
Browser fails to cache SWF file

I am having an issue with the browser not caching a SWF file. I have the following in my apache configuration: ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash "access plus 2 months" I can see the headers coming back from the original request for the SWF look like this (the expires header looks like it's being set properly): Request: U...

How can I stop the Apache server creating error_log files?

Is there a way to stop Apache creating error_log files using .htaccess ? ...

How do I configure Apache to forward some URLs to two resin containers?

Good day, I have two resin servers - r-server-a and r-server-b. I created two because both have web applications that need to be in the root context path '/' (and using same port '80'). However, both web applications need to see each other (i.e. access the other application's resources & pages). Which is why I thought I'd use an apach...

php apache url rewrite

I have an url with the following format: domain/product.php?name=product a Now I need to rewrite this to: domain/product a(including the space in the word) like: http://www.directline-holidays.co.uk/Costa Blanca How do I do this? The closest result I got so far is the following: domain/p/product-a With the following code in .htaccess ...

mod_perl and inheriting STDIN in child process

Hi everyone, I have this old Perl script that is supposed to act as a proxy of sorts between HTTP-based clients and non-HTTP Java server: the client POSTs some data to this Perl script and the script would in turn call the Java server, get the response and return it to the client. The Perl part calls the server like this: $servervars ...

Prevent file differences between live and staging websites AND system scripts (PHP)

I'm trying to find a good way to maintain PHP configuration differences between a dev and live environment. I know how to handle differences when scripts are run by Apache (see below), but not when they are run on the command line, e.g. via cron. Background info: What do I mean by "configuration differences"? Like most code shops, we r...

Is OMElement mandatory in Axis2 Webservice???

Hi, I am migrating my webservices from Axis1.x to Axis2. I have all the webservices which takes multiple arguments like String, int etc. Also for authentication i have added header part so i have created my own WSDL file. So when i use my WSDL file and try to call WebService it Takes OMElement as Argument. But if i dont specify any W...

Why am I getting a redirect loop?

I have a website with a for example (http://example.com). I want any requests for / i.e. http://example.com to be redirected to http://example.com/stuff. I added a .htaccess file with the following line: redirect 301 / http://example.com/stuff Any suggestion? ...

How can I debug a Perl CGI script?

I inherited a legacy Perl script from an old server which is being removed. The script needs to be implemented on a new server. I've got it on the new server. The script is pretty simple; it connects via expect & ssh to network devices and gathers data. For debugging purposes, I'm only working with the portion that gathers a list of ...

apache modrewrite refactor question

Is there a way to refactor this to use the same rule? I have a production site and a staging test site. test site RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^test.example.com$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} admin RewriteRule ^(.*)$ test-admin.blurb.com$1 [L] production site RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.example.com$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} admin R...

Regex Proxy Server

I control access via a proxy server and run some regex on every request. For prototype I have used curl, regex and php. Obviously this won't put up with any serious load. Can anyone suggest and proxy servers that would be suitable? ...

Tomcat cannot resolve '<%@ include file', possibly related to taglibs JasperException: File Not Found

In the jsp i have: <%@ include file="/assets/includes/inc_standard_init.jsp" %> In the browser I get: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /oprs.jsp(1,1) File "/assets/includes/inc_standard_init.jsp" not found org.apache.jasper.compiler.DefaultErrorHandler.jspError(DefaultErrorHandler.java:40) org.apache.jasper.compiler.ErrorDispatcher...

How to separate J2EE web application for apache and tomcat

Hi All, I want to setup and Apache and Tomcat together and deploy my war file on the this setup. My question is how I separate my application for apache and tomcat ?Please give me example. Thanks Kumara ...

can you get me * out aaa.*.domain.com using regex ?

Hi, No matter how hard I try I can't get this.. This matches the whole domain only when it's format is aaa.bbb.ccc . ^[^.]+\.[^.]+\.[^.]+$ Our domain name is static (domain.com). So this needs to select * out aaa.*.domain.com. aaa may or may not be there. Thanks! ps: sorry for aaa part being unclear. it's another unknown. so it i...

open_basedir in reverse... kind of...

We have several vhosts that all include files from another vhost so in the httpd.conf we have added php_admin_value open_basedir "..........:/home/commonfi" I was wondering whether I could add something to the commonfi vhost setup to allow any site to access the files without having to specify /home/commonfi in the open_basedir for e...

problem with RewriteRule and apache

I have a SSL certificate that is registered to my www domain, but all my urls point to my domain without www. i tried this sentence: RewriteRule ^[https://mydomain.org](.*)$ https://www.mydomain.org$1 [R=301,nc] but for some unknown reason, it also redirects all the calls made to http://mydomain.org as well. i realy cant think of a re...

htaccess file adds the virtual directory address to the url

I wrote a script to add shtml extension to all requests that don't have it. This is it: Options +FollowSymlinks <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} htmlTemplates RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !\.shtml$ RewriteRule ^.*/(.*)$ $1.shtml [r,nc] </IfModule> I tried it on my local server, w...

Apache 2 Upgrade Killed Our .htaccess, Can't fix, please help!

We were forced to upgrade to Apache 2 today and as soon as we did our rule set that was working for months stopped working. The behavior it shows is completely ignoring the .htacess, even after we delete it (.htacess) the server seems to use a "phantom" rule. IE: site/stuff/ without .htacess should show a 404... but instead it goes to ...

Linking Apache to Tomcat with multiple domains.

Okay, so I've been working for a while on this, and have been searching, but so far I have not found any answers that actually answer what I want to know. I'm a little bit at the end of my rope with this one, but I'm hoping I can figure this out sometime soon. So I have Apache 2 installed and serving up standard webpages, but I also ha...

HttpServletRequest.getRemoteAddr() returning wrong address

We need to log the client's IP address from a Seam action. Currently, we're using the code: ExternalContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext(); HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)context.getRequest(); this.remoteAddress = request.getRemoteAddr(); However, this seems to be always returning ...