
IIS 6.0+ equivalent to Apache's content negotation/AddLanguage?

Is there a direct equivalent in IIS 6.0+ to the content negotiation for languages in Apache (the AddLanguage and related directives)? If not, what is the most common method for serving multilingual static content with IIS 6.0 and newer? ...

How to avoid plain password in mod_ldap

There are a plain password store in mod_ldap. Is there any way to encrypt the password? AuthLDAPBindPassword password Thank You. ...

Apache Dir Listing

Hi I want to allow a dir list of certain directorys, but I want to block any downloads. Basically the dir structure is Nzbs -> Alt.binaries.mp3 -> Alt.binaries.tv -> Alt.binaries.multimedia The files in the sub dirs are .zip files. I want users to be able to view the contents of the sub dirs, but not allow any downloading. Ive sea...

Apache Reverse Proxy Server.

I have been trying to set up a reverse proxy to IIS6.0. The the charset is gb2312. But the responses the proxy server sent to browser were not as expected. I understood that the libxml2 needs to parse the responses from iis and fix the links. And I am pretty sure that libxml2 did not parse the html with the indicated charset from the re...

How to upgrade the version of Python used by Apache?

On a Red hat box, I upgraded Python from 2.3 to 2.6.4 and changed the symlink to python so when I type in python the 2.6.4 interpreter comes up. However my .py file works from the command-line, but not in the browser. It seemed like a sys.path issue so I opened the file in a browser and printed out sys.path. Surprisingly, my sys.path i...

static site apache and dynamic/member site django

I have a site for static content, accessible to all that runs on apache. As an adjunct to that, there is a members site that runs on django. I haven't had any issue 'sharing' my .css and making both sides equivalent in appearance, but what I can't quite seem to grok is getting my django site to be django password protected (with the ad...

Apache rewrite url need help

Hello everyone I need help for apache mode rewrite cause I'm novice and. Actually I don't know how to make this done. here is mys problem I have some urls that I want to edit them with apache 1- mywebsite/category.php ---> I want that url to stay like it is mywebsite/category.php?sid=categoryname ---> ...

PHP's preg-match_all causing Apache Segfault

Hi folks, I'm using two regular expressions to pull assignments out of MySQL queries and using them to create an audit trail. One of them is the 'picky' one that requires quoted column names/etc., the other one does not. Both of them are tested and parse the values out correctly. The issue I'm having is that with certain queries the 'p...

mod_rewrite: Pass the path & query string URL as a parameter

I'm using mod_rewrite to rewrite pretty URLs to a form supported by a Spring 2.5 application. e.g. /category/cat1?q=x => /controller?category=cat1&q=x However from my controller I want to know the original URL the request came from (so I can generate a link if required). This approach is needed generically across all pages so it i...

Redirecting old changesets to other repositories

We have a hook in Mercurial that posts the changeset message and a link the changeset to our bug tracking software. We are using separate repos for each branch. When we are done with a branch we would like to push it to an archive repository and delete the original repo so that the Mercurial page of repositories doesn't get cluttered w...

Warning about bad shutdown preventing apache from running?

For some time now, Apache has been refusing to start. The only thing in the error logs is this: [Thu Dec 10 20:48:39 2009] [warn] pid file C:/wamp/bin/apache/Apache2.2.14/logs/httpd.pid overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run? [Thu Dec 10 20:49:18 2009] [warn] pid file C:/wamp/bin/apache/Apache2.2.14/logs/h...

How can I test a comet ajax site on a single host and work around browser simultaneous connection limit?

I am using the comet long-polling technique with apache, php, jquery. I've got a basic comet update running and it works great. I'm now attempting to build a more complex comet script, and I want a better way to debug. My comet scripts use $.ajax() with a long timeout, and the server side just sleeps until it either runs up to the time...

PHP include inside an include (different directory)

The structure for the current project I am working on is something like: root/index.php root/includes/php/first.php root/includes/php/functions.php So index.php includes first.php: <?php include_once("includes/php/first.php"); ?> Normally then my first.php would call functions like: <?php include_once("includes/php/functions.php"...

django - apache integration

Hello guys, Im tired of trying to put this working :( So, here is my problem: Added to httpd.conf : Location "/ps3t/"> SetHandler python-program PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE ps3t.settings PythonOption django.root /ps3t PythonDebug On PythonPath "['/home/fabriciols...

How can I limit the size of HTTP POST requests in mod_perl?

Hi, I'm working on a page which accepts file uploads. In theory, I can detect when the file they're sending me is too big (by looking at the Content-Length of their response), and refuse to accept the upload, returning an HTTP 413 "Request Entity Too Large" error. However, it seems that simply doing that is not enough -- Firefox, at le...

FCKeditor Upload feature not working, no error

Using FCKeditor (2.6.5) When I use the upload feature it acts as if it has worked (no errors) but does not upload a file. I can view other files in the upload folder with the file manager that I ftp in and can also create folders with fck. Any thoughts? ...

XAMPP on Win7 too slow

I'm running XAMPP 1.7.1 on Windows 7 Ultimate. Everything (Apache & MySQL) is working fine except for speed. When I open http://localhost/, I must wait probably 1-3 seconds for view a webpage. In my opinion, it should be at most some hundreds miliseconds. Basic facts: while waiting to load a localhost webpage, status bar says "Waitin...

Subversion Access Control using Mysql and Apache (mod-dav-svn, mod-auth-sql, apache, mysql)

Hi, I am trying to configure a site on my Apache server to use mod_dav_svn with mysql authentication. I am using a database with three tables like this auth_users ---------- uid username passwd 1 UserA pass 2 UserB pass . auth_groups ----------- gid group 1 repo_rw 2 repo_ro . users_groups ui...

What are some good places to look for default apache startup settings in Fedora 8?

I'm running a small instance of Amazon Web Service's basic Fedora 8 LAMP stack. The default site is set up at /home/username/helloworld, but my web root of choice is at /home/username/example.com. Problem is, when the server reboots, it starts up using the httpd.conf in /home/username/helloworld. I have no idea where to even start loo...

Why www.example.com/index.php/my/path/here is processed by index.php?

Hello. I am just curious, how is feature of apache is called that is directing requests like this www.example.com/index.php/my/path/here to a file index.php? At the first moment, you might think, that it would be correct if this request leads to 404 error page because there is no folder called index.php at the site root dir. BTW, is...