I have an ant build file that contains JUnit test suite that I would like to execute.
Currently I just right click and run the build file from Eclipse.
I want to write a java code that can execute the ant build file automatically.
So I just run the code and ant will be executed.
Second is I want to capture the test result. Current...
Inside eclipse I'm launching an html page with a swf embedded from ANT using the following Macrodef:
<macrodef name="runhtml">
<attribute name="url" />
<attribute name="browser" default="${app.browser.firefox}" />
At the moment I have a .properties file to store settings related to the framework.
And I have written a class to extract those values and here is the method of that class.
public static String getResourceAsStream(String defau...
I'm trying to write an Ant script to retrieve an URL via port tunnelling.
It works great when I use a password (the names xxxx'd out for privacy):
<project default="main">
<target name="main">
<sshsession host="xxxx"
<LocalTunnel lport="1080" rhost="xxxx" rport="80"/>
In Teamcity I'm kicking off an Ant Build. I want to add additional jars to the classpath, including ant-javamail.jar
How do I specify these in the settings control panel?
I have the following declaration in my build.xml file, in my src folder I have my test package which I don't want to include into my process. How can I force scrdir to read everything from ${src.dir} except test package?
<target name="compile">
<javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${classes.dir}"/>
I have got involved in a project. This project uses ant which is not something I am comfortable with. I have checked out the source code and tried running ant on the most outer directory.
Running 'ant' in commando prompt takes 1 sec and I get a BUILD SUCCESFULL message. If I run 'ant all' I get a
BUILD FAILED. Java.io.IOExceptio: Cann...
I noticed that neither the zip or jar targets are including empty directories. I googled a little and found this was a regression issue way back with 1.6 (.2 I think), but it was claimed to have been fixed. I was using 1.8.0 so I upgraded to 1.8.1, but am having the same issue. Anyone know of any workarounds besides adding dummy f...
I have a directory structure like this
I need to copy some jars without version and some with version. The only information that i have is version number, and that is stored in a variable.
Problem is version number that i have in variable is 4.3.1 and version that jars have is jus...
I am using ant script for generating war file, it will generate the war file. please see the below script
<target name="war" depends="build">
<mkdir dir="${dist}" />
<jar destfile="${dist}/${proj_name}.war" basedir="${build}" />
If it generates a new war file, then i want to have a property to set the value as "newupdat...
I'm using Groovy's AntBuilder to execute Ant tasks:
def ant = new AntBuilder()
ant.sequential {
ant.exec(executable: "cmd", dir: "..", resultproperty: "exec-ret-code") {
arg(value: "/c")
arg(line: "dir")
The output lines are prefixed by:
Using Ant on the command line, this is turned off by "em...
I am using the Ant Jmeter task to run a Jmeter test plan, which has been set up to use a Java Sampler. This sampler is a class I wrote that extends AbstractJavaSamplerClient. I need to pass in a couple of parameters to this class and I was hoping I could read them using the JavaSamplerContext. Any suggestions?
How do you keep your build version number for a war file ?
in ant, in maven?
is there a way to simplify things?
also, how do you keep your change log? [ie so that version number could tell how newer version changed since the last build] ?
I have a problem where I don't want to have to call a setEnv.sh file before i call my ant target that calls an exec task.
Right now I have a way to save the environment variables in setenv.properties file in the
key=value notation.
The exec task for some reason does not see the variables that are set in the .properties file....
(I kno...
Right now I have
<!-- Classpath declaration -->
<path id="project.classpath">
<fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
<include name="**/*.jar" />
<include name="**/*.zip" />
<!-- Compile Java source -->
<target name="compile" depends="clean">
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
<javac srcdir="${src.java.dir}" destd...
Is it possible, by using ANT, to create 1 war-file out of two separate eclipse java web application projects? Besides from just copying the right files to the right places i would have to be able two create one single web.xml. Also some other files that exists in both projects should be united into one file.
Can anyone point me the tutorial for step by step creating my onw XML custom result formatter. I read that we can create our own result formatter by specifying the XSLT in styledir.
I want to know what should specify in XSLT, like the xml tag for testsuite name, testcase name and the result.
Thanks in advance
I create a test suite with Selenium IDE. I use a ant task to execute it with htmlSuite but the result is created in HTML. How can I generate the result into JUnit XML output understandable by Bamboo ?
Thanks a lot
I know how to use Ant to copy files and folders but what I'm interested in is if, and how, I can have the javac task copy the same sources it's compiling to the output directory.
Basically, it's very similar to the option to include your sources in the jar task.
Thanks in advance,
I have several files with name abc* and i want to delete all those files. is it possible using ant task. For eg. my directory structure is:
so from this, i need to delete all abc* files. So ...