
how to properly handle international character in Php / MySQL / Apache

I need to create an application in Php that can handle all unicode characters in all places - edit fields, static html, database. Can somebody tell me the complete list of all parameters / functions that need to be set / used to achieve this goal? ...

Mulitple Sites with common files

I have developed over 50 sites that all use the exact same files other than CSS and IMAGES, i currently duplicate the files each time i create a new site and uplaod different css and images. What would be the best practice to simply this into 1 main location for all common files? Here is my current structure for each site: /home/ftpus...

How can i see my apache rails server from other computers on my local network?

I have an apache server running, with mongrels underneath running rails. The apache config file for my rails app looks like this: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName trunk.production.charanga ServerAlias max.trunk.production.charanga DocumentRoot /home/max/work/e_learning_resource/trunk/public RewriteEngine On <Proxy balancer://...

Exclude certain subfolders and domains in redirects

This is a continuation from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1704845/redirect-only-html-files How can I change my .htaccess to make it exclude certain subfolders or subdomains from the HTML-only redirect? I tried doing using this code to exclude the 'downloads' subfolder and the 'dev' and 'support' subdomains, but it didn't work: Rew...

DRUPAL: Fatal error: Allowed memory size error when editing specific existing pages.

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 18874368 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1481725 bytes) in __/public_html/includes/database.inc on line 224 I'm having this error occur in Drupal 6 every time I try to edit the following pages (sorry about the xx's): hxxp://chipkin.com/fs-8700-125-stulz hxxp://chipkin.com/fs-8700-47-dnp-3...

How to configure something like phpmyadmin in windows and linux?

When I visit http://domain.name/DIRECTORy,it should go to another DOCUMENT_ROOT. I'm using Apache,how to configure it correct in windows and linux respectively? ...

regex to not match if a specified string exists

i'm trying to do an apache rewrite where if the term "admin" is contained in the request_uri mydomain.com/admin/anything_else re-write the host to use a subdomain admin.mydomain.com/admin/anything_else. likewise, if i click a link while in the admin.mydomain.com and it is a url WITHOUT "admin" in it, then i would like to rewrite the ...

Using SimplePie with CodeIgniter and XAMPP

I am using CodeIgniter 1.7.2 with XAMPP 1.7.2 on a Windows computer. I am trying to make use of SimplePie. I followed all the instructions I could find: a copy of simplepie.inc is in my applications/libraries folder, renamed to simplepie.php I enabled curl on Apache. I attempt to load SimplePie as follows: this->load->library('simplep...

Apache 400 Absolute Path for Blogs

Here is an example of a blog with this issue. It uses Apache to send a 400 error, but keep the url as is. Is there a way in Apache using a .htaccess file to keep the url as is so the PHP script can do as needed with it, but not send a 400 error? The site works fine in some browsers, but those like IE and mobile browsers have there own...

svnadmin create ignoring sticky group bit on directory

I am using Subversion with Apache and want a normal user (i.e. non-root) to be able to create new repositories. I thought this would be easy enough to do using a parent directory with group www-data and the group sticky bit set. Unfortunately "svnadmin create ..." leaves only its db directory with the sticky group not set. How can I get...

Directory structre change using .htaccess

I want to move all my web site files (even including index.php) into a subdirectory (for exp: "abc") For example BEFORE: public_html index.php a.file directory an.other.file ... AFTER: public_html abc_directory index.php a.file directory an.other.file ... I want everything to work, as it was before, but i ...

mod_ruby on apache: Very slow

Even a request from the server itself takes about 7 seconds ( startpage of a "redmine" installation ).. When running ruby under WEBrick the same request only takes miliseconds... I am absolutely new to ruby, so i have no idea where to start the investgation on this.. Or is the best solution to locally redirect the apache request to a W...

Apache worker MPM and Linux threads

Apache's worker MPM creates multiple threads per process, where each thread handles a request. As of 2.6, the Linux kernel uses Native POSIX Threading Library, which has a 1:1 threading model. Given this, I would expect to see 100 apache processes if there are 100 simultaneous requests being serviced (one request -> one thread -> one pr...

mod-rails / phusion passenger on apache: Really slow

I installed redmine on the apache and used mod_ruby first, which was incredible slow... now i switched to phusion passenger but the response time is still really slow ( talking about 5-6 seconds here, even using a wget to localhost from the server itself.. ) i just removed the "old" mods from the apache dir, but it's still slow... anywa...

Are colons allowed URIs?

I thought using colons in URIs was "illegal". Then I saw that vimeo.com is using URIs like http://www.vimeo.com/tag:sample. What do you feel about the usage of colons in URIs? How do I make my Apache server work with the "colon" syntax because now it's throwing the "Access forbidden!" error when there is a colon in the first segment o...

Apache: Deploying a new site to the server

I have a site currently live on a domain. I would like to switch it to a new site, that is currently in a password protected sub directory on this server. I have a "Site Maintenance in Progress" page. I want to set Apache so it displays that by default instead of "index.php". Also, I'd like everything else on the server to be password p...

Apache setup for multiple sites with common files

I have approx 50 sites that all use the exact same files other than CSS and IMAGES, i currently duplicate the files each time i create a new site and upload different css and images. What I want do so set up each vhost to have the same DocumentRoot then add AliasMatch for the css and images folders e.g: #Common Files VHOST <VirtualHos...

How do you get the current user logged in to an apache realm?

I'm writing a simple in-house frontend to Subversion. We've got an Apache setup serving up the SVN repositories thanks to WebDAV. Also, authentication is done through an Apache realm and Open Directory. For what it's worth, this is basically a pretty vanilla Mac OS X Server 10.6 setup. Now, some of the tasks our front end is responsible...

Ruby: Problem using passenger

Hi, i first installed mod_ruby on my debian and afterwards ( after figuring out that it was too slow ) i wanted to chagne to passenger for my apache Now i've got the problem, that the passenger is successfully loaded by the apache, but is not used, even though i configured everything correctly, like: <VirtualHost *> ServerAdmi...

Are there any tools similar to XML Beans for 834 files in JAVA

I love the pleasure of dealing with XML files with XMLBeans objects... Now working with 834 files, i wonder if its a similar tool for 834 files A flat file object will be helpful also thanks Chung ...