
Compressing content with PHP ob_start() vs Apache Deflate/Gzip?

Most sites want to compress their content to save on bandwidth. However, When it comes to apache servers running PHP there are two ways to do it - with PHP or with apache. So which one is faster or easier on your server? For example, in PHP I run the following function at the start of my pages to enable it: /** * Gzip compress page o...

Sinatra - how do I debug it when it's online?

I wrote a teeny tiny Sinatra app that runs fine, locally, but for some reason as soon as I put it online, all I get is 'Internal Server Error'. How do I get the logging output? I'm running on Dreamhost with passenger, using the instructions from the Sinatra book. So I added to more handlers: get '/hello/:name' do "Hello, #{params[:...

apache configuration - what am I missing here?

I have a windows XP machine, installed apache at C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2 I set the document root as DocumentRoot "C:/projects" in httpd.conf and my projects are proj1 and proj2 in c:\projects <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot "C:/projects/proj1" ServerName proj1 </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *:80> Docu...

database sharing between two servers

My current set up is a single dedicated server with Java, hibernate app running on tomcat, apache http server, MYSQL. I need to get a second server to share the load, but using the same database from the first server. The backend processing(excluding db transaction) is time consuming, hence the second server for backend processing)....

Recursive mod_rewrite for search engine friendly urls

I've been reading through a previous solution to a recursive mod_rewrite problem that is similar to what I'm trying to do, the difference is I'm sending all queries through an index.php file and so don't need to specify the script within the query. Essentially I want to recursively convert any number of parameters within a search engin...

Restrict certain URLs to a single thread

I have a nice little threading problem with a library I use to generate and serve dynamic graphs and charts in Zope. See this question for a description of my original problem. As the website is already in production, I don't have time to debug that library (I'm not an expert in either C nor threading), hence I'm looking for the quick f...

Do I need a separate server to implement an ESB (e.g. Apache Camel, Mule) ?

Do I need a separate server to implement an ESB (e.g. Apache Camel, Mule) ? ...

How to avoid blocking indefinitely when using a PHP script to update a DB table that has an open/pending transaction?

I have found that if I modify table X via SQLplus and don't commit the change, then if my web appliation (which runs as a PHP script under Apache in ModPHP mode) attempts to commit a change to table X it will block indefinitely until I commit my changes via SQLplus. This behavior is correct, but what I want is a clean/reliable/simple wa...

Weblogic Apache plugin and session stickiness

If two webserver are configured in between a load balancer and weblogic cluster, will the two Apache server maintain session stickiness.?? Say for e.g. the load balancer forwards the first request to the 1st apache and inturn 1st apache forwards to 1st WL managed instance.Even if the second req from the same user is forwarded by the load...

Cannot connect to MySQL through PHP

Seems like a beginner question but I can't seem to figure it out ... I have a fresh Windows 7 x64 / Apache 2.2 / PHP 5.2 / MySQL 5 x64 installation. Actually I tried both IIS and Apache. But this PHP Code does not work: <? $hostname = "localhost"; $username = "xxx"; $password = "xxx"; $db = mysql_connect($hostname,$username,$passwo...

How to mod_rewrite for HTTP_HOST?

I am working in a shared account on a hosting provider with several domain names. Goal is to have each domain name have their own virtual directories. In my personal configured htdocs/ directory, I have a subdirectory set up for each domain name, something quite similar to this: htdocs/ foo.com/ index.html bar.com/ ...

how to capture CURL / XML data with Apache?

Hi, I'm developing a gateway script that needs to send info to another provider's server, and I need to debug the code. Is there a way, on my own Linux + Apache + PHP server to capture the CURL / XML data from this script? I know with PHP, that I could see for example the $_POST, $_GET or $_REQUEST data in a script, but with CURL I...

email forwarding, apache, cpanel, php

How does email forwarding works in cpanel (apache server)? I could not find any documentation for this on my client's cpanel itself (i dont have their hosting account only cpanel). Basically, they just want to monitor incoming and outgoing emails in one account. They have 8 email individual accounts and one person wants to monitor each a...

Can I set a php.ini (upload_max_filesize) variable in .htaccess to only apply to one .php file?

I'm not sure if this is possible, but here's what I would like to do. I have a .php script that uploads and then manipulates the file. I only want that particular .php script to be allowed to upload large files, the php.ini settings should apply for all others. Can I edit the .htaccess file to affect only the one .php script? In pseu...

Getting 206 Partial Content and not sure why.

Hey guys, I'm getting a 206 on some images, and I'm not quite sure why (thus how to solve it). Basically all the images are being called through the css file. background-image: url(Images/i-Background.jpg); //works background-image: url(Images/i-NavHeader-Blank.png); //doesn't work However firebug is showing two different sets of r...

Installing VisualSVN when Apache is already installed

Is there any way I can install VisualSVN not installing Apache? The thing is that I already have Apache installed in the same server, so I want VisualSVN to use that Apache installation. By the way: I was told that VisualSVN is the best (easyest) alternative for installing SVN in Windows Server. Is that right? ...

Stackless python + apache + mod_python on ubuntu

Has anyone setup a apache2 and mod_python with stackless on ubuntu? If yes can you please post here the steps involved? Thanks in advance ...

Need to increase PHP memory_limit for specific directory NOT entire server

I'm running wordpress 2.8.6 as fcgi with safe_mode=on, on plesk9/centOS64. wordpress was installed by installatron. php.ini is being read from /etc/etc/php.ini I need to increase php's memory_limit, because I get many mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 40961 bytes) in /...

What ways are there to simplify the install of a php app for linux and hopefully windows as well?

I have a php application ( http://github.com/tchalvak/ninjawars ), essentially a php-based webgame that I run at http://ninjawars.net . I frequently configure and install the app for myself for localhost development, and it's a somewhat trial-and-error hacked-up process. Now that I've open sourced the app, I've got some users wishing t...

Enforcing https connection

Hello folks! I have managed to get authentication at least partly set up but am mystified as to why security isn't working... In my httpd.conf file for ssl I have.... <Directory /usr/local/apache2.2/cgi-bin/oia> SSLRequireSSL Satisfy All AuthType basic AuthName "Protected Intranet Area" AuthUserFile conf/.pas...