
Has the JavaBean spec been updated to reflect the existence of annotations

I thought this should be obvious but I can't find it. Now that fields can have annotations, I thought this should be reflected in the JavaBean spec, but I can't find it. What I mean: JavaBean is a specification that allows you to treat objects in an uniform way by discovering their properties, and then reading and writing them. As PO...

java custom annotation: make an attribute optional

I defined my own custom annotation @Target(value={ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface MyCustomAnnotation { Class<?> myType(); } how, if at all, can I make the attribute optional ...

Reading bytecode from an AnnotationProcessor

Possible Duplicate: Plugging in to Java compilers Edit - this appears to be a dupe of Plugging in to Java compilers I would like to implement an AnnotationProcessor for use with the apt tool that will be invoked after compiling a class to bytecode, that can read and modify the bytecode. The reason for doing this is that I wa...

Java metaprogramming conundrum: get all annotations that are itself annotated by a given annotation A

Do you think you are a java wizard? That you are well versed in the secrets of the reflection API? public @interface @a {} public @interface @b {} @Mark public @interface @c {} @Mark public @interface @d {} public @interface @e {} public Class C { @a @b @c @d @e public void x(); } public class Solver { public Annotation[]...

Getting custom attributes that were set outside the class

Suppose I have a class named Data. Another class annotates one of its members, of type data, with some attribute. For example: public class Example{ [DefaultNameAttribute("default name")] public Data Name{get;set} } What I'm looking for is a way, from within the class Data, to retrieve that attribute and the data it contains....

Java annotation returns cryptic class names

I am somewhat new to Java so perhaps I misunderstand the use cases for annotations in java. My issue is the following: After annotating a method I receive class names such as $Proxy31 when inspecting the annotations on the method. I am curious why I am receiving class names for my annotations that are similar to this, and what I can do ...

To Annotate or Not Annotate

I'm thinking of annotating my Domain Objects. This will ease manipulation of the DOs. Keeping the domain code free from other external stuff is also important for me. Any comment on the "corruption" of the domain code by adding annotations? Are you for/against adding annotation to Domain Objects, and why? ...

How can I validate a field as required depending on another field's value in SEAM?

I'm trying to create a simple custom validator for my project, and I can't seem to find a way of getting seam to validate things conditionally. Here's what I've got: A helper/backing bean (that is NOT an entity) @RequiredIfSelected public class AdSiteHelper { private Date start; private Date end; private boolean selected; /* g...

Loading Accessory callout view for mkannotationview

I have a map annotation view that contains a rightcallout button which loads an accessory view which is a UIViewController class. I am using resuable annotations, but am wondering how I can pass updated information to my UIViewController class. Let's say I have 2 string values which map to 2 UILabels on my view. How can I update those va...

annotating local variables or method parameters

According to the class ElementType in the API, you can annotate local variables and method parameters. How is that done? ...

Why do we use hibernate annotation?

Why is it important? what are advantage according to XML mapping? Can you explan these? thank you. ...

hibernate mapping

Is hibernate mapping necessary a lot? Which mapping is important for project? one-to-one, many-to-one, many-to-many?? ...

refreshing mkannotation properties and refreshing the annotation.

Hi, I have a mkannotation located on a mapview which has a mkannotationview as well as a calloutview which when clicked goes to a child uiviewcontroller. I am updating some properties from the callout's uiviewcontroller, but after I'm finished I want to move the annotation's position on the map and change the annotation title and subti...

How and where are Annotations used in Java?

What are the major areas that we can use Annotations? Is the feature a replacement for XML based configuration? ...

Inheritance in Hibernate Annotations??

How can I use "inheritance" in Annotations? What are the advantages of using inheritance in Annotations? ...

Creating and managing annotations in SQL Server Reports

Hi I need to load SQL Server reports over the web and make it more interactive for a set of users by: Allowing them to put up their annotations/comments on different visualizations being shown. Track these annotations for each screen. Is it possible with SSRS or any other visualization mechanism? Please let me know of any means to d...

JBoss Seam - Can't @In annotations be used at the same time with accessor methods for different properties?

Hi, I generated a new form using sean-gen (seam new-form) and added another field to it using an @In annotation: @Stateful @Name("dummy") public class DummyBean implements Dummy { @Logger private Log log; @In StatusMessages statusMessages; @In private String bar; private String foo; public void doStuff() { ...

Find type parameter of method return type in Java 6 annotation processor

I'm writing a tool that uses the annotation processor to generate source code depending on the return type of methods of an annotated class. The return type is always some subtype (interface or class) of an interface A that defines a type variable T. interface A<T>{T m();}; I would like to find the type parameter for the method m() r...

Filtering on related objects when using annotations in Django

Imagine for a moment that I have a system that allows users to take notes. I've got a User model and a Note model: class User(models.Model): name = models.TextField() class Note(models.Model): contents = models.TextField() user = models.ForeignKey(User) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) I'd like to ...

How to use an array constant in an annotation

I would like to use constants for annotation values. interface Client { @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) @interface SomeAnnotation { String[] values(); } interface Info { String A = "a"; String B = "b"; String[] AB = new String[] { A, B }; } @SomeAnnotation(values = { Info.A, Info.B }) vo...