
many instances of apache get spawned with Passenger/Rails

Hello, I have a Debian Linux VPS server for my production website (512MB). I'm using Phusion Passenger with Apache to service my Rails 2.3.4 application with Ruby 1.9. I'm limiting the pool of Phusion passenger instances to 3 Although the traffic is relatively low, the server crashes at times and I notice (when using 'top' command) t...

I keep getting QUIT and CONNECT HTTP methods sent to my server, what do they mean?

I keep getting the two following errors from my server, I assumed they were just bots looking for potential targets, but does anyone know specifically why I'm getting these? I'm using the SslRequirement plugin to make sure all hits to the login/signup page are redirected to SSL, so all of these weird https requests to root should just b...

Apache 2.2.14 + php_apc.dll crash

I can't get APC to work on Windows because Apache keeps crashing as soon as I run a php file. Is this issue know and is there a workaround? Versions: Apache 2.2.14 PHP 3.1 APC 3.1.3 ...

Error to load PHP 5.2.6 with Apache 2.2 in Windows VISTA

Hello , I Install Apache 2.2 + PHP 5.2 and want to use any MySQL functions get the following error. This expañol and then in translation. For any extra information just have to ask me my. I do not include data from phpinfo (); since it is much information to include it all. Firma con problemas: Nombre del evento de problema: APPCR...

Need to deny all IPs except mine from accessing site and display friendly error.

I need to deny all IPs except mine. I got my outward facing IP from whatismyip.com. Let's assume it is Here is the beginning of my .htaccess ErrorDocument 403 /down.html <Limit GET POST> order deny,allow deny from all allow from </Limit> This works with the denying part - it shows my down.html page. ...

Difference Between SSLCACertificateFile and SSLCertificateChainFile

I provide SSL pages on my web server, and I have a question. What is the difference between SSLCACertificateFile and SSLCertificateChainFile? When I use SSLCertificateChainFile, I got warnings from Japanese cellular phone browser, but when I use PC browser(like IE, FF), there was no problem. On the other hand, SSLCACertificateFile didn'...

Redirecting from public_html to public_html/new/

I have Joomla site which was upgraded to newest version. New version is in /new/ folder. How can I instruct apache through the .htaccess file to redirect all requests to /new/ folder instead to public_html? ...

Apache sub-sites

Hi, I want to match www.mydomain.org to a different DocumentRoot as www.mydomain.org/private/ but found no hint in the apache docs. Can anyboydy help me ? ...

PHP Sessions and Javascript Callbacks

I am using swf-upload to handle file uploads on a site I am working on. The problem is the catching function, called swf-upload.php. If I visit the URL it is at directly it works fine, it correctly reads starts the session and gets the user rights, but when the web page calls it with the ajax callback it claims the session is empty. I...

apache HttpClient to access facebook

Any examples, tips, guidance for the following scenario? I have used Apache HttpClient to simulate the functionality of browser to access facebook through java application. to do that first i have to provide user credentials. i have used examples provided in the following web site. http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/httpcomponents/oac.hc3x/t...

Can't get Xdebug to work on Windows 7

I installed the latest XAMPP package which includes PHP 5.3.0. I am trying to enable Xdebug, but it just won't work. Here's what I changed in the php.ini shipped with XAMPP: ; uncommented zend_extension = "X:\xampp\php\ext\php_xdebug.dll" ; added the following lines: xdebug.remote_enable=true xdebug.remote_host=localhost xdebug.remote...

apache-webserver-website publishing

i want to do the following: 1. Set up of Apache 2. Use CGI to communicate between a form and database 3. Use Server Side Includes 4. Access a data base 5. Use a virtual site 6. Generate a Web page dynamically based on some kind of server-side processing. Implement some form of sever security any help appreciated? thanks in advance...

Listener Class not invoking method ?

I'm working on a Dynamic Web Project in Eclipse. The whole project was loading properly upon clicking the run in server button, a week back. But yesterday, when I pressed the run in server button, the console would give an error message stating that it can't load the Servlet Context. The server is Apache Tomcat 5.5 and the following is t...

RewriteRule to disregard a url variable

I have some pages indexed by Google, for example: /product.html?affiliateid=142 I want a rewrite rule to 301 redirect to the same page if there's an affiliateid=xxx So far I have this: RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^affiliateid=[0-9]+$ RewriteRule ^$ /test.html$ [L,R=301] But its not working, I need to get rid of the variable and g...

Need help with Apache Rewrite issues

Hey guys, My developer has provided me some Apache rewrite rules that are required for our application to work. When I added them to Apache my www.domain.com/blog and www.domain.com/phpmyadmin pages no longer worked. I tried to add the first RewriteCond rule for my blog and also the final phpmyadmin rule but neither one is working as e...

switch mod rewritten URL

We are using a mod rewritten URL within our PHP site, this is the rewrite rule we are using: RewriteRule ^category/([^.]+)/([0-9]+)/([^.]+)/([0-9]+) categories.php?c_id=$2&filters=$3&_p=$4&area=category&areaname=$1 However, a user of a different system is switching to our setup and wants to 301 all their old pages to their new equival...

mod_jk on windows 64 bit

Anyone know where to get a windows 64 bit shared object for mod_jk. I've just moved to 64 bit machine. It's not where I would expect to find it: http://www.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-connectors/jk/binaries/win64/jk-1.2.28/ia64/ ...

Apache RewriteRule with RewriteMap

I've got a RewriteMap that looks like this: Guide 1 Mini-Guide 2 White Paper 3 and I'm including it into Apache via RewriteMap legacy txt:/var/www/site/var/rewrite_map.txt I want to create a RewriteRule that will allow only values from the left side of said RewriteMap to be in this position; RewriteRule ^/sectio...

PHP/Apache, options +indexes in htaccess doesn't work for root directory

I need to offer a directory listing of the root directory of my site, so I created an .htaccess file containing options +indexes It works for subdirectories, but for the main directory I get the Test Page for the Apache HTTP Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux page. I have two sites that are identical except for the PHP version insta...

Apache Velocity: Is there a standard way of verifying the correctness of a template from the command line?

Our website uses the Apache Velocity template language. Our Content Management System already checks any generated XML documents for well-formedness. We've been asked to check documents to catch Velocity syntax errors before pushing the files to the live site. Is there a standard way of verifying the correctness of a Velocity template...