
Define pointcut to capture an interface but not parent or sub interfaces

I was wondering how to define a pointcut in aspecJ the captures any method of an interface but not the methods of any parent or sub interface. pubic interface A { void methodA(); } pubic interface B extends A { void methodB(); } pubic interface C extends B { void methodC(); } I would like a poincut that only catches methodB() an...

Entity Aspect (in Spring)

Hi guys, I'm having a bit of a problem defining my aspects. I've got a bunch of entities that I'd like to profile the get-methods in, so I've written the following pointcut and method @Pointcut("execution(**.get*()") public void getEntityProperty() {} @Around("getEntityProperty()") public Object profileGet...

Strange befaviour of spring transaction support for JPA + Hibernate +@Transactional annotation

I found out really strange behavior on relatively simple use case, probably I can't understand it because of not deep knowledges of spring @Transactional nature, but this is quite interesting. I have simple User dao that extends spring JpaDaoSupport class and contains standard save method: @Transactional public User save(User user) { ...

Is is possible to intercept a static method on an object you don't own and did not create?

Referring to my possible answer to this question: Is it possible to intercept a call, coming from code you do not own, to a ctor on a sealed internal class that you do not own with the intention of ...

How to capture button click if more than one button in AspectJ?

Hi all, I wonder if we can capture that which button is clicked if there are more than one button. On this example, can we reach //do something1 and //do something2 parts with joinPoints? public class Test { public Test() { JButton j1 = new JButton("button1"); j1.addActionListener(this); JButton j2 = new...

AssemblyLoadException in postsharp, problem with arguments from referenced DLLs?

I'm just starting out with postsharp/AOP. I want to make some instrumentation for C# to track the usage of some addins that I write for a peice of software. I am trying to use the OnMethodBoundaryAspect class to take note of the values of some of the parameters when the method is called. Those parameters are types which are referenced i...

How does compilation work with AOP?

I need quick answer to a simple thing in AOP. If i have a code deployed at client side and i have written new aspects, which i want in the client side software. do i have to "recompile" complete software with "original" code and new "AOP" code? (with aop compiler)? i.e. do i need the source code of original program with source code of...

Codeigniter AOP

I need a good implementation of AOP paradigm for Codeigniter PHP Framework. What do you suggest me? ...

Comparison of AOP tools for ASP.NET

From an perspective (C#) What are the strengths and weaknesses of each AOP tool? Some factors to include: Learning curve (for AOP newbies) Interceptions possible Performance Cost ...

Unity 2.0 and policy injection in .config

I want to use unity (2.0) to resolve my dependencies in a way so that i can configure policy injection (policies, matching rules and call handlers) in the .config file. Or an other way to put it; i want my resolved objects to be "policy enabled", so that i can add and change to policies in config without have to recompile. Any ideas on...

Using a general class for execution with try/catch/finally?

I find myself having a lot of this in different methods in my code: try { runABunchOfMethods(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Log(ex); } What about creating this: public static class Executor { private static ILogger logger; public delegate void ExecuteThis(); static Executor() { // logger = ...GetLog...

how to call service inside service layer

in my service layer public class MyServiceLayerImpl{ public void method1(){ MyServicelayer.method(); //is this correct? } public void method2(){ } @Autowired MyServiceInterface MyServiceLayer; } if i have method inside service layer that need to call another service inside service layer. i cannot ...

Aspect Oriented Programming for Google App Engine (Java)

What are some good aspect oriented programming libraries/frameworks that will run on google app engine (Java version)? ...

Spring Roo and aspect-oriented programming

Hello, i've been running some experiments of my own with Spring Roo and it seems to be pretty cool, but i noticed that this tool makes heavy use of AOP on the model layer. I'm thinking about creating a real project using Roo and what i would like to know is: Why AOP is everywhere? Is that ok? What are advantages and disadvantages of t...

Which frameworks (and associated languages) support class replacement?

Hi, I'm writing my master thesis, which deals with AOP in .NET, among other things, and I mention the lack of support for replacing classes at load time as an important factor in the fact that there are currently no .NET AOP frameworks that perform true dynamic weaving -- not without imposing the requirement that woven classes must exte...

patching java reflect calls using AOP

I don't have a lot of experience with Jboss AOP and I'm just curious if it's possible to replace all calls like Field f = foo.class.getDeclaredField("bar"); f.set(object, value); with something like Field f = foo.class.getDeclaredField("bar"); FieldSetCaller.invoke(f, object, value); using Jboss AOP. FieldSetCaller is my own class....

Apache CXF REST Services w/ Spring AOP

I'm trying to get Apache CXF JAX-RS services working with Spring AOP. I've created a simple logging class: public class AOPLogger{ public void logBefore(){ System.out.println("Logging Before!"); } } My Spring configuration (beans.xml): <aop:config> <aop:aspect id="aopLogger" ref="test.aop.AOPLogger"> ...

How do I replace a method implementation at runtime?

I'd like to have property getters and methods that I can decorate with my own custom attribute and based on the presence of that attribute replace the method bodies with a different implementation. Also, that different implementation will need to know the constructor arguments given to the custom attribute where it decorates the method....

Aspect-Oriented Programming in OOP world - breaking rules ?

Hi 2 all! When I worked on mvc web site project, I investigated different approaches for validation. Some of them were DataAnotation validation and Validation Block. They use attributes for setting up rules for validation. Like this: [Required] public string Name {get;set;} I was confused how this approach combines with SRP (...

Best solution for using AOP with OSGI?

I am using Equinox, so the Equinox Aspect project seems like a no-brainer, but that project appears to be inactive and has only one page of documentation that leaves me hanging at the end. Other than that project, I do not see many options for using AOP in OSGI. Let me know what you all think and what the possibilities are, thanks :) ...