
Android - Change MediaPlayer URI

Hi there! I have the following working code: @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); this.setContentView(R.layout.player); videoView = (VideoView)this.findViewById(; playVideo(); // video finish listener ...

Android - AlarmManager recovery

Thanks to TasKiller I have reliable way to shutdown updates coming to my AppWidget from the AlarmManager! Now, sarcasm aside, how do I recover from such event? So far I only see that the Alerts are resurrected only after rebooting the phone. I can stick recovery code into few places such as various Activity#onCreate that belong to my app...

A Way to kill an activity in Android

Hi, In my android application, I start another activity using 'startActivity'. Is there anyway for me to kill that activity I started? Thank you. ...

Progress bar in notification bar when uploading image?

Hi, I'd like my app to upload an image to a web server. That part works. I'm wondering if it's possible to somehow show the progress of the upload by entering an entry in the "notification bar". I see the Facebook app does this. When you take a picture and choose to upload, the app lets you continue on, and somehow puts the picture up...

How to start an Activity on clicking the Search button on an Android handset

I would like to start MyActivity class when the user clicks on the search button on the handset. Are there any strategies you can suggest for this? Any code examples would be very useful. ...

Android: ListView non-enabled items draw invisible divider

If I have a ListView with two different kinds of items, enabled and disabled ones (meaning selectable and non-selectable), Android draws a small divider correctly between the enabled items, but not between disabled items. Instead it draws a transparent divider, which causes really bad design issues. This has already been discussed here (...

How to call a view from the view ?

Hi guys. I am a new developer for Android. I wanna know about View transitions. For my application, it has 5 screens that can shift each other. In order word, Screen1 -> Screen2 <--> Screen3 <--> Screen4 -> Screen5. How to make this screen transition on Android ? Please share the knowledge. Thanks in advance. ...

XML parsing Android

Hi, I am using JDOM to create XML and during parsing i am getting this exception "Could not find class 'java.rmi.RemoteException', referenced from method org.jdom.JDOMException.getNestedException " which cause a crash in program .This exception occurs very frequently but not always Any body has faced same problem . Any help would be ...

passing paramters using ksoap2 to .net web service, always passes nulls (empty) values

Hi, I'm having a problem in calling .net web services from android using ksoap2. The call is executed just fine without parameters, but when I pass paramters of any type, the web service just recieves a null value. I tried everything possible but no luck so far. I hope someone can help, The client side code is: public static boolean tem...

How to change custom component height programatically

Hi, I've prepared custom component based on LinearLayout. Whole component is defined in XML. Currently to use it you have to write: < android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="44dp" /> Is it possible to set width and height in the java constructor? So it would be possible t...

Transition between many Views ?

hi I've found a source code for android. In this code, you can see following line : ..... private View root; // root of the layout for this activity private View edit; // root view for the editing layout ...

Android list view clarification quest

Hi guys, My scenario: -I'm using a list view in multiple choice mode to enable a user to delete several items he/she has checked, at once. -When the user clicks the delete button, i do the following: -get positions of checked items using: myList.getCheckedItemPositions(); -Get the items in this position and put them to a list - toDelet...

Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off

I'm thinking about using a hidden api to turn the screen off in my app. setScreenState from;a=blob;f=core/java/android/os/ does what I want, but its a hidden API. Does that mean I shouldn't use it? I would think its a fairly stable api. Currently, I'm setting the scr...

What to do with AsyncTask in onPause() ?

Hi, I'm using an AsyncTask in my activity. Looks like: public class MyActivity { private AsyncTask mTask; private void doSomethingCool() { mTask = new AsyncTask(...); mTask.execute(); } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); // How do I let the task keep running if ...

Multiple screen support sanity check

Hi, I have a project compiled with and targeting 1.5. I now want to support different screen sizes instead of letting android handle the scaling. All I've done is modified my manifest to look like this: <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="3" android:targetSdkVersion="4"/> and I changed my project properties to build against the 1.6 (le...

Possible to write custom content provider for existing system database?

Hi folks, Not sure of the absolute utility of this but seems as though it should be possible and useful. Can you extend ContentProvider to provide URIs representing new queries (i.e., joins across multiple tables not specified by existing URIs) for an existing system database? The alternative seems to be that I need to write a series o...

How to set a timer in android

What is the proper way to set a timer in android in order to kick off a task (a function that I create which does not change the UI)? Use this the Java way: Or there is a better way in android (android's handler)? ...

ListView in a HorizontalScrollView in Android

I have an ListView inside a HorizontalScrollView and it works perfectly fine, except for the initial load. I'm loading the data for the list view from a web service so I created a thread to do that. Once I have the data, I simply call _myListAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); and the data becomes visible in the ListView. But if the ListV...

How to create Yahoo Messenger Client in Android?

Hi I am trying to create Yahoo messenger client in Android, and i got Openymsg api to implement that.This is small snippet of my code Session session=new Session(); session.login("Email Id", "password"); But this code is throwing UnknownHost Exception in "".I dont know how to fix this.If any body kno...

How to remove Duplicate value from arraylist in Android

Hi i have a ArrayList ArrayList<String> values=new ArrayList<String>(); values.add("s"); values.add("n"); values.add("a"); values.add("s"); In this i want to remove repeated value Please Help me Thanks in Advance ...