
Android listvitem AsyncTask listitem image dereference

I am using listview to display data, inside listview i am using image in every listeitem. following method is called from wrapper class public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { /*implementation*/ } I am following this tutorial

Android: forward search queries to one single activity that handles search

I have an activity handling search (ACTIVITY_1), which works perfectly when I use the search (via SEARCH button on the phone) within/from this activity. However, when I use search from another activity (ACTIVITY_2..x) by implementing onNewIntent and forward the query string to my Search_Activity.class (ACTIVITY_1) @Override protected v...

how to update the spinner values while clicking on button in android?

my app have a spinner and also have reset button. how to update the values while clicking on button? ...

Image Recognition for Android/iPhone

I'm looking at developing an app that could benefit from having a image recognition system. I've seen this sort of thing in iPhone and Android apps. Take a picture of a book and the app takes you to Amazon where you can find that book. I'm not looking for general image recognition, but more the ability to pick a single image out of a lib...

second parameter in preferences.getInt in android

int minMagIndex = prefs.getInt(Preferences.PREF_MIN_MAG, 0); if (minMagIndex < 0) minMagIndex = 0; int freqIndex = prefs.getInt(Preferences.PREF_UPDATE_FREQ, 0); if (freqIndex < 0) freqIndex = 0; What is the second parameter in prefs.getInt ? why is this if condition check done ? ...

Unknown error on pause()

Hi, I get the following error 12-15 16:54:37.125: ERROR/MediaPlayer(6032): error (-2147483648, 0) when trying to execute this code in a service: MediaPlayer mp = null; @Override public void onCreate() { if (mp == null) { mp = new MediaPlayer(); } } @Override public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) { if (!mp.isPlayi...

How to use Intents from a Service or Broadcast Receiver?

I need to be able to handle/catch Intents while my Activity is closed. So I am looking at either a Service or a BroadcastReceiver. Is it possible to "receive" intents to a service itself? I tried to search, but could not find anything helpful. With a BroadcastReceiver, I am not exactly sure how that works outside of an Activity. D...

How to instantiate my Content Provider upfront

Hi, In my application, I have created a ContentProvider. Is there a way for me to instantiate this ContentProvider when my apk is started? RIght now, the ContentProvider only instantiates when someone does a query. Thank you. ...

BroadcastReceiver not receiving intent

So now I have my BroastcastReceiver declared in the manifest file... <receiver android:name=".MyReceiver"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.CALL_BUTTON" /> </intent-filter> </receiver> I want to catch the intent when the Call button is pressed. Here is my code... public class MyReceiver...

Android: detecting fling gestures

In my app I try to capture a fling event on a view (a ScrollView to be exact, but tried with LinearLayout as well). By setting breakpoints I can see the that the MotionEvents happen correctly up to the point where the onFling() should fire. The event flow is as follows: The view's onTouchEvent The OnGestureListener's onDown The OnGestu...


We are trying to use the native camera app to let the user take a new picture. It works just fine if we leave out the EXTRA_OUTPUT extra and returns the small Bitmap image. However, if we putExtra(EXTRA_OUTPUT,...) on the intent before starting it, everything works until you try to hit the "Ok" button in the camera app. The "Ok" button j...

Passing parameters from android to .net web service

Hi, Im using ksoap2 to call web .net services. The call works just fine except when I pass paramaters. The passed paramaters are always recieved as null values by the web service. I dont know what the problem is, I hope someone can help. Thanks, ...

How can I keep current screen (contentView) when l Iaunch a new Activity

Hi, I have an NoContentViewActivity which has no Content View (i.e. I did not call setContentView() in the onCreate of my Activity). My question is how can I keep the content view of the launching activity on the screen? Right now, I am getting a blank screen whenever I launch NoContentViewActivity? I want the content view of the launch...

How to post something to Facebook from Android?

Hi stackoverflow'ers, Quick questions here: What are the necessary tools/APIs to post something from Android to Facebook? I looked at this URL and it mentioned a few suggestions. Have anyone tried fbrocket? What is Facebook Connect anyway? Thanks! Nicholas ...

Android Connection Presistence

Does Android keep the connection between the server/socket when it moves from EDGE to WIFI and vice versa? ...

Android display search results approach

I want to display search result on the screen, i have implemented in such a way that. From the search form user fill the 'search field' and 'search location' i set values into bean and that bean is static so that i can access it from every where. Then i start search result screen intent using Intent mainIntent = new Intent(SearchVenu...

AsyncTask and Contexts

So I'm working out my first multi-threaded application using Android with the AsyncTask class. I'm trying to use it to fire off a Geocoder in a second thread, then update the UI with onPostExecute, but I keep running into an issue with the proper Context. I kind of hobbled my way through using Contexts on the main thread, but I'm not ex...

Android:Is there a better way to insert and/or update a database entry?

I have a database containing a userId and a note. The user doesn't know if there already is a note in the DB so they write one and click the 'Submit' button. I want to insert this note if there is no note for the userId or update that userId's already existing note:; boolean updateResult = notesDb.upda...

android start user defined activity on search button pressed @ handset

I am using following code to start activity when user pressing search button on the handset @Override public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if(keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SEARCH){ Util.startActivity(ReviewsDetail.this, KeywordSearch.class); return false; }else{ return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); } } But he...

How can I programmically disable all menu item in my activity

In android, I create my menu item like this? public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { menu.add(0, 0, 0, "Menu1"); menu.add(0, 1, 0, "Menu2"); return true; } How can I set all the menu item disabled programmically (in another part of the code in my activity, not in onCreateOptionsMenu() method itself)? ...