
Android securityException and user contacts question

Hello all, I have am wrighting an android app and as a part of the app I would like the user to be able to see, select,and modify the user contacts. My main activity extends the TabActivity for usability reasons(from the users side). So in a tab i would like to show user contacts i have done that with this code: mTabHost.addTab(mTabHost....

Android File Association

How do I have a new file type launch my app? For example if I have a new file type 'file.mjl' and I receive this file as an email, I want Android to associate this file type with my app and allow me to open / save it. ...

Ask the help for regular expressions in Android

Hi, all. I am a beginner on developing Android's application. I have some problems about using regular expressions in Android. In my application, I had write some code for get back the source code of a html page which I had turn it in String datatype. And now I want to use regular expressions to retrieve some details in the html tags ...

Creating android app Database with big amount of data

Hi all, The database of my application need to be filled with a lot of data, so during onCreate(), it's not only some create table sql instructions, there is a lot of inserts. The solution I chose is to store all this instructions in a sql file located in res/raw and which is loaded with Resources.openRawResource(id). It works well but...

Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android

Hello All, I am trying to use the Bluetooth Chat sample API app that google provides to connect to a bluetooth RS232 adapter hooked up to another device. Here is the app for reference: And here is the spec sheet for the RS232 connector just for reference: http://...

Android Hello Map View problems on the emulator

I'm trying to run the Android Hello Map View tutorial app on the Android emulator. The Google Map view displays, but the tiles are blank. Judging by the errors below (taken from LogCat) the app is unable to connect to the internet. The web browser on the emulator connects without problems. I've also double-checked the API key. I'm usin...

cover art on android

Hi all, I am developing a sort of media player for android. The question is how can i get the cover art of audio file on android. For example the default android media player shows album covers when listing albums, how can i get this artworks. ...

android application memory leaks.

I am using kind of results search engine, problem is to remember the searching criteria i made singleton static class which keeps only one instance. In my application there are lots of class level private variables, lots of public static variables, a big util class which contains only static final methods. problem is my application ge...

Android resource hungry operations.

i am using json to to receive data from the webservice, creating text to json object is resource hungry operation. i have to load images from web, i am lazy loadig images in async process how can i compress and make the cache ?? after crash how can i stop re-launching activity ? how can i know how much memory remaining and andoird OS wi...

how to add custom data/field in contacts in android 2.0 ?

im trying to write a application wherin user can enter his name ,phonenumber ,facbook id/ twitter id etc..which will then be added to the exitsing contacts application. Name ,phone number - bydefault exists in the contacts app. but how about adding the facebook id or twitter id - i mean custom fields inthe contacts application from my a...

android onSaveInstanceState usage

Please guide in the following class what i should save in please remember i am using only one string which is i am retriving from getextra method and there is nothing which i think i should store in the following overridden method. protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.on...

SAX parsing problem in Android... empty elements?

I am using SAX to parse an XML file I'm pulling from the web. I've extended DefaultHandler with code similar to: public class ArrivalHandler extends DefaultHandler { @Override public void startElement(String namespaceUri, String localName, String qualifiedName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { if (qualifi...

Android typed controls instead of findViewById

Is it somehow possible that instead of: Button btnNextWord = (Button) this.findViewById(; Eclipse automatically generates for me something like: Button btnNextWord = this.btnNextWord; or Button btnNextWord =; ?? ...

android html container

Hi, does anyone know whether is it possible to display a dialog with html code on android device? I would be more than thankful for any tip about it. What I want to di is design a html layout and display it in a dialog inside the custom application. Thanks! ...

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - android - how many images?

Hi I am developing an android app and as I read all around and learned for myself, I cant have a lot of images on the screen at the same time or I will get an exception. The question is how many images or how many KB in images or how many layouts/images can I have at the same time in the screen. I know this is not the only thing that...

Is there any lite SVG viewer for Android?

Does android have any support for viewing SVG files or are there any 3rd party SVG viewers for the Android platform? ...

BitmapFactory OOM driving me nuts

I've been doing a lot of searching and I know a lot of other people are experiencing the same OOM memory problems with BitmapFactory. My app only shows a total memory available of 4MB using Runtime.getRuntime ().totalMemory(). If the limit is 16MB, then why doesn't the total memory grow to make room for the bitmap? Instead it throws a...

Downloading files on Android

I'm in the middle of writing an Android app, and would like to give my users the ability to share the document files it creates. What I'd ideally like to see would be files hosted on a HTTP server somewhere, so a user can simply fire up their browser on the Android phone, surf to the relevant page, and then download the file to their ph...

Too many Activities being started when launching an Android Application

Hi guys. I am confirming about creating activity. My Manifest.xml is like this : <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name"> <activity android:name=".FirstActivity" android:label="@string/app_name"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <cat...

Draw line on the background

Hi guys. I am searching about draw line on the background of LinearLayout. I've add sub views to my LinearLayout. Now I am trying to draw line on the background. Is is possible ? If so, How can I do ? Please help guys. Thanks. ...