
Intercept calls to HttpSession in Tomcat 6

What's the recommended approach to intercepting session.getAttribute() and session.setAttribute()? This is in a Spring based application so something AOP-based would be great. I'd like to avoid having to override core Tomcat classes if possible. Update: I want to store the actual serialized attributes in a web service. ...

AspectJ confusion with pointcut

How can I express a point cut that finds methods only when being called from within another method, but not directly? For example: Foo() calls Bar() calls object.Method() also NotFoo() calls Bar() calls object.Method() I only want the pointcut to work for within Foo() I tried "withincode," but that seems to only work directly. Tha...

example of spring declarative roolback-for?

want declarative transactional management example in spring aop........ Actually Here <aop:config> <aop:advisor advice-ref="addAdvice" pointcut="execution(* com.DAO.*.*(..))"/> </aop:config> <tx:advice id="addAdvice" transaction-manager="transactionManager"> <tx:attributes> <tx:method name="add*" propag...

Castle DynamicProxy Interface Proxy Generation

I have a WindsorContainer. I have a ILazyComponentLoader (if it matters) and an Interface (ISomething) with an Interceptor attribute on in. [Interceptor(typeof(DynamicImplementationInterceptor)] public interface ISomething I want Windsor to use ProxyGenerator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithoutTarget when resolving the interface via contai...

Spring in Action 3 example of AOP causing problems

I am working my way through Spring in Action 3 and there is an example in there of using AOP with the around aspect. This is the Aspect class: package com.xetius.springIdol; import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint; public class Audience { public void watchPerformance(ProceedingJoinPoint joinpoint) { try { System.out....

Is there a way to wrap all JavaScript methods with a function?

I want to wrap every function call with some logging code. Something that would produce output like: func1(param1, param2) func2(param1) func3() func4(param1, param2) Ideally, I would like an API of the form: function globalBefore(func); function globalAfter(func); I've googled quite a bit for this, but it seems like there's only ...

How do I add a tracing interceptor for all classes within Prism?

I am trying to add a tracing interceptor to all the components of my Prism application using an interface interceptor. I almost have this working however the interceptor is having problems with interfaces that declare an event. Has anyone successfully implemented aop tracing for all components without the need for attributes? Here is ...

Track calls to auto implemented properties

Is there a way that I can track and intercept calls to values in properties that are auto implemented? I'd like to have code that looks a bit like this: [Tracked] public int SomeProperty { get; set; } Ideally the attribute would be able to intercept changes to the property values. Is this possible? What I don't want it to have a sec...

How can I combine @Aspect with @Controller in Spring 3?

Hello! I'm trying to setup a Spring 3 Web MVC project, using the @Controller, annotation-based approach. package my.package @Controller @RequestMapping("/admin/*") public class AdminMultiActionController { @RequestMapping(value = "admin.htm", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String showAdminSection() { return "admin"; } My di...

Does scala affect AspectJ/Spring AOP at all? I'm having a thread locking problem when running tests when an @Configurable is being called

I have a strange problem where when I run my tests using maven, it locks whenever a test method calls into an object with an annotation @Configurable. I can run the tests fine in IDEA using the AspectJ Weaver plugin (remarkably), but I cannot do it with maven (whether I execute them in IDEA or just in a terminal). Even weirder, if I pre...

Learning AspectJ

I have read the documents in the following locations. Maybe I'm too dumb but I can't see too many useful examples that I can visualize and no much stay in my mind. Does anyone have any good and simple AspectJ getting start doc online? An...

How can I access methods attributes with Spring AOP (AspectJ-style)?

I need to intrecept some methods and their attributes by using annotations as point cuts, but how can I access those method attributes. I have following code that succesfully can run code before method is run, but I just don't know how I can access those attrbiutes. package my.package; import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint; impor...

Is it possible to name an AspectJ-declared warning ?

I use declare error and declare warning to enforce some policies; but in some specific cases I would like to get rid of the warning. Is there a way I can name the declared warning so that I can use @SuppressWarning ? Else I see a solution but it doesn't satisfy me: define a custom @SuppressXxxPolicyWarning annotation and use it to restr...