
How "safe" are Anonymous Types and Reflection together?

I guess this could also be asked as to how long the created type name is attached to an anonymous type. Here's the issue: A blog had something like this: var anonymousMagic = new {test.UserName}; lblShowText.Text = lblShowText .Text .Format("{UserName}", test); As sort of a wish list and a ...

How do I create and access a new instance of an Anonymous Class passed as a parameter in C#?

I have created a function that takes a SQL command and produces output that can then be used to fill a List of class instances. The code works great. I've included a slightly simplified version without exception handling here just for reference - skip this code if you want to jump right the problem. If you have suggestions here, though...

Convert an existing type into an anonymous type and add a new property

Hi, Is it possible to take an existing type and create an anonymous type from it with additional properties? For Example (in VB) Public Class Person Public Name As String Public Age As Integer End Class Dim p As New Person With {.Name = "James", .Age = 100} Dim n = New With {.ShoeSize = 10} What I want is the second object (n) ...

C# feature request: implement interfaces on anonymous types

I am wondering what it would take to make something like this work: using System; class Program { static void Main() { var f = new IFoo { Foo = "foo", Print = () => Console.WriteLine(Foo) }; } } interface IFoo { String Foo { get; set; } void Print(); } The...

Using SelectedItem property of ComboBox w/Linq Anonymous Type.

In C# 3.5 using a ComboBox to display the results of a LinQ Query. How do I set the selecteditem property of the combobox when the LinQ query is returning an anonymous type? I set the datasource of the combobox along these lines: comboBox1.DataSource = from p in db.products select p; comboBox1.DisplayMember = "Name";...

LINQ Select Distinct with Anonymous Types

So I have a collection of objects. The exact type isn't important. From it I want to extract all the unique pairs of a pair of particular properties, thusly: myObjectCollection.Select(item=>new { Alpha = item.propOne, Bravo = item...

C#: Anonymous types and property names

Is there any difference at all between this: dataContext.People.Select(ø => new { Name = ø.Name, }); and this: dataContext.People.Select(ø => new { ø.Name, }); ? ...

.net Databinding - Referencing Anonymous Type Properties

I have bound an GridView to a collection of anonymous types. How can I reference one of the properties of the anonymous types in the RowDataBound event handler? I am already aware of the way to cast the anonymous type like this: protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowTyp...

A generic list of anonymous class

In C# 3.0 you can create anonymous class with the following syntax var o = new { Id = 1, Name = "Foo" }; Is there a way to add these anonymous class to a generic list? Example: var o = new { Id = 1, Name = "Foo" }; var o1 = new { Id = 2, Name = "Bar" }; List<var> list = new List<var>(); list.Add(o); list.Add(o1); Another Example...

Anonymous Record constructors in delphi

Is it possible to use records as a method parameter, and call it without implicitly declaring an instance of said record? I would like to be able to write code like this. type TRRec = record ident : string; classtype : TClass; end; procedure Foo(AClasses : array of TRRec); then calling the method like this or something s...

Would .NET benefit from "named anonymous" types?

Consider this: var me = new { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Smith" }; This is fine as we can then do this: Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", me.FirstName, me.LastName); However we can't do this: public T GetMe() { return new { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Smith" }; } because we don't know the type of T. We could do this: p...

Anonymous type collections?

I am looking for best practices for creating collections made from anonymous types. There are several approaches - this one and most answers on this thread assume that the whole anonymous collection can be constructed in one statement. As anonymous types are usually used to replace classes that are to be used to store temporary (as put...

Anonymous Generics - Where would I use this?

I recently discovered a trick using casting by example to instantiate a generic with an anonymous type. So, its a neat trick, but when would it be used? Any ideas? ...

Perserving Array from AnonymousType

I looked online for some references but didn't have too much luck. Hopefully it's just some simple thing I'm overlooking, but in my code I'm looping through the participant list and storing the queried results into the array. As you can tell, my foreach statement will just add the last element of the array since the first one is replaced...

Accessing C# Anonymous Type Objects

Hi, How do i access objects of an anonymous type outside the scope where its declared? for e.g. void FuncB() { var obj = FuncA(); Console.WriteLine(obj.Name); } ??? FuncA() { var a = (from e in DB.Entities where e.Id == 1 select new {Id = e.Id, Name = e.Name}).FirstOrDefault(); return a; } ...

Linq to SQL: DISTINCT with Anonymous Types

Given this code: dgIPs.DataSource = from act in Master.dc.Activities where act.Session.UID == Master.u.ID select new { Address = act.Session.IP.Address, Domain = act.Session.IP.Domain, FirstAccess = act.Session.IP.FirstAccess, LastAccess = act.Session.IP.LastAccess, IsSpider = act.Session.I...

Creating anonymous types based on lambda expression

Hi, I'm trying to create a Fluent Interface to the Winforms Datagrid. This should allow me to use a typed datasource and easy use of properties of properties (Order.Custom.FullName) I'm adding the columns on initialization and trying to set the property to use there: dgv.With<Order>().Column("Client Name").On(x => x.Client.FullName); ...

What are some examples of how anonymous types are useful?

I've read some articles on how to create anonymous types in C#. What are some use cases for these things? To me, it seems like it might make things a little more difficult to understand declaring objects and their members inline. When does it make sense to use Anonymous Types? ...

Passing a anonymous type to function.

I have tables with either many columns or a column with a large data set (XML doc), I need to load information from the table quickly (status info) into a class. I notices that Linq allows you to select columns as such...: Using an anonymous type: var query = (from name in some.Table select new { ColumnName = name.ColumnNam...

Good Naming Convention for Anonymous Types

An anonymous type can be thought of as a "Set Once" Object type, whereas an plain old Object or Variant can be set many times. An object or variant tends to be short lived, while an anonymous type is expected to live longer, making it important to communicate intent. What naming convention do you use to communicate intent when using ano...