
HttpHandler to handle all kinds of URL's in Mono Apache/XSP in order to build a REST service

Hi, I want to develop my own REST service, so I've created a HttpHandler that is configured with verb="" and path="", the the application in "~/MyRESTsrv/" will handle any derivated URL. This approach works good in IIS7 with "integrated mode" and apparently in IIS6 if you map all the extensions to "aspnet_isapi.dll". Is this possible ...

Why Is Apache Giving 403?

I am getting 403 Errors from Apache when I send too many, 12, synchronous HTTP Posts via a desktop app I am building in XCode / Objective-C. The 12 POST requests are just a few kb each and go out instantly one after the other and the Apache Error Log shows... client denied by server configuration: /the-path/the-file.php Apache 2.0 PHP...

Help -- trying to build Apache ODE source code with Buildr

Hi, i am trying to build APACHE ODE source code with Buildr using Ruby. I installed ruby and installed Buildr with it, but when i run the command rake package on the root of APACHE ODE source code it gives me this error C:\workspace2\APACHE_ODE_1.X>rake package --trace (in C:/workspace2/APACHE_ODE_1.X) rake aborted! uninitialized consta...

Help debugging Apache, Passenger and Rails problem

We have an environment running that uses Apache, Passenger and rails. The system is handling most request normally, yet certain requests do not make it to the rails application. For instance, a request to /books is successful, but /books/1 hits apache and passenger, but does not even make it to rails. We set the apache log level to de...

htaccess change '=' to ','

hi all. how to change '?' to ',' this is now index.php?page=2&search=stackoverflow i want it to be like this index.php/page,2/search,stackoverflow any idea? ...

How to get the Ansinerator library to work?

I'm trying to get the Ansinerator library to work my on my localhost, but something's amiss. I'm receiving the following errors: Notice: Undefined index: hash in ansi.php on line 23 Notice: Undefined index: aml in ansi.php on line 37 Notice: Undefined variable: PNG_DESTRUCT in ansi.php on line 119 Notice: Undefined offset: -1 in ansi.p...

Apache: Redirect blog.foobar.com to www.foobar.com

Hello, I have a site at blog.foobar.com that I have closed down, and I want any page requested there to be forwarded to www.foobar.com I want my VirtualHost config to do this for me. I currently have the following lines that does nearly what I want but not exactly: redirect permanent / http://www.foobar.com Unfortunately what happens...

Apache Alias Question

Is it possible to have an Apache Server evaluate its Aliases before it evaluates its Locations? Alias /foo /bar <Location "/bar"> SetHandler None </Location> So that the above code will work? ...

How to make htaccess set file type on a particular file?

So what I need to do is make it so a html file (without the html extension) gets viewed as an html file. I had this line: AddType application/msword mypage but apparently that last argument in .htaccess only supports extensions. Is there a way to have that thing work on a particular file? ...

mod_rewrite and pretty urls

What I'm trying to achieve: 1) http://localhost/en/script.php?param1=random is mapped to http://localhost/script.php?param1=random&amp;language=English This has to work always. 2) http://localhost/en/random/text/here will be mapped to http://localhost/categories.php?term=random/text/here This has to work if random/text/here is 40...

PHP Streaming CSV always adds UTF-8 BOM

The following code gets a 'report line' as an array and uses fputcsv to tranform it into CSV. Everything is working great except for the fact that regardless of the charset I use, it is putting a UTF-8 bom at the beginning of the file. This is exceptionally annoying because A) I am specifying iso and B) We have lots of users using tools ...

Installing Subversion on top of already installed Apache?

Hi all, I have a working WAMP environment (Apache Friends). I decided to try Subversion and downloaded CollabNetSubversion-server-1.6.9-1.win32.exe. On the download page there were packages including Apache server which I did not use - because I didn't want to replace my current Apache installation. I just installed the one that did not...

Apache rewrite URL replace characters

It's been a while since I've done anything with mod_rewrite, so I was hoping I could help some help on this. I would like a URL like this: http://example.com/qwerty/xyz/ to be directed to querty.xyz.php, where the number of slashes and alpha characters between the slashes is not explicitly set. ...

How to combine apache requests?

To give you the situation in abstract: I have an ajax client that often needs to retrieve 3-10 static documents from the server. Those 3-10 documents are selected by the client out of about 100 documents in total. I have no way of knowing in advance which 3-10 documents the client will require. Additionally, those 100 documents are gen...

How do I connect to mysql from php ?

Hi guys. I'm working through examples from a book on php/mysql development. I'm working on a linux/apache environment. I've set up a database and a user. I attempt to connect with this line of code: $db_server = mysql_connect($db_hostname, $db_username, $db_password); I get this error: Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-c...

htaccess redirect http to https on a magento site

I have a magento site and i need to have it redirect to https, i have the cert installed but i am not sure how to mod the htaccess file? here is a copy of the root htaccess file thanks ########################################### ## uncomment these lines for CGI mode ## make sure to specify the correct cgi php binary file name ## it migh...

Problems with mod_Rewrite

Hello, Originally I had following .htaccess file: php_value display_errors 1 php_value error_reporting 7 AddDefaultCharset utf-8 Options -Indexes <Files ~ ".*\.(info|tpl)$"> Order allow,deny Deny from all </Files> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteR...

Zend Framework REST service HTTP status code problem

I'm trying to create a REST service in zend framework. I'm using zend server. Here's my code: class ArticleController extends Zend_Rest_Controller { public function postAction() { //Create the acticle and return it $data = array("foo" => 0, "boo" => 11); $this->getResponse()->setHttpResponseCode(201); $this->_helper...

Enable mod_deflate

Hey guys quick question, I am kind of a noob at administering my server right now. I was just wondering if anyone could let me know what I was doing wrong in trying to enable mod_deflate. I have Apache 2.0+ and tried the code in my htaccess file AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css <FilesMatch "\\.(js|css...

how to install multiple instances of apache on a single windows7 machine?

I want to run multiple instances of apache on one single machine? How to go about it? I am using xampp.. any kind of help would be appreciated. thanx I installed one more xampp in a separate directory, but only one xampp control panel can run at a time. ...