
Can't connect to a local apache installation under XAMPP on Win XP 64-bit. Help!

Hello, I'm using XAMPP v1.7 on an Win XP-64 bit machine, my Symantec AV is turned off as is my Windows Firewall, and I can't connect to localhost from a browser. I originally had these errors: [Wed Jan 07 16:24:55 2009] [error] (OS 10038)An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket. : Child 2716: Encountered too many...

How can I pass structured data to my (F)CGI through Apache?

We've got an apache module in place for authentication. If the user is able to authenticate, the REMOTE_USER environment variable is set to their username, where it's available to any CGI they access. I'd like to add a feature/module so that we can get additional information about the user from an LDAP data source and make it available...

Starter guide for Apache ServiceMix

What is the definitive guide to start with Apache ServiceMix? The howto's and guides on the website are way too complicate for a clean start. ...

Apache's AuthDigestDomain and Rails Distributed Asset Hosts

I've got a server I'm in the process of setting up and I'm running into an Apache configuration problem that I can not get around. I've got Apache 2.2 and Passenger serving a Rails app with distributed asset hosting. This is the feature of Rails that lets you serve your static assets from assets0.example.com, assets1, assets2, and so on...

Failure of server APACHE bridge with Weblogic Server

Hi all, I am getting the following error when I am trying to upload the file using IE7: Failure of server APACHE bridge: No Backend Sever available for connections": timed out after 10 seconds or idempotent is set to off I looked at the Weblogic 10 threads info on console and everything seems ok (no deadlocks etc) Has anyone had this...

Can PHP restart Apache?

I have a local server which needs to make changes to a virtual hosts apache config file and then restart apache so the new config takes effect. Can PHP do this? I tried passthru and exec but they didn't work. Maybe the problem is that I'm trying to restart PHP's parent process? Thanks for any help!! ...

Setting the umask of the Apache user

I am setting up a LAMP server and would like to set Apache's umask setting to 002 so that all Apache-created files have the group write permission bit set (so members of the same group can overwrite the files). Does anyone know how to do this? I know that on Ubuntu, you can use the /etc/apache2/envvars file to configure the umask, but...

Apache rewrite

I want to proxy all requests to Mongreel except for a few ruby apps that are running with fastcgi on apache. So basically i have http://domain.com/ Mongreel app http://domain.com/appa ruby app handled by apache http://domain.com/app_testb ruby app handled by apache My httpd.conf looks like this: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond $1 !^(app...

Bandwidth throttling for Apache<2.2 on Windows (mod_throttle?)

Hey there Does anyone know of a windows build of mod_throttle for Apache 2.2 or lower? Or perhaps another means by which to throttle bandwidth. I need to throttle as low as 64k for a local speed test demonstration Preferably Apache rather than a browser plug-in too. Thanks! ...

PHP/Apache blocking on each request?

Ok, this may be a dumb question but here goes. I noticed something the other day when I was playing around with different HTML to PDF converters in PHP. One I tried (dompdf) took forever to run on my HTML. Eventually it ran out of memory and ended but while it was still running, none of my other PHP scripts were responsive at all. It...

Apache Ant + Ivy build of a web application which is deployed to a local Tomcat

Hi, I will use Apache Ant and Apache Ivy to build a web application which is deployed to a local Tomcat instance (during development). I have some questions: I want to grab most of my dependencies from the Maven2 repositories which works fine, but for the servlet JAR I would like to use the one Tomcat provides. Is there a way to do th...

Apache (xamp) and IIS cannot work together

I have XAMP 1.6.8 and IIS 5.0 installed on my PC(Windows XP SP3). I'm unable to run them simultaneously. If IIS service is running, Apache throws the following error: (OS 10048)Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. : make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sock...

Serving large files with PHP

So I am trying to serve large files via a PHP script, they are not in a web accessible directory, so this is the best way I can figure to provide access to them. The only way I could think of off the bat to serve this file is by loading it into memory (fopen, fread, ect.), setting the header data to the proper MIME type, and then just e...

Link to download apache http server source for windows

I have to download apache http server source for windows. I tried a few links but those don't work. Could any body please give me a link from where I can download it. ...

JRuby on Rails deployment

I need to host a JRuby on Rails app on Mongrel. The problem is that I need to support mutual authentication. I know that I could just host it behind a Apache with mod_proxy use mod_ssl to pass the cred or part of the cred as a request header to rails. But I want the whole stack to be Java. Is there a Java application server that can do m...

How can I get started with Apache, MySQL, and (PHP, Perl, Python) on a Mac?

What do you recommend for setting the MAMP development stack? I've seen the quickstart thing at http://www.mamp.info, but I don't really like that approach. I'd rather have a full-fledged Apache that I can install any number of modules into. I remember seeing in the Leopard Server demo a really slick GUI that allows you to setup all this...

How do I send users to a different "site" in Apache while also using mod_proxy?

I have a web site that I administer that uses Apache 2.0 on the front with Tomcat 6 on the back-end (with mod_proxy proxying the connection between the two). I want to be able to use the same VirtualHost to also access the phpMyAdmin application running on the box. So, for example, www.mywebsite.com will pass all traffic to Tomcat, but ...

How do I (should I?) use Apache POI HWPFDocument?

Hi guys! I'm thinking about including the Apache POI into my application. Main goal is to output RTF document, but DOC would be nice, too. But the documentation is not very detailed about writing a HWPFDocument and everything I found on the web isn't helpful at all. I can read DOC files, that's working without any problem. But I really...

mod_rewrite 'add path info postfix:'

Why is my mod_rewrite doing this? add path info postfix: /home/mobelluk/public_html/about.php -> /home/mobelluk/public_html/about.php/ which results in an unwanted trailing slash on EVERYTHING. I have disabled all my .htaccess rules so they're out of the equation. ...

How do I have mod_perl reload source files on change?

I am developing an application with mod_perl and restarting the server every time I change code is a huge drag. I'd like to still use mod_perl for development because it's what I plan on using for the live server. I didn't see anything in the documentation about how to do this. Thoughts? ...