
Playing a Flash File in Android

Does Android support flash? If yes then i need an example code to play a flash file. Wonder if we can play a flash file in WebView? Waiting for reply ...

How to create files hierarchy in Anroids '/data/data/pkg/files' directory?

I try to create 'foo/bar.txt' in Android's /data/data/pkg/files directory. It seems to be a contradiction in docs: To write to a file, call Context.openFileOutput() with the name and path. The name of the file to open; can not contain path separators. ht...

Android Set a new QUICK_LAUNCH in android.provider.Settings

I am trying to figure out how, if its even possible, to assign a new "quick launch" key programmaticly. To do it manually its Menu - Settings - Applications - Quick Launch But I would like to have a button where users can set it within my app. Thanks to anyone of helps at all. Spent hours searching. Some info: hXXp://developer.and...

Writing arrays of Parcelables to a Parcel in Android

I'm trying to write an array of objects that implement Parcelable into a Parcel using writeParcelableArray. The objects I'm trying to write are defined (as you'd expect) as: public class Arrival implements Parcelable { /* All the right stuff in here... this class compiles and acts fine. */ } And I'm trying to write them into a ...

Recommendations for C#-ish developer regarding smooth transistion to Android?

Hi there, finally my old Nokia broke down just hard enough to justify buying a new proper phone, an Android! In a way I'm glad it's taken me this long to obtain a "layman-hackable" phone; I doubt I could have resisted developing funny bits of this&thats on a smartphone with time needed spent elsewhere...(would have had mad skills in W...

Interpreting item click in ListView

I'm working on my first Android project, and I created a menu via the XML method. My activity is pretty basic, in that it loads the main layout (containing a ListView with my String array of options). Here's the code inside my Activity: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentV...

Android Spinner - How to remove radio buttons?

In Android 1.6, upon tapping a spinner (drop-down menu), radio buttons appear next to the spinner options. How do I remove those radio buttons so that just the option text remains? ...

Notifying an ArrayAdapter of changes when closing a PreferenceActivity

I have a ListView that has some minor visual preferences that are set in a PreferenceScreen. These preferences are simple booleans to show or not to show some specific TextViews on each item in my ListView. Anyhow, when these preferences are changed, I need to notify my ArrayAdapter that the data has changed in order to get the list redr...

how to get custom dialog activity while clicking on listview in android?

how to get custom dialog activity while clicking on listview in android? ...

How to show static HTML page in android emulator?

Hi, I want to display one static HTML page in my android emulator. I don't know how to do this. Please anybody help me. ...

Getting frames from Video Image in Android

I've implemented a simple application which shows the camera picture on the screen. What I like to do now is grab a single frame and process it as bitmap. From what I could find out to this point it is not an easy thing to do. I've tried using the onPreviewFrame method with which you get the current frame as a byte array and tried to de...

how to apply on click action on menu in android?

how to apply on click action on menu in android? ...

How does Android define a screen resolution as long?

With Android, you can define different resources for different phone attribute by naming res directories appropriately. I need to be able to support different layouts for 480x800 and 480x854. I figured I could have one set of resources stored in the layout-hdpi-v4 directory and another in layout-long-hdpi-v4. However, both resolution ...

SharedPreferences remain intact between app upgrades?

Hi, I'm using SharedPreferences to store some app settings. If I push a new version to marketplace, and my users download, will all those SharedPreferences be removed on the upgrade? I know my sqlite databases will remain intact, wondering if the same is true for SharedPreferences. Thanks ...

Use sqlite database from Android app resources

Hi everyone! I've started Android programming recently so bear with me :) I develop an app which has all of its content stored in database.sql file. I've implemented a subclass of SQLiteOpenHelper and added database.sql to my project assets. public class DBHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { public DBHelper (Context ctx) { super(ctx, ...

How can I launch the 'Add Contact' activity in android

Hi, Can you please tell me how to launch the Add Contact' activity in android? Thank you. ...

Android's RelativeLayout seems broken

I'm working on a layout where I use a ListView with RelativeLayout line items. The lineitems themselves are not displaying correctly. The issue is that the txtVideoDuration TextView is drawn at the top of the line item instead of the bottom. Because of this the txtVideoTitle gets a height of 0. As you can see in the XML the txtVideoDur...

android app specific soft keyboard

Hi, Is there a way to create an app specific soft keyboard on Android? After reading about InputMethodService docs and checking out alternative keyboard apps out there, I figure the alternate keyboard can only be configured for system wide usage (through Settings -> Locale and Text). If the answer to above question is no, then is there...

Android Contact List.

Can anyone shed a light on how to get contact list from android?. I just want to get the same list as in the dialer app. But im getting a lots of contacts that are not on the dialer list with the code below. ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver(); Cursor cursor = cr.query(Contacts.People.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, Contacts.Con...

Android - Black screen while loading Activity with GLSurface.

With normal activities (and I define normal as activities as not using a GLSurfaceView for their drawing), when a new activity loads the old activity remains on screen while the loading occurs. However, when I load an activity that uses GLSurfaceView, the screen goes black while loading occurs. Loading is less than three seconds, so ...