
Learning ant path style

Where can I find resources to learn ant path style conventions? I've gone to the ant site itself, but couldn't find any information on path styles. ...

mapping file-* to a property

Hi, I'd like to: <unjar src="lib/mst-service-impl*.zip" but I can't put an asterisk in there. It is only one file, but I don't want to hardcode the version in there. Is there a way to create a property with the asterisk (I know this particular example doesn't work, but perhaps something along these lines): <property name="my.jar" f...

ANT - How can i echo a filename twice with FileSet & PathConvert

Hey, So i have this simple ant task that lists all png files in a folder. <target name="listimages"> <!-- Assume files a A and B --> <fileset id="dist.contents" dir="${basedir}"> <include name="**/*.png"/> </fileset> <pathconvert pathsep="${line.separator}" property="prop.dist.contents" refid="dist.contents"> ...

Generate multiple clients with weblogic clientgen without iterate all them in ant build.xml

I use clientgen ant task shipped with weblogic to generate web-service clients. Currently I have one different clientgen statement for each wsdl. Is there any possibility do not iterate each wsdl? It will be perfect just set directory where all wsdl live for one clientget statement. ...

Failing Android JUnit tests, not breaking my Ant script like I expect?

Failing JUnit tests, not breaking my Ant script like I expect? My continuous integration server runs an Ant script, which calls something like: /tests/ant run-tests My JUnit tests run, but with errors: run-tests: [echo] run-tests-helper. [echo] Running tests ... [exec] [exec] com.zedray.stuff.FooBarTest:.... [e...

In Ant, copy all files from a tree of folders into a single folder?

Is it possible to use Ant to copy all the files (not folders) from a hierarchy of folders into one destination folder? For instance, I have a tree like this: res |-images | |-fg.png | +-bg.png +-sounds +-music.mp3 And I would like a result like this: data |-fg.png |-bg.png +-music.mp3 The way things are named, filename confli...

Which Ant property contains the CWD when the ant script is run?

I don't want to get the basedir -- that appears to contain the build.xml script -- I want the CWD of the call to ant itself. Basically, I want to do this: $ cd /home/chrisr/projects/some_project $ ant -f ../../tools/ant-build-rules/library.xml build-library At this point, I need two things: The path to ant-build-rules in absolute ...

How to lookup the latest git commit hash from an ant build script

How can I lookup the latest git commit hash from an ant build script? I am currently working on a new open source project which I store on github. I would like to extend my existing ANT build file to allow me to create numbered builds. I am imagining that I would launch the build with something like "ant buildnum -Dnum=12". I would lik...


Warning : since version 1.3.6 the anttask.jar as been renamed ant-metricstask.jar As of version 1.3.2 the metrics plugin contains some ant tasks that can be used for headless operations as part of a nightly build for example. This section describes how to do this. Where can i get it? I can not find it anywhere. ...

Passing a command line argument to jstestdriver JAR from ANT?

I'm trying to use jstestdriver to generate some unit tests in my ant build in Windows. I plan to do this by running jstestdriver from an ant target using the <java> ant task. So far for my ant build file I have the following: <target name="jstestdriver" description="Runs the js unit tests"> ... Now inside the <j...

Different behaviour on Windows and Linux - classpath in build.xml (ant file)

I am trying to run the eBaySDK (Java) on Windows, but I kept on getting the error: com.ebay.sdk.SdkException: Now, when I tried to run the same sample code included in the eBay SDK on Linux (ubuntu), it ran perfectly. Without any changes in the code. So, when I looked back in the...

Proving the ROI of a technology?

How does one prove the ROI of a technology to their manager? The closest thing I have found to a document on how to do this is: There are formulas in this document, but I can't really tell if they are just alot of marketing or if they are accurate formulas on how to ...

Calling multiple ant targets from ant

From my main build file, I would like to call the same target in multiple other build files. My current solution is to call them separately, like so: <ant antfile="${lib_src_dir}/mylib1/build.xml" target="build" inheritAll="false"/> <ant antfile="${lib_src_dir}/mylib2/build.xml" target="build" inheritAll="false"/> I would like my buil...

How do I create a WAR file using NetBeans' generated ant script?

Hi. I'm trying to configure an automated build process, and I need to get a WAR file to deploy to Tomcat. The project was created in Netbeans, which automatically generates an ant script. I think when I click "Clean and Build Project" from the menu it runs a series of ant targets and generates the WAR that I need. So does anyone know...

execute java class with ant

I want my ant script to execute the command java -cp libs/a.jar:libs/b.jar org.stack.class1 --package pName --out classes new.wsdl How can I do it with an Ant script? The following does not work <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project name="class" default="compile"> <target name="compile"> <java classname="org.stack.class1...

java ant: specify which java installation should be used to run

hello, is it possible to specify which installation of java on the system should be used to run a java task? if yes, how? in my case i want to specify if i want to run the 32bit or the 64bit version. thanks! ...

Using Ant in Eclipse to copy files to Tomcat directory

I have checked out a java servlet project from subversion that has a strange organization. All the java is in one directory and the resources ( JSPs, properties files, etc are in another ). I want to use Ant to build the project, but then copy files to the appropriate Tomcat directory on my machine. For example I would like to copy th...

Deploy a bundle to Apache Felix via Ant?

Let's suppose I have a valid Ant build script which packs up and prepares my OSGi bundle. Now, I would like to make the build process install/update the bundle to my local Felix installation as the last step, and - if possible, automatically start if not started by default. Anyone has an idea how to do this? I was thinking about makin...

http authentication between using ant/ivy retrieving dependency from nexus?

I have an issue when attempting to retrieve a dependency from a nexus repository when running ant with ivy. the dependency is never resolved, when running with verbose output the suspect line is '[ivy:retrieve] authentication: k='@' c='null'. I have tried many different variations of providing the credentials configuration to ivy, but ...

ANT doesn't get exit code return by a python script

Hi, I'm currently using ant for building my java project on a Windows XP machine. I have different tasks defined in the build.xml and one of this is the exec of a Python script for analyzing the application output. I would like to make ANT failing when a particolar tag is discovered by script. I'm trying using: sys.exit(1) or os.syst...