
Based on your development stack, which is easier for you and why? Debugging or logging?

Please state if you are developing on the front end, back end, or if you are developing a mobile/desktop application. List your development stack Language, IDE, etc.. Unit Testing or no Unit Testing Be sure to include any AOP frameworks if used. Tell me if it is easier for you to use a debugger or to using logging during development, ...

Aspect Oriented Programming vs List<IAction> To execute methods based on conditions

I'm new to AOP so bear with me. Consider the following scenario: A state machine is used in a workflow engine, and after the state of the application is changed, a series of commands are executed. Depending on the state, different types of commands should be executed. As I see it, one implementation is to create List<IAction> and...

Postsharp duplicate attribute?

Can anyone explain why I'm getting this compile error? Duplicate 'Rad.Core.Aop.MethodArgumentValidation' attribute E:\Scripting\Rad.Core\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs This is the code: [assembly: Rad.Core.Aop.MethodArgumentValidation(AttributeTargetTypes="Rad.*", AttributePriority=1)] [assembly: Rad.Core.Aop.MethodArgumentValidation(Att...

SPRING: What is AOP, Dependency Injection and Inversion Of Control in Simple English

I have tried to understand AOP, Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control SPRING related concepts but I am having hard time understanding it. Can anyone explain this in simple English ? ...

Maven: compile aspectj project containing Java 1.6 source

What I want to do is fairly easy. Or so you would think. However, nothing is working properly. Requirement: Using maven, compile Java 1.6 project using AspectJ compiler. Note: Our code cannot compile with javac. That is, it fails compilation if aspects are not woven in (because we have aspects that soften exceptions). Questions (ba...

AOP and .NET: Is Contexts an obsolete concept?

Recently I've started learning about Contexts in .NET (context-bound, context-agile, message sinks, etc.). Several alarm bells started ringing: All context-bound classes are derived from ContextBoundObject, which in turn is derieved from MarshalByRefObject. MarshalByRefObject is a part of the .NET Remoting architecture. The .NET Remot...

How to use AOP to intercept a method call in super on an argument?

I'm extending a class and overriding a method. All I want to do is to call super, but with a modified argument that gets intercepted upon one of its methods is called. An example makes it more clear: // Foo is an interface and also this method is part of an interface @Override public void foo(Foo foo) { // I want to intercept the ca...

Google Guice vs. JSR-299 CDI / Weld

Weld, the JSR-299 Contexts and Dependency Injection reference implementation, considers itself as a kind of successor of Spring and Guice. CDI was influenced by a number of existing Java frameworks, including Seam, Guice and Spring. However, CDI has its own, very distinct, character: more typesafe than Seam, more stateful and less X...

Hibernate proxy serialization and receive on client side.

I lack understanding of how does the generated proxy class object (CGLib enhanced POJO) is transferred to the remote client and still retains its ability to generate Lazy Init. Exceptions. Does that mean that there is some kind of contract that all the transferred objects of some kind of class (a proxy) will be reinstantiated as proxies...

Call/Return feature of classic C++(C with Classes), what modern languages have it?

Hi, On page 57 of The Design and Evolution of C++, Dr. Stroustrup talks about a feature that was initially part of C with Classes, but it isn't part of modern C++(standard C++). The feature is called call/return. This is an example: class myclass { call() { /* do something before each call to a function. */ } return() { /* do somet...

Is it possible to generate dynamic proxy for static class or static method in C#?

I am trying to come up with a way that (either static or instance) method calls can be intercepted by dynamic proxy. I want to implement it as c# extension methods but stuck on how to generate dynamic proxy for static methods. Some usages: Repository.GetAll<T>().CacheForMinutes(10); Repository.GetAll<T>().LogWhenErrorOccurs(); //or ... proxy factory with target type needs property virtual ?

Hi all, I'm creating proxy in code by using ProxyFactory object with ProxyTargetType to true to have a proxy on a non interfaced complex object. Proxying seems ok till i call a method on that object. The method references a public property and if this property is not virtual it's value is null. This doesn't happen if i use S...

Can I specify to Castle Windsor which virtual methods to override in a class proxy?

I have many virtual methods in a class, but only one should be intercepted, Can I tell Castle Windsor to override only that method so I dont have to do validation in the Intercept method? Edit: I use the IKernelEvents.ComponentRegistered event to choose which types get the interceptor. ...

Spring aop multiple pointcuts & advice but only the last one is working

I have created two Spring AOP pointcuts that are completely separate and will be woven in for different parts of the system. The pointcuts are used in two different around advices, these around-advices will point to the same Java method. How the xml-file looks: <aop:config> <aop:pointcut expression="execution(......)" id="pointcutO...

Pointcut matching methods with annotated parameters

I need to create an aspect with a pointcut matching a method if: Is public Its class is annotated with @Controller (Finally does not) One of its parameters (can have many) is annotated with @MyParamAnnotation. I think the first two conditions are easy, but I don't know if its possible to accomplish the third with Spring. If it is no...

how to unit test AOP?

i'm using Unity to do AOP, could someone give me some idea how to unit test them? ...

StructureMap with Interception and Castle.DynamicProxy

Hi. I'm trying to get StructureMap to put a Castle.DynamicProxy around some of the objects it creates. I have used the EnrichWith-feature earlier, but I think RegisterInterception would suit me better in this case, since I use scanning. The problem is that in the "Process(object target, IContext context)"-method, I can't find out which...

Aspect Oriented Programming Library/Framework for Actionscript 3?

I'm looking for a full featured AOP Library for Actionscript 3. The following projects I noticed so far, but they all seem to have their problems: - (looks most promising so far, however it requires you to create a whole new class for every AOP "call" I believe, and it forces you to follow quite a...

What to read as a good intro and quickstart to aspect-oriented programming and metaprogramming?

As I've found myself repeating myself a lot, writing very similar queries and classes for different entities (despite of doing strong object and relational normalisation), etc, I've came to an Idea that I could and should automate the most of this and write an engine which will compile simple declarative models I specify into all the cod...

Spring AOP pointcut that matches annotation on interface

Hello, this is my first post here, so I apologize in advance for any stupidity on my side. I have a service class implemented in Java 6 / Spring 3 that needs an annotation to restrict access by role. I have defined an annotation called RequiredPermission that has as its value attribute one or more values from an enum called OperationT...