
Cant set java class object by JNI in android

I have trouble setting java object value in JNI. When run under debug mode, it always show this error: DalvikVM[localhost:8664] - Thread[,#.main] (suspended(exception RuntimeException)) I don't know what's wrong with it. Can someone please help me out here. Many thanks in advance. Below are my code: [Data class] package

how to install unsigned android application on the device?

Hi, Currently a team of developers is working on Android application and during the development process testers already have to test the current state and report issues. So far I have simply installed the application by connecting the tester's device on my pc and hit run in the IDE. This way we waste a lot of time if an application has...

Why do many android classes (examples and source) begin with "m"?

I have been looking over some of the android source, and the examples given in the Dev guide, and I notice that many of their classes begin with the letter m, as in the example below: // Create an anonymous implementation of OnClickListener private OnClickListener mCorkyListener = new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View...

Android - NPE in BrowserFrame

I get this exception triggered by users occasionally that I cannot reproduce. Since it's issued from looper I suppose it is result of Handler-type callback. I found similar bug on Google code but putting the solution into code didn't solve it. The problem is at this line of code in BrowserFrame: WebAddress uri = new WebAddress( mCa...

Slider control in SeekBar really my best/only option?

I'm using SeekBar as a slider because I can't find anything else, but I have to do so much hacky work because it doesn't allow me to set a minimum value or go in between ints. So, any time I need a slider to start at a value other than 0 or return a floating point number, I have to set a max value that doesn't describe the true max valu...

Problem in moving focus from a button to a ListView

Hi, I have a layout which has a button and follow by a ListView. The problem I have with this is when the button has focus (background is orange), and I press DOWN in my keyboard, the first row of the ListView does not have a focus. <LinearLayout android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wra...

System.currentTimeMillis() returns always 0 on Motorola Droid

The call to System.currentTimeMillis() returns always 0 on Motorola Droid, Android 2.0. There is no mentioning in changes to System in the API differences between 2.0 and 1.5, so either it was missed somehow or this is a Droid dependency. Does anyone know how to get the currentTimeMillis in a way that satisfies Android 1.5, Android 2.0,...

Android Contacts application theme/style

Hi, Can you please tell me why the android Contacts application theme/style is using 'dark' theme? For example, the activity's background is Black instead of White. I have looked at their Android Manifest xml file and their layout xml file (e.g. call details.xml) file, but i don't see how they specified using a 'dark' theme? Can you pl...

How come a user reported tiny text on a Motorola DROID android-based phone?

A user of my Android App reported that he was seeing tiny text. How is this possible? More importantly, how can I use the emulator to be sure that my changes will fix it? Background: This user has a Motorola DROID phone, which has a different screen resolution and maybe other slight differences. I assume that the problem was I didn't ...

How to layout zoom Control with setBuiltInZoomControls(true)?

would like to add a zoom control to the map. I also want to layout the position of the zoom Control instead of the default middle bottom position. I can do this by getZoomControl but it is deprecated. Could anyone tell me how to do this with setBuildtInZoomControls? ...

how to detect Android ListView Scrolling stopped?

Hi all, I'm trying to do something after scrolling stopped.So, I tried using OnScrollListener#onScrollStateChanged(SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) to detect when the scrolling stopped(either TOUCH_SCROLL or FLING)(at 1.5 it's runs as i expect). But when it runs on 2.0, onScrollStateChanged can't received the event after releasing the finger.Is ther...

Android theme customization

Hi, I am working on theme-ing my android app. After I went through 'Styles and Themes' in Android SDK and this article, I am still left with one question. Simply put, how can I use android:textSize to be 14 dip for one TextView, while 18 dip for another TextView, inside a Theme? I know how to do this with styles. I can define two dif...

Android Intent-filter working for Magic, but no Hero, what could be the problem?

Hi Im working on an application that got an acivity that is set to have intentfilter <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.RINGTONE_PICKER"/> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/> </intent-filter> This works fine when im testing with a HTC Magic phone, when I go to s...

How to change notification sound by code in android?

Hi all Anyone knows how to change notification sound by code in android. I have managed to set the default ringtone, but cant find a way to set the notification tone... I would be thankful for any response, as code example, psudo code or just name of a which part of the sdk i need to use... ...

Where to get Android 1.5 source?

Hi, I'm targeting Android 1.5 - I'd like to use the ScrollView widget, but there's a hard-coded value within the class which makes it kind of unusable for my purposes (it's the "touch slop" value - set to 16 - the amount of movement the user has to make with their finger before considering the gesture a scroll - I think this should idea...

How to capture location from MapActivity

Given ... An Activity that extends from MapActivity Uses ItemizedOverlay to show some balloons on the map ZoomControls are enabled The ItemizeOverlay implements onTap(...) which works perfectly ok when tapping one of the overlay items. The question is: How to identify a tap on another part of the map (with the intention of getting...

How do I launch the email app with the "to" field pre-filled?

I tried this code which I found here: Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO, Uri.fromParts("mailto", "[email protected]", null)); startActivity(intent); But I get a message on the screen which reads "Unsupported Action". Any ideas of how to get this working? Thanks! ...

android maps: how to determine map center after a drag has been completed

Hi. Is there a way through the android maps API, where I can detect the map center after pan animation has completed? I want to use this information to load markers from a server dynamically. Thanks BD ...

Continuation of 'app not working in Droid' investigation: the code. Can anyone see any obvious error here?

Hello, and thanks for helping. In my previous question I asked if System.currentTimeMillis() was buggy in Droid, and the answer was no. I assume the problem I'm having is somewhere else. While I wait for my Droid lone-user to report if a test app works on his phone, I would like to post some relevant code here. Please keep in mind th...

android : how does the OS chose a component implementation when multiple implementation respond to the same intent ?

I have a free and a premium version of the same app (almost same code, same classes with "if"s here and there, different packages in the manifest, same process name in the manifest). The main activity calls a service to execute some stuff, using an IMPLICIT intent. When I install both apps on the phone, it turns out that the premium ac...