
FastCGI, PHP, Sendmail, and Codeigniter

Hi Everyone. I am experiencing an odd issue. I just switched to FastCGI (Apache) because of the big performance boost. Everything is working great, except when I attempt to use sendmail (Codeigniter Class or just raw PHP). I have tested with and without CI and still get a 500 internal server error when trying to send. Could this be ...

Apache mod_rewrite driving me mad

The scenario I have a webhost that is shared among multiple sites, the directory layout looks like this: siteA/ - css/ - js/ - index.php siteB/ - css/ - js/ - index.php siteC/ . . . The DocumentRoot is at the top level, so, to access siteA, you type http://webhost/siteA in your browser, to access s...

Webserver sending corrupt or corrupting served files

EDIT: Looks like the problem was a rootkit that corrupted a bunch of low level linux commands, including top, ps, ifconfig, netstat and others. The problem was resolved by taking all web files off the server and wiping it. A dedicated server we operate is having a strange issue. Files are not be sent complete or are showing up with ga...

Changing POST data used by Apache Bench per iteration

I'm using ab to do some load testing, and it's important that the supplied querystring (or POST) parameters change between requests. I.e. I need to make requests to URLs like: ... to properly exercise the application. ab seems to...

WSDL Perl handlers in Apache broken unless "touch"ed

The Short Version I have a mod_perl handler in Apache that uses generated code (from wsdl2perl) to make SOAP calls to a web service. One of the methods from the WSDL is failing to create valid SOAP XML unless I "touch" the generated perl module after Apache has been started. Other methods from the WSDL are fine. A standalone perl script ...

Is there a proxy server/apache module I can install that will convert an XML SOAP response to JSON?

I'm connecting to a remote web service which I'd prefer to call with ajax and the service (FedEx Services API) doesn't appear to support JSON formatted responses. Is there a proxy server/apache that will convert the response from XML/SOAP into JSON so my Javascript can easily use it? ...

Apache local configuration to resolve files correctly

Hello, I am new at this so bare with me. I have just configured Apache and PHP to work on my local Mac OS X computer. Now PHP works fine, except when I try to load the files for my live sites. The live sites have separate directories and are sorted by client name etc. I've created symlinks in the default root for the local web server ...

mod rewrite and query strings

Hi all, I'm trying to rewrite some query strings I have in my URL like this : foo.com/index.php?page=admin&view=news&action=edit&id=3 to foo.com/admin/news/edit/3 But can't figure it out... it should also works if I only have the 'page' parameters for example, since I don't always have these 4 parameters (page,view,action,id) in m...

The configuration in win 7 for Apache 2.2 + php 5.2

Every time I start apache , it always fails. The problem is in loadmodulephp5... The error log:[warn] pid file C:/windows/Apache2/logs/httpd.pid overwritten — Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run? I tried to delete this file and then start apache.But this file had been created again. Any solution? ...

How to differentiate document requests from variable requests? and how to allow for urls that are not expected?

Hello. My last post was met by smarmy, unhelpful "answers" (comments), so i'll get right to it: if I have an htaccess file like so: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.php -f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f RewriteRule ^ - [L] RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/([^/]+)$...

To set up a subversion server, do we need to install apache httpd server too?

http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2008/04/setting-up-subversion-on-windows.html I am following this as a guide to install subversion. The tutorial at the time dealt with version 1.4.6 but the latest version is different. Is this tutorial valid still? also there is no mention about installing the apache server. EDIT: I want to install o...

What is "AddType" in .htaccess?

What is the difference those? AddType x-mapp-php5 .php AddType application/x-httpd-php .php AddType x-httpd-php .php ? The page loading speed significantly decreases when I have AddType application/x-httpd-php .php . Why would that be? ...

Browser not loading Php pages

Im using a linux machine, and I followed the instructions seen on http://jm2.php.net/manual/en/install.php to setup php, apache and my sql. I did exactly what it said and nothing more, but when I try to open a .php file with firefox or chrome, it downloads...? Im following a tutorial on learning php seen here: http://devzone.zend.com/n...

Run Python CGI Script on Windows XP

I have a Windows XP machine that has Apache installed via a VisualSVNServer installation. I am . trying to get a simple python cgi script to run in my browser e.g. http://build.procepts.com.au:8080/hg/cgi-bin/test.cgi. However despite trying all the recommended approaches the browser only ever displays the plain text from the cgi scrip...

Removing the default pages when adding a domain via Plesk

Hi, whenever I add a new domain into my new Plesk control panel on my dedicated server it creates a whole bunch of test files in the cgi-bin, httpdocs and httpsdocs. There must be some setting somewhere where I can tell Plesk not to do this? I've done a good Google search but must now turn to the StackOverflow masses :) Yours, Chris ...

PHPMailer, fsockopen(), possible Apache issue?

I'm using PHPMailer to send out site contacts. In development, the script works perfectly with the GMail service over smtp. However, in production, inside the client's DMZ, it appears unable to connect to the SMTP service they have there. I have connected to the same service using telnet to port 25, so I know for sure it exists and is a...

apache: basic authentication before rewrite

I have an apache in frontend that redirect a request via a rewrite rule. I have to put a basic authentication before redirect a request, so I put this in the config file: <VirtualHost *:443> ServerAdmin xxxxxx DocumentRoot /var/www/html/ ServerName xxxxxxx RewriteEngine on ErrorLog logs/error.log CustomLog logs/a...

Apache - Tomcat ProxyPass VirtualHost - Context Path

Hi, I have a problem configuring apache tomcat ProxyPass directive for two applications that have two different Contaxt Pathes in tomcat. The tomcat is running behind an apache and I use the apache to proxy path the requests to tomcat. In apache I want to access both application via a hostname instead of a context path. Scenario: tomc...

Subdomain under Apache to proxy into Tomcat

I'm having trouble with making a subdomain to my Windows computer while using AJP to proxy to Tomcat. This is what I have in my httpd.conf file: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName subdomain.localhost ProxyRequests Off <Proxy *> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Proxy> ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/folde...

Apache ReWrite Rule + MVC

Below is my current .htaccess file: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [PT] Currently, the rewrite rule just grabs the GET value and gives it to index.php file. So, if I have a form that logins a user the action would look like this: /user/login I am using a MVC...