
Accessing messageQueue from anonymous web service

Hi, I have a public message queue with full permissions to everyone, that I attempt to access from an anonymous web service. Method MessageQueue.Exists -> Returns false all the time. If the queue is public and everyone has permissions, why can't I find it? I changed my code to look like this: MessageQueue queue = new MessageQueue(name...

JavaScript: Can you substitute variables into anonymous functions on creation?

Possible Duplicate: Javascript closure inside loops - simple practical example Rather than explaining the question, I'll give an example: for (var i = 0; i < 100; i ++) { get_node(i).onclick = function() { do_something_very_important(i); } } Is there any way to have the value of i substituted into the function upon ...

Anonymous Namespace Ambiguity

Consider the following snippet: void Foo() // 1 { } namespace { void Foo() // 2 { } } int main() { Foo(); // Ambiguous. ::Foo(); // Calls the Foo in the global namespace (Foo #1). // I'm trying to call the `Foo` that's defined in the anonymous namespace (Foo #2). } How can I refer to something inside an anonymous namesp...

Anonymous Namespace

A recent thread on SO triggerred this. An anonymous namespace is considered to be equivalent to namespace unique { /* empty body */ } using namespace unique; namespace unique { namespace-body } I fail to recollect the exact reason as to why it is not equivalent to namespace unique { namespace-body } using namespace uniq...

Any way to insert an anonymous array into a collection?

I've found plenty of entries here that say someFunc(new int[]{1,2,3}); works for calling methods and being used in a for/each loop. //====== How about for assignment into a collection? I've tried this: ArrayList<int[]> data = new ArrayList<int[]>(); data.add(new int[]{21, 19629}); and I get "identifier expected" and "illegal st...

Anonymous SSL with Android?

Hi, I'm trying to setup a anonymous SSL connection, i.e. one that doesn't require certificates, from an android to a PC. The problem is that I can't find an appropriate cipher suite on the android. IIRC anonymous cipher suites have "anon" in their name, running socket.getEnabledCipherSuites() doesn't return any cipher suites with 'anon'...

WCF service binding wsHttp vs. basic with no authentication

I am attempting to create a WCF service with anonymous authentication. When I deploy the service to the destination server that is not on my current domain I receive the following error when attempting to call it: Content Type application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 was not supported by the service The...

Windows Authentication to Custom Authentication working with Profile

I Use windows authentication with profile and wanted to flip to a custom authentication. My question is How can I specify that my user is authenticated and how to set the Profile.UserName. I Know the Profile.UserName is ReadOnly . In my Web.Config, i change the authentication mode="None" and configure IIS to enabled Anonymous. In the...

Is there a tomcat anonymous role or user for tomcat security realms?

I want a certain role to be protected with a username/pw in some environments, but not require even a prompt in others. If i have an auth-constraint in a tomcat web.xml, can I create a user with the role needed that is 'anonymous' access? ...

Delegates/Anonymous Method in C# 2

In C# 1. You don't have delegate sorting or comparison options. You might be forced to do it by creating another type which implements IComparer to sort your collections in ArrayList. But starting from c# 2. You can use delegates for your comparisons. Look the following example. List<Product> products = Product.GetSampleProducts(); prod...

Attaching parameters with javascript closures to default parameters in anonymous functions

I want to add some extra parameters to the Google geocoder API call as I'm running it in a loop, but am not sure how to append closure parameters to their anonymous function that already has default parameters that are passed in by the call to the API. For example: for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { geocoder.geocode({'address': address}...

Create an anonymous type from reflection ParamInfo[]

i want to create an anonymous type inside a function, when the anonymous type properties are the function parameters. for example, for the function: private bool CreatePerson(string FirstName, string LasName, int Age, int height); i will have an anonymous type with the properties: FirstName,LasName,Age and height. and the values of the...

Javascript: call a specific function on function complete

Hi, I have a slow function that does an AJAX request: function X(param1,param2){ var params={ type: "POST", url: "./ajax/useful.php", data: "param1="+param1+"&param2="+param2, success: function(msg){ //do something } }; var result=$.ajax(params).responseText; } Everything works fine when I call X("asdf",...