
.htaccess - Is it possible to redirect post data?

Hi Stackers I have a website where all requests are redirected silently (via .htaccess) to index.php and then PHP is used to show the correct page (by traversing the REQUEST_URI). I was wondering if it's possible to submit POST data to a fake address too? I've currently got my form like so <form action="/whatplant/send-mail" method="...

Is there a non-scripting language for Linux/Apache?

I'm familiar with a number of web based languages out there, and a number of them are scripting (ASP, JSP, ColdFusion, PHP, etc). On the Windows platform, the single biggest move with ASP.NET is the move away from a scripted language. Is there a non-scripted language for Linux (LAM+?). Anything anyone out there is using to do this? Is...

How good is Apache POI word support?

On the web page, it looks like there is no current development in the old style .doc. Is it good enough to create complex documents? Can it read all .docs without crashing? What features do (not) work? I am not currently interested in the XML based formats, as I don't control the client side. The excel support seems to be much bet...

Access CVS through Apache service using SSPI

I'm running an Apache server (v2.2.10) with mod_python, Python 2.5 and Django. I have a small web app that will show the current projects we have in CVS and allow users to make a build of the different projects (the build checks out the project, and copies certain files over with the source stripped out). On the Django dev server, ever...

Threaded code on mod_python

I have written a Django app that makes use of Python threading to create a web spider, the spider operates as a series of threads to check links. When I run this app using the django test server (built in), the app runs fine and the threads seem to start and stop on time. However, running the app on Apache it seems the threads aren't k...

Web based Software Distribution

Currently at my job, we are distributing installers for our windows base software via an apache web server on a Ubuntu server using apache authentication. When we initially started doing this we only had 3 projects to distribute and as such, 3 htpasswd files to manage. Since then, we have grown and are now distributing 8 projects as we...

How do I generate an SSL Certificate with Microsoft Certificate Services and then install / configure it to work with Apache?

I've generated a certificate request, submitted it to the Microsoft Certificate Services program. It issues the certificate. I downloaded it to conf/ssl/server.cert I configured it in apache to using SSLCertificateFile conf/ssl/server.cert SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/ssl/server.key When I start the server with this config I get Sec...

How to Learn C Debugging and Best Practices

I've written an Apache module in C. Under certain conditions, I can get it to segfault, but I have no idea as to why. At this point, it could be my code, it could be the way I'm compiling the program, or it could be a bug in the OS library (the segfault happens during a call to dlopen()). I've tried running through GDB and Valgrind with...

Flex famous 2048 security violation error, cross domain.

Hi, I thought 2048 security violation error were mean to happen when trying to access other domains. I got: "Security sandbox violation: cannot load data from", isn it the same domain? what is the solution ? on doing var loader:MultipartLoader = new MultipartLoader("

What do you think about this weird idea about how to configure development/staging/production instances?

I just got a weird idea about how to configure environment-dependent parameters. Sort of like parameters you can find in Rails' config/database.yml In my current project I use PHP and Litespeed Web Server (though the same technique applies to PHP + Apache), and I thought... 'why not use mod_rewrite for this?'. I have separate virtual ho...

.htaccess Rewrite Rules for subdomain

I use codeigniter as my main install on the main domain. I have created a subdomain and a folder called live e.g. live.domain.com maps to public/live . However in public I use codeigniter. I now have the dynamic codeigniter url: http://domain.com/api/ which I want to map to my subdomain: https://live.domain.com So going to: https...

_dl_close Assertion failure

I'm using dlopen() in an Apache module that I am writing so that I can have a plugin system for my module. I've found that if I compile my module, compile my plugin, and start Apache, everything works peachy-keen. If, however, after I have done all that, I recompile my plugin, (making a small change or two to the plugins code,) my next ...

Reference manual for Apache Pig Latin

Pig is a dataflow programming environment for processing very large files. Pig's language is called Pig Latin. Does anyone know of a good reference manual for PigLatin? I'm looking for something that includes all the syntax and commands descriptions for the language. Unfortunately the wiki page in Pig wiki is broken. ...

Is there anyone who has managed to compile mod_wsgi for apache on Mac OS X Leopard?

I'm working on a Django project that requires debugging on a multithreaded server. I've found mod_wsgi 2.0+ to be the easiest to work with, because of easy workarounds for python module reloading. Problem is can't get it to compile on Leopard. Is there anyone who has managed to do it so far, either for the builtin Apache or MAMP. I'd be ...

File / Image Replication

Hi, I have a simple question and wish to hear others' experiences regarding which is the best way to replicate images across multiple hosts. I have determined that storing images in the database and then using database replication over multiple hosts would result in maximum availability. The worry I have with the filesystem is the dif...

.htaccess redirect with fragment

I need to issue a redirect, using .htaccess, to a URL with a fragment (also known as an anchor), but it's automatically escaping the #. At the moment I want a hard-coded fragment, but for the sake of others if you know how to take it from the URL too that would be good. Ideally I should be able to use QSA as well. For example: http:/...

Protecting online static content

How would I only allow users authenticated via Python code to access certain files on the server? For instance, say I have /static/book.txt which I want to protect. When a user accesses /some/path/that/validates/him, a Python script deems him worthy of accessing /static/book.txt and redirects him to that path. How would I stop users wh...

What does FastCGI: comm with server mean?

I'm getting this error in a PHP (Drupal) application: (104)Connection reset by peer: FastCGI: comm with server "/opt/php-5.2.5/bin/php-cgi" aborted: read failed It is often followed by this error: FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server "/opt/php-5.2.5/bin/php-cgi" The basic Apache configuration for PHP looks li...

Javascript compression via .htaccess?

I'm using Apache. I'm auto gzipping my HTML & CSS files on the fly using the following directive in my .htaccess file. # Enable ETag FileETag MTime Size # Set expiration header ExpiresActive on ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 year" ExpiresByType image/gif A2592000 ExpiresByType image/png A2592000 ExpiresByType image/jpeg A2592000 Expir...

Opinions sought: Is it better to do roll-your-own or ready-built forum software?

As part of a wide ranging job for a cystic fibrosis support organization, they'd also like a web site set up and I've decided on Apache running on Linux (due to its security and low cost mostly). Other than (fairly) static content, they also want a forum where people can discuss issues with the condition - it'll be attached to a hospital...