
Create subdomain upon user registration

I have a website where I want users that sign up to get their own subdomain. This subdomain is virtual, and every subdomain uses the same web server files. I use PHP and Apache, and I know about Virtual Hosts, but I'm wondering where I need to put the vhosts code. First, I don't have access to httpd.conf. Second, I want this to be done ...

How to add mime-type for <video> element on Firefox ?

Hi everybody, Into this dir there are : OGV video (Theora/Vorbis) for Firefox MP4 video (H264/AAC) for Safari FLV video with a flash player (player.swf) for others browsers a template.html which contains a snippet coming from Video for everybody a .htaccess to add the new types of video Locally the video is correctly displayed on al...

Parse Apache Log in Ansi C

Does anyone have a snippit of code to parse apache2 logs with ANSI C? ...

Can I use Sun's OpenSSO Apache WebAgent to integrate to a CA SiteMinder Policy Server?

The official Web Agents user documentation does not state what version of SAML is supported. I am trying to integrate this with a Policy Server that is not running Sun's OpenSSO policy server, so my only requirement is to support SAML 2.0. Has anyone had experience with this type of setup? ...

System.Data.SqlClient used in System.Data?

I have had that weird error this afternoon... I cannot figure out why System.Data could rely on System.Data.SqlClient. This happens in Mono under Linux, and I do not rely on SQL Server at all, by the way... Oh! It says that it's only a warning but the compiler stops doing it job anyway. Compilation Error Description: Error com...

What is the auth_tkt cookie format?

The Apache module auth_tkt creates authentication cookies that can be verified cryptographically so a web server can generate REMOTE_USER without consulting a database. What is the specification for auth_tkt cookies? ...

Convert RTF files to DOC

I generate a report in doc format using Jasper, Jasper uses JRRTFExporter to generate doc reports, but wen i try and compare doc reports using POI it throws exception stating some header issues. Is there any way to convert rtf to doc in jasper or any API available to convert rtf to doc? Please help! ...

How to stop Apache from listing the contents of my user directories

I recently ran some penetration testing software on my web site and was surprised for it to report that one of my directory listings was publicly accessible. It is the directory of the root user which is available. http://www.example.com/~root/ Results in this page content: Index of /~root * Parent Directory * cgi-bin/ Pla...

Apache with JBOSS using AJP (mod_jk) giving spikes in thread count.

We used Apache with JBOSS for hosting our Application, but we found some issues related to thread handling of mod_jk. Our website comes under low traffic websites and has maximum 200-300 concurrent users during our website's peak activity time. As the traffic grows (not in terms of concurrent users, but in terms of cumulative requests ...

protect specific url with .htaccess

I have a central script 'web' in the root of my site that handles everything. In the .htaccess the following lines tell appache to handle 'web' as a php file: <Files web> ForceType application/x-httpd-php </Files> The script 'web' splits the REQUEST_URI in parts so it can generate the right page: http://www.mysite.com/web/var1/var2/v...

mod_alias subdirectory replacement

I am using RewriteMatch to redirect all traffic from subdir1 to subdir2, while keeping all other parts of the url the same. So for instance, http://www.mydomain.com/subdir1/ would redirect to http://www.mydomain.com/subdir2/ I am using this rule: RedirectMatch 302 /subdir1/.* /subdir2/$1 which works for the url http://www.m...

Does PHP proc_nice leave Apache threads at new priority setting?

When executing proc_nice(), is it actually nice'ing Apache's thread? If so, and if the current user (non-super user) can't renice to its original priority is killing the Apache thread appropriate (apache_child_terminate) on an Apache 2.0x server? The issue is that I am trying to limit the impact of an app that allows the user to run Ad...

when should I use "apache:apache" or "nobody:nobody" on my web server files?

Background: I remember at my old place of employment how the web server admin would always make me change the httpd-accessible file upload directories so that they were owned by apache:apache or nobody:nobody. He said this was for security reasons. Question: Can you tell me what specifically were the security implications of this? Also...

Apache Fop for .NET locks external-graphic image - can I force it to close the references?

Something in Apache FOP is locking modify/delete file access rights. Here is the situation.. First, there is a gif file on disk, in a certain location in my web application structure, but more importantly, in a certain physical location on the drive. In the xsl stylesheet, the gif is referenced by absolute physical path through the XS...

Setting a default Apache RewriteRule entry

I want to set a 'default' rewrite rule to catch anything that didn't match the previous rewrite entries. I've tried this: RewriteRule ^(.*)/?$ index.php?url=$1 [L] But the output returned is: url = index.php Ideally what I want is to attach all the GET values to 'url' so they will be saved to my web log. Anyone have any suggestions...

Using URL contents to send data(post or get) to a PHP page.

OK, I am creating a questionnaire application that is managed by a single user on /manage. There, he can create multiple questionnaires, each with a different name and set of settings(registered users, questions, data, etc.). Currently, the different tests are accessed by non-administrative users(the takers of the test) by going to /inde...

Web Service solutions from Mac

Trying to find a way to rapidly develop web services on the Mac Server platform that will be served via Apache and need to be able to write to flat files or SQL Lite on the Mac. We have .net, ObjC, C++, Python, and Java skills. We have done lots of web service work before on Windows and will probably go with Azure when we build out the ...

Apache C module creation, problem linking SQLite

Playing around with this a bit, but not getting too far... The logic of my SQLite code works if I compile it as a stand-alone executable. My mod_hello.c compiles and loads/works fine without the SQLite code Combining the two, the module compiles and is installed, but the apache process dies immediately every time it is loaded. Strippi...

setting a default apache virtual host

Is there any better way of setting the default apache virtual host other than it just picking the first config it finds? I have a server with many domains, of which only some are configured with httpd but the default virtual host severed up is for example is aaa.com where as really I would like it to default to mmm.com instead? Somet...

Apache POI - error in reading excel file

I am using poi-3.5-beta5 to read excel file. I am trying to open excel file through XSSFWorkbook workBook = new XSSFWorkbook (xlsPath); i am getting following error (although i am not using log4j) Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Logger at org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.Package.(Package.java:...