
How to get the speed with Android SDK?

as topic , I want got the current Android holder speed, I see the GPS location class provide the property , but not sure whether it is available ... any help ? thanks. ...

Measuring "real" phone signal strength on a mobile phone

I want to programmatically measure the phone signal strength in a mobile phone. I don't actually care about the mobile phone or the programming environment: It can be based on android or windows mobile or even J2ME and can be from any manufacturer (please no iPhone). However, it needs to be a real, commercial mobile phone and not a speci...

Android - Listener (or handler) for video finish

Hi there! I have implement the following code in order to test playing a video from a remote web server through it´s URL. videoView = (VideoView)this.findViewById(; MediaController mc = new MediaController(this); videoView.setMediaController(mc); videoView.setVideoURI(Uri.parse("

ADB + Samsung Galaxy

Has anyone been successful with hooking up a Samsung Galaxy with ADB running on Win XP Pro SP3? Links to already existing threads or tutorials related to this would be much appreciated! Thanks! ...

JNI / C library: passing byte ptr

I have an unsigned char* in my C library, and Im calling a JNI exported function that needs to set a java object with this data... preferably in a byte[]. But this function will be called very often, and it's quite a lot of data to be copied.. Is it possible to use a ByteBuffer and assign the pointer of that bytebuffer to my unsigned ch...

Android - Parse XML string

Hi there! Is there any way to parse a xml string using Android SAX? Thanks in advance, Best regards! ...

How to refresh a ListView to requery its cursor to repopulate its data and its views

Hi, I have a ListView which as a CursorAdatper as its adatper. I would like to have the list view to * requery its data * refresh its view once the requery is done. I tried: CursorAdapter adapter = (CursorAdapter)listView.getAdapter(); adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); And i tried: CursorAdapter adapter = (CursorAdapter)listView....

how to add button dynamically in android?

how to add button dynamically in android? ...

Load file from resource

Good morning, To sumup : in order to add easily unit tests for a SAX parser I would like to load XML from a file. Now, I have my XML in a static string inside my unit test class, but it is not very convenient for large XML. This is why I would like to add some XML files to my project and load them in my unit test. How can I do ? Regar...

Is there an Android Testing Service I can use to give me real debug information from a device?

I need test my Android app on a Motorola Cliq but don't have one. Is there a testing service that will let me make a debug connection to that device so I can run some tests and find out where the code is failing. Video connections won't tell me that. ...

Does Android provide widget like the iPhone UIPickerView

I feeling that the UIPickerView of iPhone is good idea and easy to use on touchable mobile phone. I am strange that why Android SDK do not provide the same effect widget ? or maybe coder have to clone it on Android ? any help ... thanks ... ...

Retrieve incoming call's phone number in Android

Hello Experts! I would like to retrieve the incoming call's phonenumber and do something with it like the do in Could you please help me because I can't find any information about this. Where do i start and how do i get hol...

Trying to set up Android SDK - Please help! Beginner

So I am super new to this, and am not really sure what I am doing. I downloaded the Android SDK for Windows, but I am a little confused in setting it up/installing. So I read that I needed to set the System Variables Path to the tools/ but I it seems that I would be replacing the Windows\System32?!?! I should not be replacing this sho...

android tabHost

Hi, I have 2 questions regarding tabHost: I've created tabHost with 2 tabs and for the tab titles I use setIndicator(TextView) (I work with api level 4) my title background is white. I use selector for the title to choose between diff images for the title. I want to make the title text bold only when selected/pressed. I didn't succee...

Android Videoview video not seen

Hi, I am using Videoview to playback mp4 file from local machine using android emulator. I hear the audio, but the screen is blank and no video is seen. Android SDK 2.0.1 Does anyone have an idea what is missing here: package com.hello; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.Med...

Android tests without emulator

Is it possible to run some android tests for example: AndroidTestCase without using emulator? ...

Get address in contacts using Android SDK

I'm trying to retrieve the contact's name, phone number, and address from the android contact list. The name and phone are pretty straight forward but the address seems to not be accessible with the 1.6 api level. Has someone figured out how to get a contact's address? Also there's a completely new api in 2.0. How can I take advantage o...

Does Android Chrome supports <audio /> tag?

Is it possible to play continuous audio stream (MP3 / AAC) in Android browser using <audio /> tag? If you're not sure, could you at least recommend some good testing page containing and using <audio /> tag? ...

Wrapping a LinearLayout from xml

Hi, I'm trying to make some Android view classes (which are just wrappers around layouts defined in an XML file). Is this correct: public class MyViewWrapper extends LinearLayout { private TextView mTextView; public MyViewWrapper(Context context) { super(context); } public constructUI() { LayoutInflate...

Android Web Access to Database?

I would like to ask you smart people if anyone has seen any documentation regarding web access to a database from within an Android application. I would like to create a (FREE) application where the users can share information (rants/complains) around the globe. Each user will be able to see a little globe in his phone with locations of ...