id). But when I run it in the emulator, and start Hierarchy Viewer, each of the layout still shows 'NO_ID', and in my code, I have findViewById( and findViewById( both returns null. Can anyone please help me with my...

Is it possible to stream to an Android phone with Microsoft Media Server?

Let's say that I have Microsoft Media Server stream (i.e. mms://[some ip address here]). This stream contains both audio and video. Is it possible to stream this to an Android phone? How would I go about doing this? Preferably with video, but if it is an audio stream only that would also be okay. ...

Android: SQLite and ListViews

Firstly, I have found many examples of how to grab data from a db and place it into a list, however this seems to be all for ListActivites. My list is part of the UI and therefore I can't use a ListActivity because it does not consume the whole screen (or can I?). This is the UI: <SlidingDrawer android:layout_width="wrap_content" an...

How do you test an Android application across multiple Activities?

We are building a complex Android application consisting of many screens and workflows spread across many Activities. Our workflows are similar to what you might see on a Bank's ATM machine, for example, there is an Activity to login in that transitions to a main menu Activity which can transition to other activities based on the user's ...

How can I get an Android MediaController to appear from layout xml?

I've created a layout.xml file with the following XML, but I can't get the MediaController to appear at all. <MediaController android:id="@+id/media_controller" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="200px" android:visibility="visible"/> In code, I can obtain a reference to it from code, call show(), etc...

Open Email application from my application.

How to open the email application from my app. I want to launch directly the compose email screen with the email id that the user should email to. I want to do something similar to what happens on a pc. If you click on an email address, system will automatically opens the email client with the compose screen. The compose screen will ofco...

Listen to hardware button click event in android

Hi, As a simple test I'm trying to have a broadcastReceiver that will notify the user with a Toast message that an hardware button was clicked in android. I've created a receiver tag in my manifest file with a name .TestReceiver that listens to Action_CALL_BUTTON to be informed when the user clicks on the green SEND button: <receiver ...

Android: Cleanup of hidden view when using Window.addContentView?

I recently got some fade in stuff working so that my "loading" view is an ImageView that takes up the whole screen, and then I fade in the main view (a GridView in this case) over the top of it. In the activity creation, I call: setContentView( R.layout.loading_foo ); then when the loading AsyncTask is done, I call the following: La...

CLicking on the camera button in the android emulator

Hi, The camera button on the android emulator is disabled. I can't click on it and when I hover with the mouse the background is not blue like in the other buttons. I've tried to add "camera support - true" hardware but the button is still un-clickable. How can I click on the button? What should happen when clicking on the button? I do...

Android : How to Load PDF ?

Is there any way to load PDF file from Asset/URL in Browser or WebView or any other way? ...

Possible to safely run multiple Android emulators on the same machine and communcate using sockets?

I would like to simulate a small cluster of Android devices either on one laptop (worst-case), or on several machines on a private network. This is for testing communications and process migration on Android. Is there a safe way to identify and launch a particular emulator from a given application under Eclipse? I have a recent Eclipse/...