
Using mod_rewrite in .htaccess in both website root and a subdirectory

My dilema: In .htaccess in my website's root: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.example\.com [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.example.com/$1 [R=301,L] In .htaccess in the subdirectory /foo RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^page1\.html$ /foo/page2.html [R=301] In the first, I'm trying to ensure all requests include the...

Tomcat authentication using SPNEGO/Kerberos and delegation

Is there an apache module that implements Kerberos authentication for use by Tomcat and also supports Kerberos delegation? I've already looked at mod_spnego and it throws away the SSPI context it creates only keeping the principal name. Instead, I'm looking for a module that would allow for the delegation of the ticket sent to Tomcat -...

Using Apache's mod_auth across multiple sub-domains for single sign-on?

I have a domain and a group of sub-domains that require authentication to access. I am currently using mod_auth to authenticate users (mod_auth basic) at the domain.tld level. My goal is for single sign-on between the domain and all the sub-domains. Will these credentials carry on to the sub-domains automatically, or with a simple vhost...

Looking for a job scheduler for Java environment

hi, We are developing a web application using java,Struts2.0,Apache web server and a Postgres Database. I need a requirement to run a scheduler dynamically(Morning and Evening) so that i can insert updated data in to the database and generate the report on daily and monthly basis. please reply me soon as this is immediate requirement....

How to set an HTTP environment variable from PHP for Bugzilla?

The bugzilla (perl-based) system has a feature to login automatically by using a http server environment variable. If you fill in the right ID or username, you are automatically logged in. My server runs Joomla (PHP-based) and has all the information about who is logged in. It runs bugzilla within a sub-frame. So, how can I set this en...

Get PHP session vars in .htacces

Is it possible to read the data in the php $_SESSION array in the .htaccess file in Apache? So say I have the following: $_SESSION['foo'] = 'bar'; could I then in .htaccess do something like: RewriteRule bla.png folder/{the php session var foo}/file.png Is that possible? I already have a working workaround but if this is possible ...

How can I implement a global RewriteCond / RewriteRule in Apache that applies to all virtual hosts?

The title pretty much says it all. :-) I have lots of virtual hosts and I want to put a single rewriting block at the top of the httpd.conf file that rewrites URLs no matter which virtual host the request might be directed to. How the heck do I do this? I found this but my question is the same: how can I do this without resorting to ...

How to get "requests per second" for Apache in Linux?

In Windows for ASP, you can get it perfmon, but... How to get "requests per second" for Apache in Linux? ...

Remove Apache

I have multiple installations of apache on my Mac OS X 10.5 and would like to remove them including any dependencies. They are installed in 3 different directories. How can this be achieved? ...

Running Apache Geronimo in production

If you're running Apache Geronimo in production why did you choose it over other application servers and what are your experiences with running Geronimo in production? Can you also please share what servlet engine you decided to use (Tomcat/Jetty) and why you made this decision? UPDATE: So far this question got two up-votes and one sta...

help needed with Lighttpd and Apache cofiguration with Django

I am using Django as web framework and then Apache and Lighttpd as web server and static media server respectively. Lighty serves all my static content well and good, but I need to configure it to serve the new files uploaded by the user. Lighttpd is running on a different machine from the Apache(Django) one. My django code of creating ...

How do I programatically restart a system service(not apache) from apache in linux?

I need to simple way to allow an end user to restart tomcat from a web page served from apache on the same box. We're trying to make it easy for our QC department to deploy a new version of our webapp to apache. We're using samba, but we need an easy way for them to stop / start the tomcat server before/after the deployment. This would...

How do I rewrite this RewriteRule?

I have this rewrite rule RewriteRule (.*)/([^/\.]+).css$ include/style/styleRedir.php?css=$2.css [L,NC] which matches thing like: somefolder/foo.css and rewirites them to: include/style/styleRedir.php?css=foo.css however it won't match: foo.css So I tried changing it to: RewriteRule (.*)(/?)([^/\.]+).css$ include/styl...

Can apache's ProxyRemote be used to proxy HTTPS requests to mongrel for processing?

So I have a custom proxy that is written in ruby using mongrel to handle some fairly complex caching logic. This works great for both http and ftp requests, however since mongrel is not designed to handle https requests, I wish to front the whole thing with apache and make use of the ProxyRemote command to pass through to mongrel for ht...

How do you create "Aliases" in Apache Tomcat?

I am working on a web application that allows users to upload attachments. These attachments are stored on a different drive than that of the web application. How can I create an alias (equivalent to Apache HTTP server's aliases) to this drive so that users can download these attachments? Currently I am creating a context file and dum...

/usr/bin/env questions regarding shebang line pecularities

Questions: What does the kernel do if you stick a shell-script into the shebang line? How does the Kernel know which interpreter to launch? Explanation: I recently wanted to write a wrapper around /usr/bin/env because my CGI Environment does not allow me to set the PATH variable, except globally (which of course sucks!). So I thou...

Url rewrite with mod_jk

In a php application, I use the following rewrite rule: RewriteRule ^test-([0-9]+).html$ test.php?id=$1 After I access this by this rule: http://localhost/testphp/test-1.html I got the expected page, and the url in browser stays in the same: http://localhost/testphp/test-1.html But if I config the same rule with mod_jk: RewriteRul...

Apache rotate Access and Error logs Windows

How can I rotate the Apache Access and Error logs on a Window 2000 box? I include my batch file below as an answer. Is there a way of doing this directly via the Apache config file? I'm currently using the following customlog command to generate daily logs. CustomLog '|" "Apache-Path/bin/rotatelogs.exe" "Apache-Path/logs/backup/inter...

Example of using AuthType Digest to authenticate a user once across sub-domains?

Hi there. I have a domain that will be accessed by a small, private group of people. So I want to control access via authentication. The domain has a collection of applications installed that each have their own sub-domain. Eg: domain.com, app1.domain.com, app2.domain.com, app3.domain.com I'd love to have a single sign-on solution so ...

How do I bind to just one IP address with VisualSVN Server?

I've installed VisualSVN on my Windows Server 2008. I have several IP addresses on this server, but I want VisualSVN to only bind to one of them. By default it binds to all available addresses. How can I make VisualSVN only handle requests on one IP address? I tried adding BindAddress xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to httpd-custom.conf and rest...