
Why is your particular choice of forum software the right one for you?

As part of another question that did involve programming (I assure you), someone suggested I ask a community wiki question as to why your forum software of choice was the 'best' one for you. I'm looking into providing forum software as part of an install of a web server and web application tailored for a medical support group and I wish...

Apache Web Server Redirect Post Request

I configured apache on 4 ports (with virtual hosts as some ports used HTTPS) and the aim is to redirect post requests to different servlets running in a TOMCAT instance on some other machine. The calls are made from a httpclient (java client) . When I run the client it throws the error 301 Error: Moved Permanently. Need hints/tips/help o...

CGI post handling differences on Hiawatha and Apache

I'm trying to set up a light development environment to allow straight CGI in Common Lisp, and I'd like to use Hiawatha instead of the much larger Apache. I have code that works for both GET and POST in Apache, but only GET in Hiawatha; is there a difference in the way Apache and Hiawatha handle POST? ...

Cookies across subdomains and hosts

In the application I'm writing using a combination of development environments and languages, I have need of accessing a cookie from two different subdomains, each on a separate host. The cookie is being set on www.mydomain.com using the PHP code that follows, and I'm attempting to access it from distant.mydomain.com on a separate host....

Why is Apache mod_rewrite not behaving as expected

I want to redirect URLs from an old site that used raw URL requests to my new site which I have implemented in CodeIgniter. I simply want to redirect them to my index page. I also would like to get rid of "index.php" in my URLs so that my URLs can be as simple as example.com/this/that. So, this is the .htaccess file I have created: ...

.htaccess - Rule being ignored

Hello I use this line in my .htaccess file to automatically add a trailing slash if not present rewriteRule ^(([a-z0-9\-]+/)*[a-z0-9\-]+)$ /$1/ [NC,R=301] This works fine, until I use these lines to redirect all requests to not files or dirs to index.php RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f Rewrite...

How do you use the Apache "ScriptInterpreterSource Registry-Strict" directive?

i run Apache web server on windows in order to work on some Perl CGI scripts. in production these scripts run on a linux box, and in the source code repository they all have shebangs like: #!/usr/bin/perl, but on my windows machine the shebangs would be #!c:\perl\bin\perl.exe, so i have a conflict with the source code base. enter the Ap...

mod_perl vs mod_fastcgi

I'm developing a web app in Perl with some C as necessary for some heavy duty number crunching. The main problem I'm having so far is trying to decide if I should use mod-perl, mod-fastcgi or both to run my scripts because I'm having a difficult time trying to analyze the pros and cons of each mod. Can anyone post a summary or give a li...

Apache giving a 400 Error on a FastCGI VirtualHost

Apache is spitting out a HTTP response of code: 400 "Bad Request" with no details whenever I access a page driven that is handled by a FastCGI script. I've installed the mod_fcgid module and it's loaded and configured in the Apache config files I've tested several FastCGI scripts, all of them run when directly executed. Static resource...

SVN (mod_dav) 403 FORBIDDEN OPTION request

So I'm trying to setup a subversion server using mod_dav with apache2 but when I try to connect it gives me a 403 FORBIDDEN error. Here's my default virtual host file NameVirtualHost *:443 NameVirtualHost *:80 <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ServerName hcs-dev DocumentRoot /var/www <Directory /> ...

How to start an application on the server from a webpage

Example: The user login to the webpage => Click on a button This action starts the executable "CreatePrettyPicture" The file "prettypicture.jpg" is created on the server When the user reloads the page the pretty picture "PrettyPicture.jpg" is shown on the page. If I could start the application with a parameter it would be even better....

Help with mod_rewrite and Joomla

On my Joomla site, I've added some fairly straight-forward RewriteRules to my .htaccess file. They're all one-to-one rules like this, since I'm changing the file structure of the site and don't want to break my old links. RewriteRule ^content/view/54/48/$ /courses [R] These are in addition to the existing rules that come packaged with...

Relative path redirects with mod_rewrite

I have a series of RewriteRules in .htaccess for my site which I'm in the process of restructuring. # Requests for http://example.com/contents/section/4/48/ # get redirected to http://example.com/courses RewriteRule ^content/section/4/48/$ /courses [R=301,L] This is working fine, except that right now I've got the new and unreleased s...

How do I tell Apache which PHP to use?

I am running Apache2 on a Mac OS X (10.5). I just compiled PHP 5.2.8 and finally got pdo-mysql working (or so I think). My command line "php --version" is showing 5.2.8 and I have the right modules installed. But, when do a phpinfo(), Apache dumps out PHP 5.2.6 (my earlier version, without pdo_mysql). How do I tell Apache which PHP to lo...

Conditional .htaccess RewriteRule parameter

I have quite a few RewriteRules in my .htaccess that looks like this RewriteRule ^something/(\d+)/start /index.php?ix=$1 RewriteRule ^embed/something/(\d+)/start /index.php?ix=$1&fEmbed=1 The only difference between these two is the leading "embed/", so I was thinking it would be beneficial to combine these into a single Rewrite...

Why use deflate instead of gzip for text files served by Apache?

What advantages do either method offer for html, css and javascript files served by a LAMP server. Are there better alternatives? The server provides information to a map application using Json, so a high volume of small files. See also Is there any performance hit involved in choosing gzip over deflate for http compression? ...

LiteSpeed vs Apache httpd

I've been hearing things lately about the LiteSpeed webserver as being a drop-in replacement for Apache webserver. Even my web host is going to replace their shared webhost environment with LiteSpeed (I'm currently not sure if I must be happy about that or not). Does anyone have any experience with the LiteSpeed webserver (both in devel...

How to programmatically determine the document root in PHP?

Here's a problem that I've been running into lately - a misconfigured apache on a webhost. This means that all scripts that rely on $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] break. The easiest workaround that I've found is just set the variable in some global include files that is shared, but it's a pain not to forget it. My question is, how do I determ...

htdigest file format

Hi all, I'm trying to write some code to work with an htdigest password file. The documentation I can find seems to claim that the format of that file is: user:realm:MD5(user:realm:pass) If that is the case, then why doesn't this work for me? I created a file with the command line htdigest thus: htdigest -c test b a When prompted ...

What setting might be causing an AMP server to only allow 1 request at a time per browser?

I'm using an AMP server (Apache 1.3, MySQL 5.0, PHP 5.1.5) which I have found to only allow 1 connection/request per browser at one time. The easiest way to reporduce this is to request a large download which is passed through PHP and try to access another page at the same time. You will end up waiting for the first request (the file dow...