
pseudo streaming with flash media server

If I have flash media server and apache installed on windows, How do I go about implementing this? I have built my own player to handle http and rtmp streaming. I've searched all over and have not been able to find a solution. ...

Apache CXF 2.2.7 Spring 3 Web Service Unmarshalling Error: unexpected element

Hi, I have developed a simple web service application using Apache CXF 2.2.7 and Spring 3, deployed onto Tomcat as a WAR file, but I'm getting the following error message: 12-Apr-2010 15:56:12 org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain doDefaultLogging WARNING: Interceptor for {http://services.aristabi.com/}ReportingServiceImplService#...

Request for one particular image ends in 502 bad gateway and proxy error

I have the Ruby on Rails-based application Redmine (based on the BitNami redmine package) running on a Windows virtual server. It runs Apache, Mongrel, Ruby, and rails. When, in a HTML page I am building a template for, I request a static image resource named /templates/mytemplate/images/bkg.jpg - around 15 kilobytes big - I get a 502 B...

Limit Apache to 1 request per process

I have a few long running processes on apache and when the server gets a bit of a load they all seem to couple into 3-4 processes. I've tried setting the MaxRequestsPerChild to 1 and that works, but spawning new processes all the time is expensive. So is there a way to limit 1 request per process / thread, without constantly destroying i...

htaccess problem

RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /home RewriteRule ^()$ index.php [NC,L] Rewritecond %{REQUEST_URI} !(^/?.*\..*$) [NC] RewriteRule (.*)$ $1.php [NC] I get a css problem (blank) when I visit http://dot.com/home/index.php/ ...

How can i run Single PHP File using apache-tomcat-6.0.18 ?

hi i want to run single php file using apache-tomcat-6.0.18 my project is GWT project with server side is java servlet i deployed my project on server in apache-tomcat-6.0.18/webapps/ folder So please tell me the solution to run php file ...

How bad is for SEO to "redirect" an user depending on his browser locale ?

For a personnal page I use the MultiViews options in Apache to determine which page he should see depending on his locale. Here is what I do. Options MultiViews AddLanguage fr .fr AddLanguage en .en <IfModule mod_negotiation.c> LanguagePriority fr en </IfModule> I am wondering if it is bad for SEO to do this since Googlebot wil...

How can I intercept a Tomcat request at socket level?

Hi, I'm doing a performance study for a web application framework running on Apache Tomcat 6. I'm trying to measure the time overhead of handling HTTP requests. What I would like to do is: / // just before first request byte is read long t1 = System.nanoTime(); // request is processed... // just after final byte is written to resp...

Need to use httpd.conf instead of .htaccess for rewrite.

I am working on a host that blocks my .htaccess file from being used so I can not change my permalinks using it. I need to figure out what code to use and where to put it in my httpd.conf file to get the same effect. The code in the .htaccess file is below: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /wordpress/ RewriteCond %...

How do I deny access to a specific URL in my rails app?

I have a rails app that has a private component and a public component. www.hostname.com/ is private and should only be accessed from inside our firewall, but i want to allow access to www.hostname.com/public to internet users. I played around with the apache vhost config but it seems when I allow access to www.hostname.com it allows ...

Getting libjpeg/libTIFF.dylib error after recompiling php in OS X 10.6.3 Server

I've recompiled php 5.3.0 under OS X Server (10.6.3) in order to gain Freetype support in GD. As part of the process, I recompiled libjpeg-8a (and before that I tried libjpeg-7). But when I run apachectcl configtest, I get the following error: httpd: Syntax error on line 155 of /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf: Cannot load /usr/libexec/...

Handling downloads in Java

Hi there, How would I be able to handle downloads using HttpResponse in Java? I made an HttpGet request to a specific site - the site returns the file to be downloaded. How can I handle this download? InputStream doesn't seem to be able to handle it (or maybe I'm using it the wrong way.) ...

Ideal Multi-Developer Lamp Stack?

I would like to build an 'ideal' lamp development stack. Dual Server (Virtualised, ESX) Apache / PHP on one, Databases (MySQL, PgSQL, etc) on the other. User (Developer) Manageable mini environments, or instance. Each developer instance shares the top level config (available modules and default config etc) A developer should have c...

Auto-deployment of subversion files in apache server

Hi, We're a small team and we're running subversion and apache on the same server. We're currently facing a small problem: everyone saves their edits of our web application directly to the server, which means countless errors when we all work on the same class. Now we're trying to solve this by letting the server use the files in subv...

Difference between mod_deflate and zlib output_compression

Can anyone tell me the difference between using mod_deflate and zlib output_compression? I understand that zlib is done in PHP and mod_deflate is done in Apace, my .htaccess file looks like: php_flag zlib.output_compression On or: SetOutputFilter DEFLATE BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-...

How do I use .htaccess RewriteRule to change underscores to dashes

I'm working on a site, and its CMS used to save new page urls using the underscore character as a word seperator. Despite the fact that Google now treats underscore as a word seperator, the SEO powers that be are demanding the site use dashes instead. This is very easy to do within the CMS, and I can of course change all existing URLs...

How to close an oracle db connection from php on an apache server? I mean close instantly.

Usually closing a connection is simply done by oci_close($connection); or in a worse case when the php script ends the connection pass away. In my case however, I face a different behavior. If I access my application which uses PHP 5.2.8, Apache 2.2.11 and oci8 1.2.5, the connection is kept during several minutes. Actually it seems ...

Setting Up Apache Alias for Parallelized Downloads

I'm trying to point: a0.domain.com a1.domain.com to domain.com so that aX.domain.com/images/image.gif works. However, I do not want aX.domain.com/ or aX.domain.com/images/ to work. I'm trying to implement additional domains for parallelized downloads, but need to make sure that users can't access any other content other than images, c...

mod_python with Python 2.6 on Windows

How do I install mod_python to run with Python 2.6 on a Windows machine? I could not find an installer for Python 2.6. I downloaded this installer for (mod_python on Python 2.5): mod_python-3.3.1.win32-py2.5-Apache2.2.exe and extracted it to get PLATLIB and SCRIPTS folders. Where do I go from here? ...

how to emulate apache cookie flag for rewrites on apache 1.3

I'm using Apache 1.3 with mod_rewrite it doesn't support the cookie|CO flag for rewrites. The code bellow works fine in Apache 2.0 # Works fine with Apache 2.0 RewriteRule ^/$ http://www.example.com/rs/ [CO=name:value:.example.com:240:/,R=301] Is there a way to do the same with Apache 1.3? Can I use: Header set Set-Cookie "name=valu...