
.htaccess question : Can I strip out a leading question mark?

Hi, I have a page that already has the $_GET array initialized, and when a page redirects there (with an oAuth token) it appends the ?token=36264747 to the end. Is there a way to write an .htaccess file for an Apache server that would either strip that question mark or (better) replace it with an ampersand? ...

"signal Segmentation fault". Where this error is coming from?

Hey! From time to time my Apache server logs this error [Sat Nov 07 05:35:01 2009] [notice] child pid 2795 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) What may be the reason behind the error? Thanks! ...

htaccess conditions + url rewrite

Currently, I have the setup in my htaccess so that example.com/dept/noc goes to: example.com/index.php?dept=dept&n=noc using RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z]+)/([A-Za-z]+)$ index.php?dept=$1&n=$2 [QSA] RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 I have a folder called upload, how would I ensure that url rewriting is not in effect (an excepti...

Mod_rewrite with "http://" in Querystring

I'm trying to create a rewrite rule that will do the following: http://www.example.com/http://other.example.com → http://www.example.com/index.php?var=http://google.com This is my current rule: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/(http[s]?\:\/\/|ftp\:\/\/)?(www\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+\.(com|org|net|mil|edu|ca|co.uk|com.au|gov|ws|info)$ RewriteRul...

CodeIgniter Backend Frontend .htaccess router

Hi, I'm trying to develop a little base CMS with CodeIgniter for my own use on projects but got stuck on this. Also, I'm very new to CI, but got some years with ZF and OOP PHP. First of all let me show you my file structure: index.php (frontend bootstrap) backend.php (backend bootstrap) .htaccess system ( CI core ) application backe...

mod_rewrite to remove .php but still serve the .php file?

I just wanted to do a simple thing with mod_rewrite. I have a site which uses .php files, and I wanted to rewrite those to cleaner URLs, and remove the .php. So, files would be www.mysite.com/contact and so on. This does work how I wanted, but I had expected that it would still serve my contact.php file, but just show the user that th...

upload large files using php, apache

Hi All, I want to upload files of around 150 MB using PHP and Apache server. With my code i can upload upto 5MB $path = $_COOKIE['Mypath']; $target_path = "uploads/".$path ; if(!isDir($target_path)) { mkdir($target_path); } # Do uploading here $target_path = "uploads/".$path ."/"; $target_path = $target_path . basen...

Regular expression with RedirectMatch does anything

Hi I use .htaccess to perform redirection. Here the line RedirectMatch permanent .*\?langue=([\w]{2}).*id_([\w]+)=([1-9]+) ***[protocol]***://myserver/rootContext/action?pagename=dir1/dir2/dir3/Redirect&type=$2&id=$3&lang=$1 Here my inital url: ***[protocol]***://localhost/adir/anotherDir/anotherDirAgian/oneMore/apage.php?langue=fr...

curl w3c-markup-validator localy is slow, how do I make it faster?

I am using curl like this: curl -s -F "uploaded_file=@/path_to_file;type=text/html" -F output=soap12 http://localhost/w3c-markup-validator/check >text.xml && xsltproc script/guilbep_soap_w3c.xsl text.xml xsltproc is fast; but curl is not. does it come from the fact that w3c-markup-validator is local? or from w3c-markup-validator itsel...

How do I use a Perl CGI locally without using curl and apache2?

I would like to submit a form to a CGI script localy (w3c-markup-validator), but it is too slow using curl and apache, I want to use this CGI script more than 5,000 times in an another script. and currently it takes more than one hour. What should I do to give the form directly to the CGI script (I upload a file with curl)? edit: It se...

How is file upload handled in HTTP?

I am curious to know how webservers handle file uploads. Is the entire file sent as a single chunk? Or is it streamed into the webserver - which puts it together and saves it in a temp folder for PHP etc. to use? ...

Site slows for individual users, but they can switch browsers?

I've tried searching for this but it's pretty difficult to put into words. Basically, our site will run fine for most users without any issues. Sometimes though, those of us who use the site pretty heavily all day will suddenly get completely bogged down. Everything just spins in place. The site itself is still fine - everyone else c...

ServiceMix -> NetBeans OpenESB?

Hi guys, I've picked up a project that needs to import some (old) JBI components that were developed using ServiceMix about three years ago. I need to bring these into to a modern GlassFish environment. So far, it's not very clear what or how I should do it. Any tips or pointers? My worst case scenario is to wrap the JBI component call...

Abandoned Apache process, how long will it go on?

So lets say there's a server process that takes way too long. The client complains that it "times out." Correct me if I'm wrong, but this particular timeout could have to do with apache's timeout setting, but not necessarily. I believe this to be the case because when testing the page in question we couldn't get it to time out reliably ...

Difference in website display depending on domain

I'm getting slightly different display of a website depending on which URL I use to access it (two different servers, both serving the same files). One looks "thinner" than the other in Firefox 3.0 (no discernible difference in IE) For example, compare: http://www.ece.ualberta.ca/support/ and http://www1.ece.ualberta.ca/support/ Th...

PHP, shell commands, and jar files

Hey everyone, I have a jar file that I would like to execute using PHP, but when I run the script all I get is the following error: Could not reserve enough space for object heap. I have done some searching and it seems as though I am getting this because the command isn't being executed in a login shell. If this is the case how do I ...

Apache, IIS... Server Explanation for a newbie

Hi I'm a relatively new student in computer science university program. We're getting into web development now. So far, I've only used Visual Studio. Should I be learning how to work with Apache AND IIS? What is the difference? Can I use Visual Studio with Apache? If I download XAMPP, can I still use IIS on the same machine later on? ...

Internet Explorer only part loading JavaScript/CSS

I'm having trouble with my local development environment where IE (6 through to 8) is only part loading JavaScript/CSS files. It throws random errors at random places in jquery.min.js every time I refresh, which suggested to me that it's trying to execute before it's finished loading or the connection was closed before it finished loadin...

How to use Server Side Includes in Magento Description?

Has anyone found a way to get Server Side Includes to work inside a Magento product description? I tried adding one and the published page did not show the content I'm trying to include. For example, I added this to the product description field in the Magento Admin: <!--#include virtual="../test.php" --> ...

How can I alias one directory to my filesystem and a subdirectory of that to a WSGI file in Apache?

I'm using nginx as a reverse proxy to apache/mod_wsgi and Django. Currently everything is working fine with / aliasing my wsgi file, and /media aliasing my media directory. However, I want to set it up so that /media/foo/bar also aliases my wsgi file such that /media/foo/example.txt will serve example.txt with apache, but /media/foo/bar/...