
Tux, Varnish or Squid?

Hi folks We need a web content accelerator for static images to sit in front of our Apache web front end servers Our previous hosting partner used Tux with great success and I like the fact it's part of Red Hat Linux which we're using, but its last update was in 2006 and there seems little chance of future development. Our ISP recommen...

Why are event-based network applications inherently faster than threaded ones?

We've all read the benchmarks and know the facts - event-based asynchronous network servers are faster than their threaded counterparts. Think lighttpd or Zeus vs. Apache or IIS. Why is that? ...

Best practice for handling worm URLs

We've been getting request (from worms?) of the form http://www.example.com/MSOffice/cltreq.asp?... http://www.example.com/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?... What is the best practice for dealing with these? I've considered either returning a 404 or trying to terminate the connection while leaving it open on the other end. Thoughts? ...

Apache Access Control

I'm trying to configure Apache to allow read only access and ask for user to write to a SVN repository when you are coming from the local network (10.*) but not allow any access unless logged in when coming from external network. I sort of understand how the Order, Deny, Allow, and Limit directives work but I do not know if it is possib...

System Requirements for E-Commerce Application with SSL bigger than 40 bits

I need to define the system requirements hardware and software for building a E-Commerce Web application with SSL (more than 40 bits). I have no experience with SSL, so i have no idea how to configure or what apache version do i need. This are my thoughts: Operating System Linux Web Server: Apache DBMS: MySQL 5.0 or bigger Application ...

Running a Django site under mod_wsgi

I am trying to run my Django sites with mod_wsgi instead of mod_python (RHEL 5). I tried this with all my sites, but get the same problem. I configured it the standard way everyone recommends, but requests to the site simply time out. Apache conf: <VirtualHost> DocumentRoot /wwwclients/thymeandagain ServerName thym...

IIS equivalent of VirtualHost in Apache

Hi Guys, Is there an equivalent to Apache's VIrtualHost for IIS? We want to be able to run multiple websites from one IP and address them with different dns names. i.e. I have www.dom1.com www.dom2.com www.dom3.com that all point to Apache would just be running on port 80 and just use virtualhost to decide which sit...

File permissions on Shared hosts

I've written a script which takes the summary of an order and stores in into an XML file, except the problem is that I don't want people to be able to open the XML file in their browser, obviously. I'm hosted on a very dodgy shared server with limited abilities: no SSH, for starters. Is there a place I can put this file so that PHP wil...

Why do I need to explicitly output the HTTP header for IIS but not Apache?

I am trying to set up apache instead of IIS because IIS needlessly crashes all the time, and it would be nice to be able to have my own checkout of the source instead of all of us editing a common checkout. In IIS we must do something like this at the beginning of each file: use CGI; my $input = new CGI(); print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"; prin...

Apache serves blank page

Hi I have created one sample php script to upload excel sheets of very bigger sizes. Also the process happening with each records given in the excel sheets is bit complex. To allow bigger sizes, I have added necessary php ini values in the apache configuration file to override the actual php ini values. The problem is, once i upload th...

Adding REST to Django -- Poll

I've got a Django application that works nicely. I'm adding REST services. I'm looking for some additional input on my REST strategy. Here are some examples of things I'm wringing my hands over. Right now, I'm using the Django-REST API with a pile of patches. I'm thinking of falling back to simply writing view functions in Djang...

Subversion Commit Problem: XML data was not well-formed

I'm experiencing a strange behavior of SVN. I've got SVN repository running on Apache 2.2.9 with mod_dav, mod_dav_svn and SVN 1.5.2. When I try to check out (from remote 1.5.4 client or server-local 1.5.2 client - both "default" svn binaries), I'm getting something like: mx-mac:Test mx$ svn ci -m "" Adding test.txt svn: Commit f...

What are the hidden features of Maven2?

What are the hidden features of Maven2? ...

Apache Redirect Rule Always fires on every request

So the following rewrite rules always seem to fire. This has the effect of hiding another domain that I am hosting on the server? I can't seem to figure out what's wrong and it is time to call in the experts: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^danielhonig.com RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.danielhonig.com/$1 [R=permanent,L] Re...

Python as FastCGI under windows and apache

I need to run a simple request/response python module under an existing system with windows/apache/FastCGI. All the FastCGI wrappers for python I tried work for Linux only (they use socket.fromfd() and other such shticks). Is there a wrapper that runs under windows? ...

How to inject a Jakarta enums in a Spring application context ?

I have a class which constructor takes a Jakarta enums. I'm trying to find how I can easily inject it via an Spring XML aplicationContext. For example : The enum : public class MyEnum extends org.apache.commons.lang.enums.Enum { public static final MyEnum MY_FIRST_VALUE = new MyEnum("MyFirstValue"); public static final MyEnum ...

Spambots are cluttering my log file [Django]

I have a nice and lovely Django site up and running, but have noticed that my error.log file was getting huge, over 150 MB after a couple of months of being live. Turns out a bunch of spambots are looking for well known URL vulnerabilities (or something) and hitting a bunch of sub-directories like http://mysite.com/ie or http://mysite.co...

Optimum web folder structure for ~250,000 images

Hello I will have around 200,000 images as part of my website. Each image will be stored 3 times: full size, thumbnail, larger thumbnail. Full size images are around 50Kb to 500Kb. Normal tech: Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP on a VPS. What is the optimum way to store these for fast retrieval and display via a browser?? Should I store ever...

apache low memory error

mod_python(?) is eating a lot of ram (about 9mb per worker process). If i open several TRAC pages at once many of them will have an error due to no ram (64mb virtual limit). if i limit the worker threads to 3 i can get by alright. Problem is if no one is accessing TRAC i have A LOT of ram being unused. Is there a way i can either Limi...

How to setup sub-domains like blogspot

What should do to setup a sub-domain for the users when they sign-up into my site. What are the infrastructure required? I am using Linux servers. ...