
SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. (Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long)

I followed the official docs on https setup located here: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/httpd.html#https-configuration I had to remove the +CompatEnvVars from SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth +ExportCertData +CompatEnvVars +StrictRequire because it said it was an invalid command or something. So having removed that and ...

How do I get multiple operating units access using ldap?

I'm having a problem getting users within who are within our domain and in the appropriate active directory group(s) to have access to the repositories. I am not very experienced with any of the security, nor using Subversion actively as a developer. This is a critical issue to be resolved as our developers are more and more part of vi...

Java XMLRPC request-String

Hi, I'm using Apache XML-RPC 3.1.2 to talk to an online-service. They have something special, they need a hash over the whole XML with a secret key for some kind of security, like this: String hash = md5(xmlRequest + secretKey); String requestURL = "http://foo.bar/?authHash=" + hash; So I need the XML-request like this: <?xml version=...

POST xml to php with apache2

I'm working on an application that receives XML data via POST, processes it with a PHP script, and returns an XML response. I'm getting the XML with this PHP code: $requestStr = file_get_contents('php://input'); $requests = simplexml_load_string($requestStr); which works fine on the Linux-based product hardware using nginx as the ser...

zend framework project shows blank page without any errors

hello all i created a simple project with zf and it works fine, but when i copy it to other pc it just show a blank page without any page or errors ? my zf version is 1.9 and in other pc zf version 1.9 too what do you do about this problem? ...

Is ColdFusion on Linux/Apache stable?

I'm working on a site that still has a lot of scripts in ColdFusion. I need to move it to a new server. I much prefer Apache/Linux instead of IIS/Windows. I've seen some info here and there about running ColdFusion on Apache/Linux. Is that a stable setup? ...

How to delete a large cookie that causes Apache to 400

I've come across an issue where a web application has managed to create a cookie on the client, which, when submitted by the client to Apache, causes Apache to return the following: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 21:21:21 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat) Content-Length: 7274 Connection: close Content-Type: text/html; ...

301 redirect on URL starting with a number

How can I 301 redirect any URL that starts with a number between 1 - 9999, for example domain.com/12/something/anotherthing domain.com/378/product/widgets domain.com/2560 ...

Is there a way to download the Apache C++ Standard Library User Guide?

I couldn't find a download-to-print version of the Apache C++ Standard Library User Guide anywhere - the only options available are the frames and no-frames versions online. Writing a script to wget and collate them seems overkill. Does anyone know if a downloadable-to-print PDF or other formats exist - and if not, why not? PS - I rea...

Why is my .htaccess file redirecting to full server path instead of relative path?

I've never had a problem with cakePHP before, but something's odd about this server and is causing the redirects in the .htaccess files to behave oddly. CakePHP uses mod_rewrite in .htaccess files to redirect requests to its own webroot folder. The problem is that the redirects are listing the wrong path and causing a 404 error. My Cake...

redirect into subdirectory AND out of subdirectory

hi folks i have a mod_rewrite redirection problem i cannot figure out. all requests from a specific domain get "silently" rewritten into a designated subdirectory. e.g. www.mydomain.net/hello.html retrieves the file in /net/hello.html. the following .htaccess (placed in my hosting root) achieves this perfectly: RewriteEngine on Rewrit...

How to create X509 self signed certificate for use in Apache Tomcat

I have a Java application that runs on Windows Mobile devices using a 3rd Party JVM. The application communicates with an Apache Tomcat server over HTTP. We have also used HTTPS for some connections and the certificates were created using the Sun keytool utility. First a keystore was created using genkey, then the certificate exported...

apache virtual host to work with django

My project is under: /home/projects/testing and I'm adding this to the buttom of my /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file on Centos machine, but that is not working, <Location "/testing/"> SetHandler python-program PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE testing.settings PythonOption django.r...

Email pipe to php script working only sometimes

I have a php pipe script that receives an email, takes an attached *.csv from it and parses it. However, when the email is sent from where it is supposed to be coming from, it silently errors. But when I take that same email and resend it from my address it goes through just fine. is there any simple reason it could be doing this? ...

Difference Running PHP From Eclipse And When Hosted

I am trying to use NuSoap in PHP 5.3. When I debug my script in Eclipse I get a lot of Deprecated warnings but the script still runs, however when I call the script thru Apache on my localhost the script terminates without any explanation. I'm not really a web-head yet, and being somewhat of a noob at this, I am at a loss as to why it ...

Problem in apache2 with mod rewrite when setting rules in .conf files instead of .htaccess

Hi, Because of weird security policies of my hosting provider I have to define my rewrite rules in /etc/apache2/conf.d/examplesite.conf instead of writing them on an .htaccess on the www folder of that site. What I'm trying to do is setup a Wordpress Mu server (http://mu.wordpress.org/forums/topic/17349 ) and so far its working on a 50...

How do I set IP access / password restrictions in Apache?

I'd like to restrict access to my Rails app (running on Apache/Passenger) to just two IPs, but if the visitor doesn't fall into those two IPs, I would like for him/her to be prompted to enter a password that would allow any user with the proper credentials to access the site from anywhere. I am new to configuring Apache and would apprec...

How do you fix an SVN 409 Conflict Error

I used to use SVN 1.4 on OS X Leopard and everything was fine. A couple of weeks ago I installed a fresh copy of OS X 10.6. The version of SVN that comes with Snow Leopard is 1.6.5. I went ahead and built my own copy with 1.6.6. I'm using the built in apache server and just hosting repositories locally. Everything appeared to work fine ...

Needs some help with an apache mod-rewrite issue

I've modified my .htaccess file to have the following statement RewriteCond $1 !^index.php$ RewriteRule ^/?([^/]+)$ index.php?c=home&m=details&seo=$1 [L,NS] This allows me to use product URL's like this: http://domain.com/product_name However, when trying to access a file at the same level as index.php, it always calls the RewriteRul...

how to update a web server's content to the new svn changes?

i use netbeans to check out projects from svn repo, then i edit the files and commit the changes. but how should i do to update the live web server content (in /var/www)? should i in my ubuntu server use "svn checkout" and check it out to /var/www or should i use netbeans to check out to a local folder and then upload the files to /var/...